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Doc. 24. operations around Richmond.

Report of Major-General Longstreet.

headquarters, near Richmond, July 29, 1862.
Colonel R. H. Chilton, A. A. General:
Colonel: In obedience to confidential General Orders, No. 75, and previously arranged plans, the division of Major-General D. H. Hill and my own were put in march, the former at two, the latter at three o'clock A. M., on the twenty-sixth, for the Mechanicsville turnpike, to await the progress of the command of Major-Generals Jackson and A. P. Hill. The two divisions, were in position in front of Mechanicsville bridge, at eight o'clock A. M., but some unavoidable delay in the movement of the troops on the other side of the Chickahominy, kept us in waiting until about three o'clock P. M., when the advance of Major-General A. P. Hill's command was discovered. The divisions were put in readiness to cross at any moment, and at six o'clock the enemy had been turned and driven back far enough to enable the head of our column to pass the bridges. Brigadier-General Hampton volunteered to give directions and positions to our heavy batteries, opposite Mechanicsville, now become useless, and to follow the movements of our troops down the river. The batteries followed our movements, and played upon the enemy's lines with good effect.

Ripley's brigade of D. H. Hill's division was thrown forward, and soon became engaged in a sharp fight with the enemy at Beaver Dam Creek, a stream from twelve to twenty feet wide, with perpendicular banks, from six to eight feet high. The enemy being very strongly posted behind this creek, with the bridges destroyed, these gallant troops could accomplish but little before night. A very handsome effort was made by them, however, to take the enemy's batteries. Major-General D. H. Hill's report will give particulars of the conduct of his troops at this point.

Some time after dark, the rear brigade of my own division succeeded in crossing the Chickahominy, and Pryor's and Featherston's brigades were ordered to Beaver Dam Creek, to relieve the portion of Major-General D. H. Hill's division in position there, the balance of the division remaining near the bridge in bivouac.

At early dawn, on the twenty-seventh, the battle was renewed with artillery and infantry. The brigade of General Wilcox and a battery were sent to the support of the brigades on Beaver Dam Creek, and were engaged principally with artillery, until seven o'clock, when the enemy abandoned his trenches and retired. The columns were delayed about an hour repairing the bridges, when the general advance was resumed. Three of my brigades, Wilcox's, Pryor's, and Featherston's, under Brigadier-General Wilcox, were put in advance, to move, when the ground would permit, in line of battle, supported by Pickett's brigade, the other two, Anderson's and Kemper's, some distance behind. It was soon discovered that the enemy had fallen back rapidly from his right, burning and otherwise destroying most of the property that he could not remove. The pursuit was steadily continued until one o'clock, when the enemy was discovered strongly posted behind Powhite Creek. The three brigades, under Wilcox, were advanced to the edge of the creek, to feel the enemy, and ascertain, as far as practicable, his strength. It was soon found that he was in full force. A message to this effect was received from Brigadier-General D. R. Jones, a few moments previous. The troops were halted in position to await the arrival of the other divisions.

Major-General A. P. Hill soon repaired the bridges at the mill, crossed the Powhite Creek, and took position for the attack. The columns under General Jackson, having a longer march, were not in position for some time after. Finally, these columns were reported in position, and the commanding general directed my brigades to be put in position on the right, to cooperate.

In front of me, the enemy occupied the wooded slope of Turkey hill, the crest of which is fifty or sixty feet higher than the plain over which my troops must pass to make an attack. The plain is about a quarter of a mile wide; the further side of it was occupied by sharp-shooters. Above these, and on the slope of the hill, was a line of infantry behind trees, felled so as to form a good breast-work. The crest of the hill, some forty feet above the last line, was strengthened by rifle-trenches, and occupied by infantry and artillery. In addition to this, the plain was enfiladed by batteries on the other side of the Chickahominy. I was, in fact, in the position from which the enemy wished us to attack him.

The attack was begun by Major-General A. P. Hill's division. My troops were drawn up in lines, massed behind the crest of a hill, and behind a small wood, three brigades in each position, and held in readiness, as the reserve. We had not been in position long, however, before I received an urgent message from the commanding general to make a diversion in favor of the attacking columns. The three brigades, under Wilcox, were at once ordered forward against the enemy's left flank with this view. Pickett's brigade making a diversion on the left of the brigades, developed the strong position and force of the ememy in my front; and I found that I must drive him by direct assault, or abandon the idea of making the diversion. From the urgent nature of the message from the commanding general, and my own peculiar position, I determined to change the feint into an attack, and orders for a general advance were issued. General R. H. Anderson's brigade was divided — part supporting Pickett's in the direct assault, and the other portions guarding the right flank of the brigades under Wilcox.

At this moment, General Whiting arrived with his division, put it into position at once and joined in the assault. The opportune arrival of this division occupied the entire field and enabled me to hold in reserve my rear brigade, (Kemper's.) Our gallant officers and men were moved forward in the face of three lines of infantry fire, [323] supported by batteries from both sides of the Chickahominy. The troops moving steadily on under this terrible fire, drove the enemy from his positions, one after another, took his batteries, and finally drove him into the swamps of the Chickahominy.

No battle-field can boast of more gallantry and devotion. The severest trials were encountered by Wilcox's, Featherston's, and Pryor's brigades. These were skirmishing all day, and under a most annoying fire of artillery a great part of the time. They were the first, too, to make the assault, and receive the terrible fire of infantry from the enemy's lines. The enemy's left was forced, and his position was thus partially turned, several of his batteries and many prisoners and regimental standards falling into our hands. As our troops reached the crest, but a moment before occupied by the enemy, reenforcements advanced and were engaged with our troops for a few moments. Soon discovering, however, that they must give way, they fell back in some confusion, leaving their dead to mark their line of battle. This was the last opposition encountered by our troops, further than a show of resistance as the enemy was pursued. The firing along other portions of the line was continued until dark.

