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Pleasant Grove, battle of.

At Pleasant Grove, 3 miles from Sabine Crossroads, La., General Emory, advancing with his corps, halted on April 8, 1864, when the Nationals, defeated at the Crossroads, were retreating. Across the road along which the fugitives and their pursuers were advancing General Dwight formed his brigade, and on his left was another brigade, commanded by Col. Lewis Benedict. Another was held in reserve. Their ranks were opened to receive the flying columns, which passed through to the rear, the Confederates close upon their heels. In strong force they assailed Emory's troops. A severe battle ensued, which lasted an hour and a half, the Confederates making the most desperate efforts to turn the National left, firmly held by Benedict. The assailants were repulsed, and very soon the battle ceased on that part of the field. Everywhere else the Confederates were thrown back, with great slaughter. Then the Nationals retired to Pleasant Hill, 15 miles distant, followed by the Confederates. See Red River expedition.

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