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Sacramento, battle of the

After the battle of Braceti (q. v.), Col. Alexander W. Doniphan entered El Paso without opposition, and sent a messenger to hurry up artillery which he had sent for to Santa Fe. It arrived on Feb. 1, 1847, and on the 11th he set out for Chihuahua in search of General Wool. After marching 145 miles he learned that Wool was not at Chihuahua. He pressed forward, however, and halted near the Sacramento River, about 18 miles from the city of Chihuahua, in the State of the same name. There he was confronted (Feb. 28) by about 4,000 Mexican cavalry, infantry, and artillery. After a contest of about three hours, the Mexicans were routed by the men under Doniphan. Twelve of their cannon were captured, with ammunition and other munitions of war. The loss of the Mexicans was about 600 men; of the Americans, eighteen. Doniphan then pressed forward, and entered Chihuahua, a city of 40,000 inhabitants, without opposition, and planted the American flag upon its citadel. He took formal possession of the province in the name of the United States. After resting there six weeks, Doniphan pushed forward and joined Wool at Saltillo (May 22). See Mexico, War with.

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