General Whiting having finished his work in our front with his own division, asked for a brigade of General Jackson's command, which happened to be near me, and put it in position on our left, where he did other handsome work. After driving the enemy from his last position, many of our men continued the pursuit beyond, in a rather straggling condition. The enemy's cavalry, covering his retreat, seeing this, attempted a charge, but our troops coolly awaited their approach, and drove them back after delivering a few rounds in their ranks.

A little after dark the firing ceased, and the enemy left upon the field, surrendered, or straggled through the woods.

Up to the moment of gaining the enemy's position our loss was greater than his, but the telling fire of our infantry upon his lines, as he retired, and returned again to attack, thinned his ranks so rapidly that his dead soon outnumbered ours. There was more individual gallanttry displayed upon this field than any I have ever seen. Conspicuous amongst those gallant officers and men, were Brigadier-Generals R. H. Anderson, Whiting, Wilcox, and Pickett--the latter severely wounded; Colonels Jenkins, Withers, severely wounded; Lieutenant-Colonel Hale, severely wounded; Lieutenant-Colonel Slaughter, severely wounded; and Major Mullins, severely wounded. The gallant Colonel Woodward, of the Tenth Alabama volunteers, fell at the head of his regiment in the assault on the enemy's position.

My personal staff, Majors Sorrel, Manning, Fairfax, and Walton, Captain Goree and Lieutenant Blackwell, displayed great gallantry, intelligence and activity. They have my warmest thanks, and deserve much credit of the government.

Major Haskell, of General D. R. Jones's staff, volunteered his services to me for the day. Upon his first field, his conduct would have done credit to any distinguished veteran. After gallantly bearing the colors of one of the regiments to the enemy's breast-works, and planting the standard upon them, he lost his right arm by a cannon-shot.

