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Carrington, Edward 1749-1810

Military officer; born in Charlotte county, Va., Feb. 11, 1749; became lieutenant-colonel of a Virginia artillery regiment in 1776; was sent to the South; and was made a prisoner at Charleston in 1780. He was Gates's quartermaster-general in his brief Southern campaign. Carrington prepared the way for Greene to cross the Dan, and was an active and efficient officer in that officer's famous retreat. He commanded the artillery at Hobkirk's Hill, and also at Yorktown. Colonel Carrington was foreman of the jury in the trial of Aaron Burr (q. v). He died in Richmond, Va., Oct. 28, 1810. His brother Paul, born Feb. 24, 1733, became an eminent lawyer; was a member of the House of Burgesses, and voted against Henry's Stamp Act resolutions; but was patriotic, and helped along the cause of independence in an efficient manner. He died in Charlotte county, Va., June 22, 1818.

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