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We have received copies of New York papers of Wednesday, the 16th instant.

Sherman's New move — he is going to the Atlantic coast — speculations upon his Plans.

The Northern papers are filled with speculations, and here and there a fact, about Sherman's new move. It would appear that the movement has been familiar to them for some days. The Chicago Journal says:

‘ The movement was decided on several weeks ago, and kept admirably well concealed from the public and from gossip. General Sherman knows what he is about, and has taken his own method of making it known to the rebels themselves. He furnished a quaint and significant hint to the Sanitary Commission at St. Louis, as elsewhere given. Our suffering boys in blue will be glad to see him at Andersonville, which he can reach by sending a column a little northward of his main line of march across South Carolina. It will be safe to await the forthcoming rebel howl before seeking to decide positively at what point Sherman aims, but, beyond all question, he is on his way to the Atlantic coast, and will exchange signals with Admiral Porter off the coast in due time. The distance from Atlanta to Charleston, as a bird flies, is nearly two hundred and fifty miles, and to Savannah a little over two hundred miles. Intermediate stations may possibly be "made" at Augusta and Milledgeville, both important points to the rebels.

’ The Louisville Journal claims that the situation is very encouraging to those who understand the "stupendous strategic movements of the Grand Army of the Mississippi" in the detail. It goes on in the following grandiloquent style about Sherman:

‘ He is now constructing one of the grandest enterprises that was ever originated by the fertile brain of military genius, and we are convinced that the leading objects of the undertaking will be accomplished, and that the effort will prove a perfect success. We are not at liberty to mention in what theatre this expedition is likely to operate, nor to mention its numerical strength or its ulterior designs. It is enough to state that great good will doubtless be accomplished by the Army of the Mississippi in a few weeks. A more important military movement has not been undertaken since the commencement of the rebellion, and the Confederacy will soon receive a shock which will shake it from the centre to the circumference. The most startling intelligence may speedily be expected as the natural result of the execution of the programme laid down for the guidance of all the subordinates who feel a lively interest in the success of the enterprise.--Much has been written in error and ignorance concerning General Sherman's situation and movements. We can assure the country that there is no such thing as a retreat, a disaster, or a miscalculation in the evident intention of the retrograde movement of a part of our forces, and there are no grounds of apprehension as to the final result. As a matter of interest, we compile the following table of distances from Atlanta to the several points which have been mentioned as likely to be visited by Sherman:

Atlanta to Macon, 103 miles; Macon to Savannah, 190 miles; Atlanta to Augusta, 171 miles; Augusta to Savannah, 132 miles; Augusta to Charleston, South Carolina, 137 miles; Atlanta to Lynchburg, Virginia, 380 miles.

A letter from an officer at Atlanta says:

‘ We are under orders to prepare for a sixty days campaign; so you see that does not look much like spending the winter in Atlanta, as many have hoped to do. It is not supposed that any below a major-general knows what is to be the programme, nor do they; but it is generally conjectured that a large force is soon to start for Savannah via Augusta and Milledgeville. General Thomas will have force enough, with what will be left him by Sherman, to "do the agreeable" to Hood, and but little may be expected to meet our "On to Savannah" or wherever-it-may-be movement. You may expect that "something may turn up" before this army settles down for the winter. The people in this region are generally rebellious, but fortunately there are not many of the fighting men left. Since Hood cut Sherman's communications, and stopped the incoming of supplies from our base, we have done some pretty heavy foraging. Four foraging parties have already brought in not less than twenty-four thousand bushels of corn, with hogs, chickens, sweet potatoes, &c., in abundance. If Hood can afford to meddle with Sherman's rear he can afford to subsist this army, and I fear the citizens where our parties have been are not now luxuriating in their plenty of which the "Confederacy" is so boastful. Atlanta has been, and is being, fortified, to make it almost a Gibraltar; but as it can no longer be a strategic point for the rebels, I think it not certain that it will not be abandoned when we start on the contemplated campaign. This, of course, is only conjecture. If it is abandoned it will only be because it is not necessary to hold it.