The gallant

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Samuel Kinsey (3)
James L. Kemper (3)
J. M. Kelly (3)
David Keeler (3)
P. C. Jones (3)
S. E. James (3)
D. E. Humphries (3)
Edward W. Hull (3)
O. O. Howard (3)
Holt (3)
T. H. Holmes (3)
C. B. Holmes (3)
J. H. Hill (3)
Philip Haxall (3)
W. T. Haskell (3)
C. M. Harper (3)
C. C. Hardwick (3)
James Hammond (3)
Henry Hammond (3)
E. S. Griffin (3)
G. J. Green (3)
Goodwyn (3)
Cornelius Gilbert (3)
Benjamin C. Garlington (3)
Fletcher (3)
John C. Fizer (3)
C. W. Field (3)
Franklin J. Faison (3)
Eustis (3)
J. B. Estes (3)
W. M. Dwight (3)
R. T. W. Duke (3)
Jefferson C. Davis (3)
James L. Crittenden (3)
Coyner (3)
J. A. Cowan (3)
Cordew (3)
C. C. Cole (3)
Clemons (3)
Chestnut (3)
Chaffin (3)
George H. Carmichael (3)
Carey (3)
James Canty (3)
Caldwell (3)
J. B. Burgess (3)
J. Thompson Brown (3)
William C. F. Brooks (3)
Bronaugh (3)
William Boyd (3)
William Bohannon (3)
Bland (3)
J. A. Blackshear (3)
William W. Blackford (3)
W. W. Blackford (3)
Thomas J. Bevy (3)
Beck (3)
W. H. Baylor (3)
Allen Barksdale (3)
James Barbour (3)
Dabney Ball (3)
August (3)
George B. Anderson (3)
J. W. Allen (3)
Charles F. Adams (3)
Wynn (2)
Withers (2)
Walter E. Winn (2)
C. S. Winder (2)
Wills (2)
Willis (2)
W. A. Williams (2)
P. Williams (2)
J. W. Williams (2)
Thomas Wilcox (2)
Wigfall (2)
R. H. L. Whitehead (2)
G. W. White (2)
W. A. Webb (2)
J. W. Watts (2)
W. J. Warren (2)
E. T. H. Warren (2)
Waring (2)
Ware (2)
James Walters (2)
John G. Walker (2)
J. A. Walker (2)
Wade (2)
John M. Vermillion (2)
Dennis Vermillion (2)
T. M. Tyree (2)
Robert O. Tyler (2)
Turnipseed (2)
T. T. Turner (2)
J. McLeod Turner (2)
G. P. Turner (2)
John R. Tucker (2)
Trentler (2)
D. C. Townes (2)
J. B. Towers (2)
Toon (2)
Tomlinson (2)
Tilghman (2)
R. P. Thomas (2)
Terry (2)
R. T. Taylor (2)
George R. Taylor (2)
Tayloe (2)
L. P. H. Tapley (2)
Tansill (2)
William B. Taliaferro (2)
Samuel L. Taggart (2)
Swope (2)
Street (2)
Stoneman (2)
Stark (2)
Dominick Spellman (2)
Sorrel (2)
William A. Smith (2)
T. J. Smith (2)
E. E. Smith (2)
B. H. Smith (2)
S. G. Simmons (2)
Shotwell (2)
Daniel M. Shepherd (2)
Gilbert Shaw (2)
J. G. Seymour (2)
Semple (2)
J. S. Seader (2)
Scales (2)
R. D. Saunders (2)
E. D. Ryan (2)
S. L. Ruff (2)
Samuel Ross (2)
H. M. Ross (2)
James G. Rodgers (2)
V. H. Rodes (2)
W. T. Robins (2)
J. B. Robertson (2)
J. H. Roberts (2)
Roane (2)
Rielly (2)
W. J. Richardson (2)
Sylvester Richardson (2)
James R. Richardson (2)
S. Rice (2)
John F. Reynolds (2)
J. A. Reynolds (2)
F. Reynolds (2)
Reilly (2)
J. A. Reid (2)
Redd (2)
F. G. Ravenel (2)
George W. Randolph (2)
Randall (2)
Purcell (2)
R. A. Pryor (2)
C. Pierson (2)
A. J. Pierce (2)
Petoray (2)
P. M. Perrin (2)
James Perfater (2)
C. C. Pegues (2)
James H. Pearce (2)
E. F. Paxton (2)
H. L. Parrish (2)
J. T. Parks (2)
P. R. Page (2)
J. R. Page (2)
Pack (2)
O'Neal (2)
J. O'Brien (2)
Noell (2)
Neville (2)
John A. Myers (2)
Thomas T. Munford (2)
William Morriss (2)
Tom Morris (2)
W. L. Morehead (2)
C. S. Mills (2)
W. T. Millian (2)
Michie (2)
Metterst (2)
Volney Metcalf (2)
Merwin (2)
Mears (2)
T. Mclaws (2)
McKendree (2)
McDowell (2)
B. McDonald (2)
R. McCullock (2)
McCowan (2)
G. E. Mays (2)
R. H. Mayo (2)
Maurin (2)
J. L. Matthews (2)
J. M. Mason (2)
John Marshall (2)
J. F. Marshall (2)
W. H. Manning (2)
Van H. Manning (2)
Bankhead Magruder (2)
R. C. Maffett (2)
Maddux (2)
Maddox (2)
Lumsden (2)
Luckie (2)
J. H. Lowe (2)
J. W. Livingston (2)
John O. Lewis (2)
Eli J. Lewis (2)
Leadbetter (2)
Laws (2)
Henry Law (2)
Larew (2)
John Knight (2)
J. L. Kemper (2)
E. F. Keen (2)
Kearny (2)
W. R. Jones (2)
R. K. Jones (2)
R. H. Jones (2)
R. Jones (2)
J. R. Jones (2)
J. M. Jones (2)
Frank B. Jones (2)
Samuel R. Johnston (2)
W. T. Johnson (2)
B. T. Johnson (2)
W. F. James (2)
Irving (2)
Ingraham (2)
A. W. Hundley (2)
H. C. Hudson (2)
E. W. Hoyle (2)
Hopkins (2)
T. W. Hooper (2)
William R. Holmes (2)
Holliday (2)
William Holland (2)
