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Granger, Gordon 1821-1876

Military officer; born in New York City, in 1821; graduated at West Point in 1845; served in the war with Mexico, and was made captain of cavalry in May, 1861. He served under Halleck and Grant in the West, and was made major-general of volunteers, Sept. 17, 1862. He commanded the district of Central Kentucky, was put in command of the 4th Army Corps after the battle of Chickamauga, was engaged in the struggle on Missionary Ridge, November, 1863, and was active in the military movements that led to the capture of Mobile in 1864, for which he was brevetted major-general of the United States army. He was mustered out of the volunteer service in 1866; was promoted to colonel in the regular army the same year; and died in Santa Fe, N. M., Jan. 10, 1876. [130]

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