’ The Toledo (Ohio) Blade says:

‘ We get no direct official authority for the statement that General Sherman has cut loose from the north, abandoned Atlanta, and moved south; neither do we get any official denial of it. Unofficial evidence to that effect is rapidly accumulating from many sources, which leave very little room to doubt its truth. A private letter, received this morning from one in a position to know, assures us that this report is true. We are satisfied that the incredulous will have but a short time to wait for conviction.--They may look for proof first from Richmond, say as soon as the middle of next week. It is believed that the movement was decided on several weeks ago, and kept admirably well concealed from the public and from gossip. General Sherman knows what he is about, and has taken his own method of making it known to the rebels themselves. His highly significant letter to the President of the Western Sanitary Commission is now quoted. It seems that, some time ago, that Commission sent large supplies to Atlanta for our prisoners at Andersonville, Georgia, by request of Sherman, arrangements having been made with Hood to deliver them. Military movements prevented their delivery, and now General Sherman writes to the President of the Commission that he "will hold the articles for the purpose designed, but that it may be necessary for him to go to Andersonville to deliver the supplies in person."

’ The Philadelphia Inquirer has five different theories for Sherman's movements. One is, that he is bound for Charleston; another, that he is going to Mobile; a third, that he is aiming at Savannah; a fourth feels convinced that his first design is to liberate the Andersonville prisoners; a fifth, that he intended more than a month ago to strike for Columbus, Georgia, when he would have a new water base on the Chattahoochee; and a sixth is certain that he is on his way to Lynchburg to take Lee's position in the rear at that point. It says:

‘ By no means least probable is the surmise that General Sherman designs marching eastwardly through Georgia and South Carolina. This strikes us as being best supported by all the known circumstances of the situation. It is said that when Sherman heard that Hood had crossed the Tennessee, he telegraphed this farewell address:

’ "Hood has crossed the Tennessee. Thomas will take care of him and Nashville, while Schofield will not let him into Chattanooga or Knoxville. Georgia and South Carolina are at my mercy and I shall strike. Do not be anxious about me. I am all right."

It will be observed that Georgia and South Carolina are the fields which he regarded as at his mercy, and at which he intended to strike. This route through those States is fertile, and has never been ravaged by the presence of strong armies. A portion of it lies through districts thickly populated with slaves, the blacks far exceeding the whites in numbers, even when the latter were all at home.--They must be five to one at this time. Sherman would, therefore, be marching through a country in which he could not only support his army, but he also surrounded by friends.

A telegram from Louisville, Kentucky, dated the 14th instant, says:

‘ The rebel attack on Atlanta, made on Monday, the 7th instant, was directed principally upon the Twenty-eighth and One Hundred and Forty-seventh Pennsylvania regiments. The "boys" stood up manfully to their work. They received the enemy with lively sallies, such as "Here come the McClellan men after our returns!" They kept up, too, a brisk fire until the rebels retreated.

’ The attack was a bold one, and was evidently made on account of the newspaper rumors of the evacuation of Atlanta. Sherman still holds that stronghold securely. Very few citizens are remaining there, and Chattanooga is filled with thousands of refugees.

A speech from Beast Butler — he Wants more stolen property.

Beast Butler has returned to the command of the Army of the James. Before leaving New York he made a speech. It will be seen that the old spoon thief still has his eye on the plate. He is still after the fair lands of the South. He said:

‘ We are in a condition now, not taking counsel from our fears, not taking counsel from our weakness, but taking counsel from our magnanimity and our strength, again to make an offer for the last time; to call upon them — and then shall we not, in the eyes of the country, have exhausted all the resources of statesmanship in the effort to restore peace to the country! [Laughter.] Who shall hinder? Not for the rebel to come back after he has fought as long as he can, and then chooses to come; but to get some time, perhaps the 8th of January--for the association will be as good as any — for all to come back. And when that time has come to every man, who shall scout the proffered amnesty of a great and powerful nation, speaking in love, in charity, in kindness, in hope of peace and quiet forever? We say to them, to him who scouts that proffered love and kindness, let us meet him with sharp, quick, decisive war, that shall bring the war to an end, to the extinguishment of such men wherever they may be. [Applause.] But how is that to be done? Blood and treasure have been poured out, spent without measure, until taking advantage of supposed depletion of treasures first, bad men have banded together by speculating in that which ought to be the circulating medium, and raised upon the poor man the price of the coals upon his hearth and the bread upon his table. Let some measure be taken to stop that, or perhaps a better measure than any other is to let it be understood that hereafter we pay no more bounties from the taxes of the North; but taking counsel from the Roman method of carrying on war, we say to the young men, look to the fair fields of the sunny South, and unless they take our amnesty, let us go down there and you shall have whatever you get by a fair division; we will open new land offices wherever our armies march, distributing lands among the soldiers, to be theirs and their heirs forever. A harsh measure, everybody will say; but is it not quite as just as it is that we should tax ourselves and raise the prices of the necessaries of life for the purpose of giving bounties and support to the soldier in fighting these men whom we have three times over solemnly called to come and be our friends; in 1862, to come in June; in 1863, to come in September; and in 1864, to come by the 8th of January, 1865. And when the clock strikes the last knell of that parting day, and then all hope of return for those who have not made progress toward that return shall be lost forever, no longer can they live in the land of America. Mexico, the West India Islands, or some place that I care not to name, because I know no land hard enough to be cursed with their presence, shall be their dwelling place. They shall never come here again.