T. H. Holcomb (2)
W. J. Hoke (2)
Hogan (2)
Wilson Hobbs (2)
J. T. Hill (2)
W. W. Higgins (2)
R. J. Higgins (2)
R. B. Hicks (2)
N. W. Herndon (2)
Stephen Z. Heansberger (2)
Healy (2)
R. A. Hawthorn (2)
Hawkins (2)
Langdon C. Haskell (2)
W. A. Harris (2)
Harley (2)
T. J. Hardee (2)
W. W. Hance (2)
Harry Hammond (2)
Samuel Hardin Hairston (2)
Hadden (2)
P. V. Guery (2)
G. R. Griggs (2)
Thomas M. Griffin (2)
J. M. Gregory (2)
C. C. Gregory (2)
Grattan (2)
J. Grammer (2)
Thomas Goree (2)
John Goodwin (2)
Goodrich (2)
Goodner (2)
T. F. Goode (2)
J. F. Gilmer (2)
John W. Geary (2)
M. M. Gary (2)
Garvin (2)
John J. Garnett (2)
Garner (2)
Samuel Garland (2)
Galliday (2)
Fussell (2)
Fulsom (2)
Friends (2)
Friend (2)
Flippo (2)
Norman Fitzhugh (2)
Fields (2)
Featherstone (2)
W. D. Farley (2)
Everett (2)
Ester (2)
F. A. Erwin (2)
Nathan Enroughty (2)
Edmunds (2)
Easly (2)
Robert D. Early (2)
J. H. Early (2)
John Dunlop (2)
M. Douglass (2)
Dimint (2)
J. A. Delagnel (2)
Larkin Davis (2)
Junius Daniels (2)
Curl (2)
Cullen (2)
Crumpler (2)
Joseph Crockett (2)
J. Crawford (2)
G. W. Cox (2)
William T. Cowan (2)
Robert H. Cowan (2)
Coppens (2)
Connor (2)
E. L. Conally (2)
Colston (2)
James Collins (2)
Haws Coleman (2)
Coke (2)
L. D. Cockrell (2)
Clopton (2)
Christie (2)
Eli Christian (2)
Childs (2)
Charles Chapman (2)
Chamberlaine (2)
Chamberlain (2)
Joseph Carpenter (2)
T. W. Carmile (2)
Cantey (2)
H. C. Cannon (2)
J. C. Camp (2)
J. R. Cabell (2)
Byrne (2)
Bynum (2)
R. S. Burch (2)
Bullock (2)
John Bullington (2)
Goode Bryan (2)
Brunson (2)
Brownfield (2)
W. Brown (2)
James W. Brown (2)
J. Campbell Brown (2)
E. Brockenbrough (2)
N. E. Broadnax (2)
Bozeman (2)
T. S. Bower (2)
John Booker (2)
Walter Bond (2)
Bloomfield (2)
Frank Blair (2)
William H. Battey (2)
J. L. Bartlett (2)
W. R. Barksdale (2)
William R. Barker (2)
B. G. Baldwin (2)
Captain Aylett (2)
Atlee (2)
Ashton (2)
J. A. Arnold (2)
Armstead (2)
J. D. Anthony (2)
Allston (2)
L. W. Allen (2)
T. A. Adderhold (2)
ZZZ (1)
E. T. Youngblood (1)
W. H. Young (1)
R. S. Young (1)
George T. Young (1)
C. H. Young (1)
James Yates (1)
Yager (1)
Wray (1)
W. E. Wornell (1)
R. Workman (1)
E. N. Word (1)
James P. Woodall (1)
W. W. Wood (1)
W. T. Wofford (1)
George D. Wise (1)
J. W. Winn (1)
T. R. Wilson (1)
W. Willingham (1)
W. W. Williamson (1)
Simson Williamson (1)
J. N. Williams (1)
J. C. Williams (1)
E. Williams (1)
C. M. Williams (1)
R. C. Wilburn (1)
Wickham (1)
T. Whitner (1)
J. W. Whitehead (1)
Charles L. Whitehead (1)
T. W. White (1)
D. B. Wheeler (1)
Wheat (1)
Wharton (1)
Weyer (1)
Westmoreland (1)
Leorick Wells (1)
B. W. Wells (1)
D. A. Weisiger (1)
Weed (1)
Isaac Webb (1)
W. S. Weaver (1)
N. G. Weaver (1)
C. J. Weaver (1)
Wayland (1)
Watt (1)
George Watson (1)
A. C. Watson (1)
J. H. M. Wath (1)
George Washington (1)
C. Warwick (1)
Warthem (1)
James Warren (1)
W. T. Ward (1)
Bray Walters (1)
Henry Waltem (1)
W. G. Wallace (1)
W. T. Walker (1)
James A. Walker (1)
James Walker (1)
D. Walker (1)
Waldron (1)
Waldham (1)
Waggerman (1)
John P. Waddy (1)
Virginians (1)
C. S. Virgin (1)
Vindell (1)
C. P. Verner (1)
G. W. Vaughan (1)
A. E. Vaughan (1)
Vandigraff (1)
Upson (1)
Upshur (1)
William Umbarger (1)
John B. Turner (1)
George T. Tucker (1)
I. R. Trimble (1)
Trezevant (1)
Trew (1)
Tragan (1)
J. R. Trader (1)
G. Trader (1)
W. P. Townsand (1)
W. E. Towles (1)
Torbough (1)
W. T. Todd (1)
R. P. Todd (1)
R. Todd (1)
J. L. Tinsley (1)
A. R. Tinsley (1)
Tidball (1)
Thomas Thurston (1)
G. W. Thrift (1)
Threatt (1)
L. P. Thomas (1)
George S. Thomas (1)
S. R. Thackston (1)
E. R. Thackston (1)
Thacker (1)
C. C. Tew (1)
J. P. Templeton (1)
W. B. Taylor (1)
Robert C. Taylor (1)
James G. Tate (1)
L. H. P. Tapley (1)
Talley (1)
Taggert (1)
Symonton (1)
Swindler (1)
Leroy Sweeny (1)
S. B. Sweeney (1)
John C. Summer (1)
F. M. Summer (1)
Summary (1)
D. L. Sublett (1)
C. H. Suber (1)
Stuckie (1)
J. M. Stuck (1)
J. Hardeman Stuart (1)
A. C. Stripling (1)
Frank Stringfellow (1)
