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Notes and Queries.

“did General R. E. Lee descend from Robert, the Bruce King of Scotland?” --Professor William Winston Fontaine, in a paper read before the Louisville branch of the Southern Historical Society March 29th, 1881, which we hope before long to find space to publish in full, has shown very conclusively that through the Carters and Spotswoods ourKing of men” was descended from the noble King Robert Bruce of Scotland; and that “of the five heroes who particularly distinguished themselves on the glorious field of Bannockburn, in driving back the invader of their beloved country, Lee, through the same channel, was the direct descendant of four--namely: King Robert; Thomas Randolph, Earl of Moray; Walter, the High Steward; and Sir Robert de Keith, Great Marischal of Scotland.” Professor Fontaine cites a number of authorities, and deserves great credit for the industry he has shown in bringing out these interesting links in the lineage of our great chief, who was in himself the peer of any Lord, or King, or noble civilian the world ever saw.

“ was Lieutenant Meigs, of General Sheridan's staff, killed in fair combat?” --The conclusive testimony on this point which we published in our February number was an end to all controversy, and we were not surprised to learn that Quartermaster-General Meigs (with whom we have deeply sympathized as not only losing a gallant son, but believing that he was foully murdered instead of having met a soldier's fate in fair fight) has written to a friend that he is “fully satisfied that this is a correct account of the sad affair.”

If General Sheridan had investigated the matter, and enquired of General Early concerning it, instead of receiving the report of the man who ran off and left his officer and his comrade to their fate, the friends of Lieutenant Meigs would have been spared this cruel suspicion, innocent people might have been relieved of the cruel wrong of burning their houses, and the record of General Sheridan have been free from this foul stain.

“were the Dahlgren Papers, as published in the Richmond Papers, authentic, or were they Forgeries?”

We have been carefully collecting the testimony, and shall before long publish the most incontrovertible evidence that the papers published were taken from the person of Colonel Dahlgren; that they were not altered in any way, and that the charge of forgery is utterly [191] groundless, since there was no opportunity to forge them, even if there had been the inclination.

Meantime, as we wish to make our paper so conclusive that it cannot be answered, we beg any of our friends who may have facts bearing on the question to send them forward at once.

Jeb.” Stuart's correspondence at Lewinsville we quoted from a version we had at the time of its occurrence, but we are very much gratified to receive from our friend, Major McClellan, the following exact copy of the original:

Lexington, Ky., 12th April, 1881.
Rev. J. Wm. Jones:
My Dear Sir,--In your interesting “Reminiscences,” published in the last No. of the Southern Historical Society Papers, you make mention of some correspondence which passed between General Stuart and some of his old army comrades about the time of the outpost affair near Lewinsville, Virginia, in 1861.

I happen to have the original document in my possession, and send you herewith a copy.

Yours, very sincerely,

Lewinsville, September 11th, 1861.
My Dear Beauty,--I am sorry that circumstances are such that I can't have the pleasure of seeing you, although so near you. Griffin says he would like to have you dine with him at Willard's at 5 o'clock on Saturday next.

Keep your “Black horse” off me if you please.

Yours, &c.,


J. E. B. Stuart, Esq., Commanding cavalry near Fall's Church.

“In care of whoever finds this. Please answer both the note and Griffin's invitation.”

Upon the back of this sheet is the following in Stuart's own hand-writing:

I have the honor to report that ‘circumstances’ were such that they could have seen me if they had stopped to look behind, and I answered both at the canon's mouth. Judging from his speed, Griffin surely left for Washington to hurry up the dinner.



We print the following letter in the hope that some one will be able to send the information desired by the gallant soldier who writes it:

Dear Sir,--Can you inform me, or put me in the way of obtaining the information of the exact position of the extreme right of the Confederate army on the 3rd of June, 1864, with reference to the Shady Grove road and Mechanicsville road? I desire to know what brigade held that extreme right, and just where it was posted. I have the impression it was Cook's brigade of Heth's division, but cannot, upon the Government map, locate the position, owing to the various lines of breastworks indicated on the map. Major Burrage thinks the location was south of the Old Church road; but there are so many references to Shady Grove and Shady Grove road that others think the position was north of Old Church road, nearer the Shady Grove. If possible I would like to ascertain the distance, also, from Bethesda church, and the bearing by compass. If you can without much trouble assist me in determining this point, you will confer a great favor upon

Yours, very truly,

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