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From Gen. Lee's army — idle Rumors.

We have received nothing reliable, in addition to what has already been published, with reference to the movements of our forces in Pennsylvania. Parties who arrived from Staunton yesterday evening, and from the lower Valley, know very little of what is transpire north of the Potomac. They only judge of the importance of the movements by the immense and valuable captures which are daily being sent South.

During the day yesterday an idle rumor obtained currency that the President or Secretary of War had received a telegram from Petersburg, stating that Northern papers had been received in that city, by flag of truce, in which it was announced that the Confederate forces had occupied Harrisburg and York, Pa., and that the State buildings in the former city had been destroyed. Upon application to the authorities named, we were informed that such information had not been communicated to the Government. The President had received no dispatch upon the subject, and the only information he had was that said to have been received by flag of truce boat at City Point.

The Northern news, published in the telegraphic column, shows that the rumor was nothing more than a sensational one.

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