H. L. Strickland (1)
Stribbling (1)
Strait (1)
James Story (1)
Stonewall (1)
J. L. Stoddard (1)
D. F. Stoddard (1)
L. D. Stockton (1)
Stilf (1)
Stiles (1)
Stiener (1)
J. C. Stewart (1)
P. J. Stevens (1)
G. M. Stevens (1)
G. P. Sterling (1)
Stephenson (1)
J. B. Stephens (1)
A. N. Steele (1)
W. E. Starke (1)
H. M. Stanard (1)
Stallworth (1)
Stall (1)
W. F. Sprewel (1)
I. S. Sprewel (1)
Ezra Sprague (1)
John Spitzer (1)
Spinner (1)
L. M. Speers (1)
G. M. Sorrell (1)
George Snuffer (1)
H. Snodgrass (1)
R. L. Sneed (1)
W. L. Snead (1)
Smithe (1)
Levi B. Smith (1)
L. B. Smith (1)
J. M. Smith (1)
J. D. Smith (1)
J. Adams Smith (1)
G. C. Smith (1)
E. T. Smith (1)
Austin E. Smith (1)
A. G. Smith (1)
Abner Smead (1)
M. Sloan (1)
H. T. Sloan (1)
W. C. Sligh (1)
Samuel J. Sleper (1)
Slaughter (1)
Slade (1)
Samuel G. Sites (1)
Joseph Singleton (1)
James Singleton (1)
Sinclair (1)
Ossian F. Simpson (1)
J. H. Simpson (1)
A. M. Simpson (1)
Sikes (1)
J. E. Signern (1)
Siely (1)
Samuel Shutz (1)
Shuford (1)
Michael Shields (1)
F. D. Sherrard (1)
H. Shepperd (1)
Shelly (1)
William H. Shearer (1)
Sharp (1)
Shanklin (1)
R. A. Shands (1)
Anthony Shands (1)
Shackelford (1)
J. E. E. Seymour (1)
David Senn (1)
W. H. Sellers (1)
E. M. Seayr (1)
Scrivener (1)
John B. Scott (1)
J. V. Scott (1)
A. V. Scott (1)
Charles Schroter (1)
Schooler (1)
James M. Saunders (1)
A. O. Saunders (1)
R. S. Satterwhite (1)
Satcatt (1)
T. V. Sanford (1)
Sands (1)
James T. Sanders (1)
Sammons (1)
John B. Sage (1)
G. W. Saddler (1)
L. F. Russell (1)
Rush (1)
Roy (1)
S. C. Rowan (1)
J. S. Rountree (1)
Rosset (1)
Charles A. Ronald (1)
C. S. Roffe (1)
William C. Rockwell (1)
Nathaniel G. Robinson (1)
Logan Robins (1)
Daniel Robins (1)
J. E. Roach (1)
R. Rixey (1)
James Riley (1)
George Riggle (1)
R. D. Riggins (1)
Rieser (1)
M. T. Rides (1)
W. B. Riddle (1)
C. Rich (1)
Robert D. Rhyne (1)
Reilley (1)
H. B. Reid (1)
Reice (1)
John W. Reedy (1)
Reed (1)
Rector (1)
W. M. Reatton (1)
H. W. Reagan (1)
Samuel O. Read (1)
William Ray (1)
H. H. Ray (1)
Samuel G. Rapp (1)
William H. Randolph (1)
W. L. Randolph (1)
Ramsay (1)
Richard Quillon (1)
J. H. Prince (1)
G. Prince (1)
J. Ford Prieleau (1)
Henry D. Price (1)
Alexander Prewett (1)
Preston (1)
J. H. Pressor (1)
Joseph Prentiss (1)
J. L. Pratt (1)
Joseph Powell (1)
B. L. Powell (1)
Carnot Posey (1)
P. P. Porter (1)
D. D. Porter (1)
T. J. Pope (1)
A. A. Pool (1)
Pollock (1)
W. T. Poague (1)
Plunket (1)
Plummer (1)
W. Pitts (1)
James Pitts (1)
Thomas Pinckney (1)
Philpot (1)
James I. Phillips (1)
Thomas Phelan (1)
Peterkin (1)
Perdie (1)
W. N. Peoples (1)
A. D. Pendleton (1)
Thomas J. Pender (1)
Payne (1)
J. R. Paxton (1)
J. M. Patton (1)
J. W. Patrick (1)
Harrison Patrick (1)
Partridge (1)
Parr (1)
W. C. Parker (1)
G. L. Parker (1)
A. Parker (1)
Park (1)
Parham (1)
Pair (1)
B. C. N. Page (1)
George A. Pace (1)
J. C. Owings (1)
T. M. Owen (1)
E. Owen (1)
Ochiltree (1)
O'Neil (1)
J. R. O'Donald (1)
J. T. O'Brien (1)
John R. Nurn (1)
J. C. Nunnamaker (1)
Nowlin (1)
Norris (1)
M. Nolan (1)
H. R. Noel (1)
Stephen Nix (1)
James C. Nisbet (1)
Nicholson (1)
R. M. Nichols (1)
Nicholas (1)
Jesse Newton (1)
George Newton (1)
Newgas (1)
John Newby (1)
Newbury (1)
Alexander Nethery (1)
Nesbit (1)
W. R. Nelson (1)
W. Nelson (1)
Hugh M. Nelson (1)
Nathaniel (1)
William F. Nance (1)
D. S. Muse (1)
E. H. Murry (1)
J. H. Murray (1)
R. E. Murphy (1)
Murchison (1)
John M. Munro (1)
Daniel Munick (1)
E. D. Munday (1)
J. H. Muldrow (1)
Motley (1)
Moseley (1)
E. G. Morrow (1)
Morrell (1)
Moreland (1)
Moran (1)
W. L. Moorhead (1)
T. J. Moore (1)
P. T. Moore (1)
John H. Moore (1)
H. H. Moore (1)
David E. Moore (1)
Walter Monteiro (1)
Montague (1)
G. D. Monson (1)
David Moler (1)
William D. Mitchell (1)
James Mitchell (1)
Burwell Mitchell (1)
N. Miller (1)
Milford (1)
Micon (1)
Daniel P. Mervin (1)
Merchant (1)
Henry Melton (1)
Melon (1)
Meagher (1)
McRamey (1)
M. M. McQuown (1)
O. K. McLemore (1)