’ A letter from New York, commenting on the speech, says:

‘ I speak only of the effect on the public mind, or that portion of it which favors, or seems to favor, some formal tender, on the part of our Government, of such terms of reconciliation as the rebels can honorably accept — that is, submission to the laws — giving them till the 8th of January next to think of it, and if by that time the olive branch is rejected, then that the war should go on with renewed energy until every rebel is exterminated and his "lands, tenements and hereditaments" given to our Northern soldiers.

’ These ideas appear to take well with the people Democrats, even, are inclined to say, amen.

The great question now is, does General Butler speak the sentiments of the Government? It is believed that he does; but there is an anxious expectation of some early confirmatory demonstration of the fact.

Confederates crossing the Mississippi river.

Dispatches from the Southwest state that attempts were again being made by the Confederates, on the 7th instant, at Lines's landing, Arkansas, to get a portion of their Trans-Mississippi forces across the Mississippi river from Texas into the State of Mississippi, for the assistance of Beauregard and Hood. The movement, which was a formidable one, was thought to be under the direction of General Magruder, and to have for co-operation and assistance a force on the opposite side of the river. A brigade of Union infantry was on the spot to prevent the crossing, and a brigade of cavalry was momentarily expected. These, it was supposed, would be sufficient for the purpose. The Confederates recently succeeded in getting three thousand cattle from the west to the east side of the Mississippi, and had crossed Black river with them, on the way to Hood's army, when Colonel Farrar, commanding at Vidalia, Louisiana, started in pursuit, captured one-third of the beeves, dispersed the remainder, took prisoner the Confederate General Carver and seized several wagons, mules and horses.

From Hood's Army.

A telegram from Cincinnati, dated the 16th, says:

‘ The Gazette's Nashville dispatch says that the rebel army, numbering thirty thousand men, is still encamped in the vicinity of Florence, Alabama. One corps is on this side of the river. The condition of the roads prevents active military operations, and the rebel army remains comparatively quiet.

Around Richmond.

A letter from the Army of the Potomac says that on Saturday night the rebel pickets in front of the Second corps made a noisy demonstration, and the sounds indicated that something of importance might result; but the next morning all was quiet, and the line remained the same as previously. It is stated that probably they only managed in those diversions on account of the coldness of the night. A ride along the centre line does not enable a correspondent to obtain even an item, affairs being uncommonly dull.

We find the following significant paragraph about General Hancock. That "reconnaissance in force" has done it for him:

At his own request, General Hancock has been relieved from the command of the Second corps, and will remain in Philadelphia for several months, under medical treatment for wounds which he received some time since.


The citizens of Alexandria and the vicinity of the Orange and Alexandria railroad recently arrested and placed on the trains as a protection against attacks from Confederate cavalry, have been released, and details from the Confederate prisoners confined in Alexandria will be sent out in future for the same purpose.

Some Confederates having crossed the Potomac, the citizens of Chambersburg held a meeting and organized three companies for defence, one of which will be armed by its members with first- class repeating rifles. Companies were also organized in Greencastle, Waynesboro' and Mercersburg.

General Order No. 282 announces the resignation of Major-General George B. McClellan, and the appointment of Sheridan as major-general in the regular army.

A dinner was given to Captain Winslow and the officers of the Kearsarge at Boston on the 15th. --Edward Everett was bugler for the occasion.

The monitor Dictator has proven a success in a trial trip at New York.

There was snow in New York on Wednesday.

Gold was quoted in New York on Wednesday at 230½.

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