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Allen, William Henry, 1784-

Naval officer; born in Providence, R. I., Oct. 21, 1784; entered the navy as a midshipman in April, 1800, and sailed in the frigate George Washington to Algiers. He afterwards

William Henry Allen.

went to the Mediterranean in the Philadelphia, under Barron; then in the John Adams, under Rodgers; and in 1804 as sailing-master to the Congress. He was in the Frigate Constitution in 1805; and in 1807 he was third lieutenant of the Chesapeake when she was attacked by the Leopard. It was Lieutenant Allen who drew up the memorial of the officers of the Chesapeake to the Secretary of the Navy, urging the arrest and trial of Barron for neglect of duty. In 1809 he was made first lieutenant of the frigate United States, under Decatur. He behaved bravely in the conflict with the Macedonian; and after her capture took her safely into New York Harbor, Jan. 1, 1813. In July, 1813, he was promoted to master-commandant while he was on his voyage in the brig Angus, that took W. H. Crawford, American minister, to France. That voyage ended in a remarkable and successful cruise among the British shipping in British waters. After capturing and destroying more than twenty British merchantmen, his own vessel was captured; and he was mortally wounded by a round shot (Aug. 14), and died the next day at Plymouth. England, whither he was conveyed as a prisoner.

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