McLaurin (1)
McLaughlin (1)
W. Duncan McKim (1)
McKay (1)
J. S. McIntosh (1)
D. G. McIntosh (1)
J. D. McIntire (1)
E. McIngles (1)
McHugh (1)
Hunter McGuire (1)
McGregor (1)
John W. McGrath (1)
McGhee (1)
McFarland (1)
Samuel McFall (1)
R. Mcelroy (1)
G. McDunnon (1)
Noah McDaniel (1)
L. A. McCullough (1)
Samuel McCrarey (1)
Henry McCoy (1)
J. McCormick (1)
Aaron McClusky (1)
N. D. McClure (1)
Lieutenants McClintic (1)
McCarny (1)
McCarley (1)
McAuley (1)
Mc-Laws (1)
L. W. Mayre (1)
C. M. Maynard (1)
W. J. Mayes (1)
Maurie (1)
Master (1)
N. Mason (1)
William L. Martin (1)
William Martin (1)
R. W. Martin (1)
Joshua Martin (1)
William J. Marshall (1)
Marable (1)
C. A. Manor (1)
J. A. Mann (1)
Thomas J. Mallory (1)
A. D. C. Major (1)
Robert F. Mackasey (1)
John W. Mack (1)
Mace (1)
James N. Macalpine (1)
Macall (1)
D. P. Lyons (1)
Charles W. Lucas (1)
Benjamin Lucas (1)
Loyd (1)
Milton A. Lowe (1)
G. M. Lovel (1)
P. M. Loss (1)
Lorick (1)
J. Longstreet (1)
G. F. Long (1)
Richard Logan (1)
J. A. Logan (1)
Royall Lockett (1)
Livingstone (1)
A. J. Livingston (1)
J. P. Little (1)
V. A. Linthicum (1)
Frank Linn (1)
T. James Linebarger (1)
G. T. Lindsay (1)
John Lightner (1)
Benjamin H. Lewis (1)
H. B. Lewer (1)
James Leoppart (1)
Leo (1)
George Lemon (1)
J. A. Leech (1)
Thomas B. Lee (1)
D. Lee (1)
D. A. Ledbetter (1)
Lawthen (1)
Lawson (1)
B. Lawrence (1)
Latimer (1)
Lathrobe (1)
Latham (1)
J. T. Langston (1)
D. M. S. Langston (1)
E. Lane (1)
D. M. Lancaster (1)
Lambie (1)
R. J. Lambert (1)
L. M. Lamar (1)
E. Kyle (1)
J. H. Kropff (1)
Marion Knowles (1)
L. C. Kinnard (1)
Kingsberry (1)
W. King (1)
James King (1)
Judson Kilpatrick (1)
Kilech (1)
J. T. Kilby (1)
Charles A. Keyser (1)
J. C. G. Key (1)
W. J. Kerr (1)
R. M. Kerr (1)
John Kern (1)
John H. Kepps (1)
John G. Kello (1)
James R. Kello (1)
Lewis W. Kelley (1)
B. F. Keller (1)
J. W. Keith (1)
Keenan (1)
J. H. B. Keatts (1)
Kearns (1)
J. C. Joyner (1)
Lucaters W. Jones (1)
Lewis Jones (1)
J. W. Jones (1)
Cadwallader Jones (1)
J. A. Johnston (1)
C. Johnston (1)
Bradley Johnston (1)
T. Johnson (1)
J. C. Johnson (1)
Dardy Johnson (1)
Jett (1)
N. W. Jennings (1)
Jefress (1)
T. Jeff (1)
Augustus Jansen (1)
H. M. James (1)
William L. Jackson (1)
R. A. Jackson (1)
Izard (1)
G. T. Hyatt (1)
J. W. Hutcheson (1)
Hutcherson (1)
Hustin (1)
William J. Hunter (1)
J. T. Hunter (1)
Blanton Humphreys (1)
T. J. Hudson (1)
C. C. Hudson (1)
W. H. Howerton (1)
T. Howchins (1)
Henry Hoteln (1)
Vander Horst (1)
Pierce Horner (1)
Pierce Horne (1)
W. A. Hoostin (1)
T. Hooper (1)
Hooker (1)
J. B. F. Hollingsworth (1)
J. G. A. Holland (1)
Holiday (1)
Daniel Hodnett (1)
Hodgers (1)
J. R. Hockaday (1)
E. S. Hitt (1)
B. Hitt (1)
Joseph Hirsey (1)
Hinsdale (1)
Robert N. Hines (1)
Hillens (1)
M. W. Hill (1)
Junius L. Hill (1)
J. C. Hill (1)
F. T. Hill (1)
E. B. Hill (1)
B. Hight (1)
Higginbotham (1)
Hickerson (1)
Hewitt (1)
Heslip (1)
William Herwood (1)
Herwellman (1)
Francis T. Herndon (1)
Hepburn (1)
J. L. Henry (1)
J. F. Henry (1)
E. G. Henry (1)
James Henley (1)
George F. Henderson (1)
J. F. Hellams (1)
N. C. Heine (1)
Heidricks (1)
Heice (1)
Hechman (1)
Roscoe B. Heath (1)
Edward Graham Haywood (1)
Hayne (1)
W. J. Hawks (1)
F. T. Hawks (1)
P. M. Having (1)
J. P. Havener (1)
J. T. Hattawanger (1)
Charles Hatcher (1)
Haskill (1)
T. F. Harwood (1)
Fletcher Harwood (1)
F. F. Harwood (1)
Frederick Harvey (1)
W. W. Hartsfield (1)
Isham Hartjoy (1)
W. E. Harrison (1)
F. E. Harrison (1)
James A. Harris (1)
J. G. Harris (1)
Frederick H. Harris (1)
Harmeling (1)
John A. Harman (1)
C. C. Hardwicke (1)
Charles E. Hardwick (1)
Charles C. Hardwich (1)
S. S. Hankin (1)
M. R. Hanger (1)
G. C. Hancock (1)
Mark G. Ham (1)
D. P. Halsey (1)
T. H. Halleman (1)
W. C. Hall (1)
Samuel Hardin Hairstone (1)
J. S. W. Hairstone (1)
Patrick Hailey (1)
D. Hahn (1)
John W. Hack (1)
W. C. Gwin (1)
M. F. Gudger (1)
M. Gudger (1)
George W. Gross (1)
Grimstead (1)
W. L. Grice (1)
B. M. Greene (1)
