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Mayor's Court, yesterday.

--Washington, slave of Lyttleton Bowles, was charged with breaking into Robert W. Oliver's house, on Clay street, near Brook avenue, on Wednesday night, and stealing therefrom one barrel of flour, six hundred pounds of beef and a dressed turkey. The next day after the robbery, officer Jenkins, armed with a warrant, searched Wash's wife's house, and there found the greater portion of what had been stolen from Mr. Oliver, which she said had been left there by her husband. At the same time, the case of Catherine, slave of Ann Anderson, and wife of Washington, was arraigned on the charge of receiving the articles stolen from Mr. Oliver, knowing that they were stolen. The Mayor sent the parties on for examination before the Hustings Court.

William Meekings, free boy, charged with stealing twenty-one dollars and fifty cents in specie from his father, Emanuel Meekings, and Martha Page, also free, charged with being the instigator of the robbery and receiving the money, knowing it to have been stolen, were remanded for examination before the Hustings Court. William stated before. His Honor that Martha Page, his aunt, directed him to get the money, which she knew to be in his father's wardrobe, and bring it to her, promising at the same time that she would use it in paying her expenses to the country, and that she intended taking him along with her. He found a key which unlocked the wardrobe, stole the money, and carried all to her, except five dollars, which he spent for himself.

Patrick S. Britton, belonging to the Confederate States Navy, was charged with stealing a gold watch from Charles E. Powell. While under the influence of liquor, the accused (Powell) and another man, named James A. Cain, visited a restaurant near the Second Market on Thursday afternoon to get something to eat. Sitting around the stove, waiting for then dinner, Powell went to sleep, when Britton remarked to Cain that he would show him how easy it would be to steal a watch; and, suiting the action to the word, reached over and took Powell's watch from his pocket. Soon after taking it out, he pretended to put the watch back, but did not do so. --He then started for the street, and was followed by Cain. After running around the square, pursued by Cain, he ran back into the restaurant and put the watch back into Powell's pocket, remarking as he did so that he was "only fooling" and had no intention of stealing it. Powell stated that he was acquainted with the accused; had been drinking with him pretty freely, and had no suspicions of his intention to rob him. The Mayor declined sending the accused on for further examination, but directed that he should be taken to the Provost-Marshal, to be forwarded to the ship to which he was attached.

The same disposition was made of the case against James A. Cain, charged with fighting in the eating house of Mrs. Dollard.

Samuel, slave of John Gamble, and Dick Walker, slave of Michael Hart were charged with breaking into Thomas Kennedy's house, on the canal bank, and stealing therefrom three hundred dollars' worth of wearing apparel and crockery ware. After an examination of a couple of witnesses, whose testimony failed to prove any material fact, the case was continued till Monday next.

John Forrester, a free negro, charged with forging W. R. Winn's signature to a pass, for the purpose of obtaining a passport to leave the city, was arraigned for a hearing. Witnesses were partly heard, after which the case was continued.

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