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Music and musicians in the United States.

Very little attention was given to music during the first hundred years of colonial life beyond the singing of psalms, but since the establishment of musical societies at the beginning of the nineteenth century, the study and practice of music have become increasing factors in life throughout the United States.

First practical instruction-book on singing, compiled by Rev. John Tufts, published in New England1712
Organ presented to the Queen's chapel, Boston, by Thomas Brattle, Esq.Aug., 1713
Singing societies established in different parts of New England1720
Beggar's Opera, written by John Gay in 1727 (probably), first produced in New YorkDec. 3, 1750
William Billings, of Boston, publishes a collection of his musical compositions entitled The New England psalm-singer, or American chorister, in 4 and 5 parts1770
Stoughton (Mass.) Musical Society organizedNov. 7, 1786
Oliver Holden, of Charlestown, composer of Coronation, publishes The American harmony, in 3 and 4 parts1792
Mrs. Oldmixon, Nee George, makes her debut in America in Inkle and YaricoDec. 5, 1798
Euterpean Musical Society, New York City1800
Massachusetts Musical Society, Boston.1807
Barber of Seville sung by French artists in New OrleansJuly 12, 1810
Handel and Haydn Society organized in Boston, April 20, 1815; incorporated.Feb. 9, 1816
Clari, the maid of Milan, libretto by John Howard Payne, containing the song Home, sweet home, first produced in New YorkNov. 12, 1823
New York Sacred Music Society, organized 1823, gives its first concertMarch 15, 1824
New York Choral Society gives its first concert at St. George's Church, Beekman StreetApril 20, 1824
Manuel Garcia, with his wife, his son Manuel, daughter Marietta (Malibran), appears in Italian opera in New York CityNov. 29, 1825
Musical conventions in America originate in New Hampshire, where the Central Musical Society holds its first convention at ConcordSept., 1829
Thomas Hastings, invited by various churches, coming to New York, organizes church choirs, and regulates psalmody on a more religious basis1832
Boston Academy of Music, founded for Instruction in the Pestalozzian system, with Lowell Mason at the head, opens1833
Harvard Musical Association establishedAug. 30, 1837
Balfe's Bohemian girl produced for the first time in America by the Seguin Opera Company at the Park Theatre, New YorkNov. 25. 1844
Tour of the Hutchinson family, temperance and anti-slavery singers, in the United States and England1846-58
Concert tour of Edward Remenyi, violin virtuoso, in the United States.1848
Germania orchestra give their first concert in America at Astor Place Opera-house, New YorkOct. 5. 1848


First public concert of the Mendels-sohn Quintet Club at Boston.Dec. 4, 1849
Jenny Lind sings in concert at Castle Garden, New YorkSept. 11, 1850
Chamber music introduced in New York, 1849; Theodore Eisfeld opens his quartet-soirees at Hope ChapelFeb. 18, 1851
Henrietta Sontag appears in the United StatesSept., 1852
Dwight's Journal of Music founded in Boston1852
Gottschalk's first concert in New York City1853
Cecilia Society of Cincinnati, O., organizes and gives its first concertSept. 19, 1856
Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Md., founded1857
Wagner's Tannhauser produced for the first time in America, at the Stadt Theatre, New YorkAug. 27, 1859
Adelina Patti makes her debut in Lucia at the Academy of Music, New YorkNov. 24, 1859
Clara Louise Kellogg makes her debut in Rigoletto at the Academy of Music, New York1860
Theodore Thomas begins his symphony soirees in New YorkDec., 1864
Oberlin Conservatory of Music founded.1865
“Der Nordamerikanische Sangerbund” reorganized at Chicago1868
National Peace Jubilee held in Boston, Mass.; over 10,000 singers and 1,000 musicians; P. S. Gilmore, conductor.June 15-20, 1869
New England Conservatory of Music established at Providence, R. I., 1859: removed to Boston, 1867; incorporated1870
Beethoven Conservatory of Music founded at St. Louis1871
Fisk University “Jubilee singers” Oct., 1871, to May, 1872
World's Peace Jubilee and International Musical Festival held in BostonJune 17 to July 4, 1872
Beethoven Quintet Club organized in Boston1873
Music Teachers' National Association organized1876
New York College of Music incorporated1878
Cincinnati College of Music incorporated1878
The Metropolitan Opera-house, New York, opened with the opera FaustOct. 22, 1883
Dr. Leopold Damrosch engaged for a season of German opera which began.Nov. 17, 1884
Dr. Damrosch diedFeb. 15, 1885
American College of Musicians incorporated1886
Adelina Patti sings at the dedication of the Auditorium, and the Opera-house, ChicagoDec. 9, 1889
The first Wagner Cycle, occupying three weeks, and including all the operas excepting Parsifal, in season of1889-90

Corner-stone of Carnegie Music Hall in New York City is laid by Mrs. CarnegieMay 13, 1890
Carnegie Music Hall opened...April 27, 1891 The Worcester Musical Festival opens with a performance of Bruck's ArminiusSept. 22, 1891
Saengerfest closes with final concert in Madison Square GardenJune 25, 1894

Principal musical societies in the United States.

Baltimore, Md.Oratorio Society1880
Boston, Mass.Handel and Haydn Society1816
Apollo Club1871
Boylston Club1872
The Cecilia1876
Boston Symphony Orchestra.1880
Brooklyn, N. Y.Brooklyn Philharmonic Society1857
Apollo Club1877
Apollo Club1877
Amphion Musical Society1879
Caecilia Ladies' Vocal Society.1883
Buffalo, N. Y.Liedertafel1848
Orpheus Singing Society1869
Chicago, Ill.Apollo Musical Club1871
Cincinnati, O.Apollo Club1881
Cleveland, O.Cleveland Vocal Society1872
Bach Society1878
Milwaukee, Wis.Musik-Verein1849
Minneapolis, Minn.Gounod Club1883
Newark, N. J.Schubert Vocal Society1880
New York CityPhilharmonic Society1842
Deutscher Liederkranz1847
Mendelssohn Glee Club1865
Oratorio Society1873
Symphony Society1878
Philadelphia, Pa.Orpheus Club1871
The Cecilian1874
Pittsburg, Pa.The Mozart Club1877
Rhode IslandRhode Island Choral Associationn1885
Salem, Mass.Salem Oratorio Society1867
San Francisco, Cal.The Loring Club1876
Springfield, Mass.Hampden County Music Association1887
St. Louis, Mo.St. Louis Choral Society1879
Washington, D. C.Choral Society1883
Worcester, Mass.Worcester County Mus. Association1863

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