W. F. Green (1)
J. Thomas Green (1)
George Grease (1)
Stewart Grays (1)
W. W. Graves (1)
C. Graves (1)
B. V. Graves (1)
Robert Grant (1)
J. H. Grant (1)
Grandy (1)
Joseph Graham (1)
J. F. Graham (1)
Homer L. M. Gowan (1)
Govan (1)
Gore (1)
R. H. Gordon (1)
Sergeant Goodloe (1)
W. W. Gooding (1)
Goldman (1)
Golding (1)
James M. Goggin (1)
J. C. T. Glass (1)
George Given (1)
Lewis Ginter (1)
R. M. Gilmore (1)
R. B. Gill (1)
Alexander Gilchrist (1)
J. W. Gentry (1)
J. L. Gentry (1)
A. A. General (1)
L. P. Gazey (1)
Charles W. Gay (1)
C. Gathright (1)
Heard L. T. Gatewood (1)
William T. Garrettes (1)
N. J. Garrett (1)
John Garrett (1)
J. D. Garlington (1)
W. J. Garitt (1)
Robert D. Gardner (1)
R. P. Gamble (1)
Galvin (1)
John Galloway (1)
J. H. L. Funk (1)
J. T. M. Fundon (1)
James Fundley (1)
Fullerton (1)
John Fuller (1)
S. V. Fulkerson (1)
W. T. Fry (1)
B. W. Frobel (1)
Franks (1)
J. Franklin (1)
Frances (1)
W. T. Forbes (1)
George P. Foote (1)
M. Foot (1)
Fluvanna (1)
Flowree (1)
N. R. Fitzhugh (1)
Fite (1)
Fiske (1)
George A. Finch (1)
Henry T. Fight (1)
Sergeant T. D. Ficklin (1)
Sergeant Ficklin (1)
Richard Ferguson (1)
J. W. Ferguson (1)
C. C. Ferguson (1)
Micajah R. Fenell (1)
B. S. Farrenholt (1)
Farrar (1)
J. L. Farmer (1)
H. L. Farley (1)
W. C. Faith (1)
Fairley (1)
J. A. Fairbourn (1)
T. A. Evans (1)
C. A. Evans (1)
Esthham (1)
Estelle (1)
J. Erns (1)
Joseph A. Engelhard (1)
W. H. Emory (1)
T. L. Emory (1)
T. J. Elliott (1)
Ellet (1)
L. L. Edwards (1)
Edmunston (1)
Edmondson (1)
Benjamin Dyson (1)
Reuben L. Dyke (1)
James Dunn (1)
R. H. Dunmead (1)
James Dunlap (1)
James Duncan (1)
A. Dumone (1)
Thomas H. Dudley (1)
William Duarty (1)
D. A. Drickert (1)
Loyd W. Drake (1)
Edward Draining (1)
Thomas Dowden (1)
Dowd (1)
J. E. Douthit (1)
H. R. Douglas (1)
C. M. Dosier (1)
L. M. Doser (1)
J. R. Dorroh (1)
John Doran (1)
Doc (1)
Lieutenaut A. E. Doby (1)
A. E. Doby (1)
Dixon (1)
E. T. Dix (1)
Dickey (1)
Dews (1)
Detoney (1)
J. C. Destin (1)
J. C. Desdine (1)
DeSaigle (1)
J. W. Delany (1)
DeLagnel (1)
Dearing (1)
James Dean (1)
Daw (1)
William C. Davis (1)
M. M. Davis (1)
John Davis (1)
J. Lucius Davis (1)
Deloizier Davidson (1)
R. H. David (1)
E. W. Davenport (1)
Darrah (1)
W. R. Darnall (1)
Darlington (1)
A. T. Darden (1)
J. M. Daniel (1)
Charles Daniel (1)
Chiswell Dabney (1)
Cutt (1)
A. S. Cuts (1)
Curren (1)
Josiah Cupps (1)
J. B. Cumming (1)
L. Crutchfield (1)
Crump (1)
Samuel W. Crowder (1)
Croft (1)
James Y. Crocker (1)
James F. Crocker (1)
Critcher (1)
N. Criffin (1)
C. V. Crawford (1)
Craton (1)
John Craig (1)
Craft (1)
E. D. Cradock (1)
D. F. Craddock (1)
Costin (1)
John M. Corse (1)
Corbell (1)
John Esten Cooke (1)
C. G. Cooke (1)
Joel R. Cook (1)
J. C. Cook (1)
R. K. Compton (1)
E. M. Compton (1)
R. G. Coltson (1)
R. C. Collins (1)
H. F. Colley (1)
Colbert (1)
Cohoon (1)
T. J. Cohn (1)
Henry F. Cohen (1)
A. B. Cohen (1)
W. W. T. Coghill (1)
J. A. Cobbs (1)
Cobbett (1)
W. W. Cloninger (1)
J. Cleveland (1)
Elkana Clements (1)
R. Clemens (1)
J. C. Clayton (1)
James D. Clay (1)
J. W. Clarke (1)
N. Clark (1)
Clap (1)
E. Clagville (1)
J. E. Chute (1)
Robert A. Christian (1)
Private Christian (1)
J. F. Chick (1)
Chew (1)
Edward Cheves (1)
Cheshire (1)
Frank Champier (1)
Chamblin (1)
T. J. Chambers (1)
Chamberlayne (1)
L. F. Chalkley (1)
Caynor (1)
James C. Causly (1)
Cater (1)
M. T. Castleberry (1)
J. J. Cassada (1)
Casey (1)
Cary (1)
Robert Carter (1)
J. W. Carter (1)
Carswell (1)
Carr (1)
W. R. Capehart (1)
Canon (1)
W. E. Cannady (1)
William Campbell (1)
N. S. Camp (1)
E. Calmens (1)
Calfee (1)
Cad (1)
W. B. Byrd (1)
B. S. Buzhardt (1)
Butterfield (1)
A. P. Butler (1)
Burwell (1)
McGary Burress (1)
Burr (1)
A. W. Burnsides (1)
Burney (1)
Burlington (1)
John C. Burch (1)
John A. Bullifant (1)
J. Bull (1)
Buckles (1)
J. W. Bryson (1)
James A. Bryan (1)
George W. Brushwood (1)
Bruer (1)
Charles Bruce (1)
D. D. Brownlee (1)
N. A. Brown (1)
John M. Brown (1)
John L. Brown (1)
Isaac Broun (1)
C. F. Brooks (1)
Archibald Brooks (1)
E. V. Brookfield (1)
William L. Brook (1)
C. Brody (1)
H. C. Brittain (1)
Brightwell (1)
G. H. Brier (1)
Bridewell (1)
D. F. Brashear (1)
C. Bramer (1)
R. B. Bradshaw (1)
Patrick Bradley (1)
E. Holmes Boyd (1)
Albert Boyce (1)
Bowyer (1)
William Bowers (1)
Thomas Bouldin (1)
Boughan (1)
A. R. Boteler (1)
Walter H. Boswell (1)
J. R. Boswell (1)
J. K. Boswell (1)
F. Bostick (1)
Heros Borcke (1)
Hillery Bolten (1)
William H. Bolling (1)
William M. Bohannon (1)
W. A. Blount (1)
Thomas M. Blount (1)
Bloom (1)
B. H. Blanton (1)
Joel Blanchard (1)
M. Blakely (1)
Frederick Blake (1)
Blackmar (1)
L. C. Blackburn (1)
John H. Bidgood (1)
James C. Bidgood (1)
Biddle (1)
James A. Bevell (1)
Bethune (1)
B. F. Benton (1)
Bentley (1)
W. B. Bennett (1)
John Bennett (1)
Rufus Bennet (1)
L. H. Benjamin (1)
Bellinger (1)
S. H. Bell (1)
S. E. Bell (1)
John E. Bell (1)
Belcher (1)
Beeland (1)
James Bedell (1)
Lewis Beckman (1)
A. Camp Beckham (1)
R. K. Beaton (1)
G. W. Beard (1)
W. W. R. Beall (1)
James H. Batlin (1)
T. L. Barton (1)
Barringer (1)
William Barnard (1)
W. J. Banadolling (1)
O. G. Baldwin (1)
J. T. Baines (1)
D. W. Baine (1)
Joseph Bailey (1)
Badger (1)
Bachman (1)
W. D. Austin (1)
E. N. Atkinson (1)
W. T. Atkins (1)
W. R. Atkins (1)
J. G. Ashe (1)
Turner Ashby (1)
John Arthur (1)
Abner E. Arnold (1)
H. B. Archer (1)
William Apperson (1)
Ansell (1)
Daniel Anington (1)
James Andrews (1)
H. A. Andrews (1)
Willoughby Anderson (1)
William Anderson (1)
W. J. Anderson (1)
Hall A. Alsine (1)
William E. Alley (1)
William B. Allen (1)
O. W. Allen (1)
J. G. Allen (1)
A. F. Allen (1)
J. J. Alhew (1)
John D. Algood (1)
J. Milton Alexander (1)
J. Albritton (1)
J. B. Akridge (1)
Addison (1)
M. Adams (1)
J. D. C. Abernathy (1)
W. R. Abbott (1)
hide Dates (automatically extracted)
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July 1st (85)
June 27th (63)
27th (55)
June 26th (51)
July 1st, 1862 AD (41)
June 30th (38)
June 25th (35)
26th (35)
29th (33)
June 29th (32)
1st (31)
30th (26)
June 28th (23)
July 12th, 1862 AD (20)
July 2nd (18)
28th (17)
June 27th, 1862 AD (15)
25th (15)
July 10th, 1862 AD (14)
July 15th, 1862 AD (11)
July 14th, 1862 AD (11)
July 4th (11)
July 3rd (10)
July 13th, 1862 AD (8)
June 29th, 1862 AD (8)
3rd (8)
2nd (8)
July 24th, 1862 AD (7)
July 22nd, 1862 AD (7)
July 16th, 1862 AD (7)
June 26th, 1862 AD (7)
July 28th, 1862 AD (6)
July 19th, 1862 AD (6)
July 11th, 1862 AD (6)
July, 1862 AD (6)
June 30th, 1862 AD (6)
10th (6)
July 26th, 1862 AD (5)
July 17th, 1862 AD (5)
July 7th, 1862 AD (5)
July 5th, 1862 AD (5)
July 10th (5)
9th (5)
7th (5)
July 23rd, 1862 AD (4)
July 21st, 1862 AD (4)
July 20th, 1862 AD (4)
June 20th (4)
8th (4)
6th (4)
5th (4)
August 2nd, 1862 AD (3)
July 27th, 1862 AD (3)
July 25th, 1862 AD (3)
July 8th, 1862 AD (3)
July 2nd, 1862 AD (3)
June 25th, 1862 AD (3)
July 8th (3)
July 7th (3)
July 6th (3)
July (3)
4th (3)
August 14th, 1862 AD (2)
August 8th, 1862 AD (2)
July 30th, 1862 AD (2)
July 29th, 1862 AD (2)
July 18th, 1862 AD (2)
July 9th, 1862 AD (2)
July 4th, 1862 AD (2)
July 30th (2)
July 5th (2)
June 18th (2)
June 2nd (2)
June 1st (2)
24th (2)
20th (2)
11th (2)
July 4th, 377 AD (1)
February 20th, 1868 AD (1)
July 10th, 1863 AD (1)
March 10th, 1863 AD (1)
March 5th, 1863 AD (1)
February 28th, 1863 AD (1)
January 23rd, 1863 AD (1)
September 9th, 1862 AD (1)
August 15th, 1862 AD (1)
August 13th, 1862 AD (1)
August 12th, 1862 AD (1)
August 6th, 1862 AD (1)
August 4th, 1862 AD (1)
August 1st, 1862 AD (1)
July 31st, 1862 AD (1)
June 28th, 1862 AD (1)
June 16th, 1862 AD (1)
June 15th, 1862 AD (1)
June 14th, 1862 AD (1)
June 12th, 1862 AD (1)
1800 AD (1)
1496 AD (1)
1481 AD (1)
1016 AD (1)
July 29th (1)
July 26th (1)
July 22nd (1)
July 20th (1)
July 11th (1)
June 24th (1)
June 17th (1)
June 10th (1)
June 4th (1)
June 3rd (1)
June (1)
13th (1)
12th (1)
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