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Stedman, Edmund Clarence 1833-

Author; born in Hartford, Conn., Oct. 8, 1833; was a member of the class of 1853 of Yale College; on the editorial staff of the New York Tribune in 1859-61; war correspondent of the New York World in 1861-63; and has been an active member of the New York Stock Exchange since 1869. He is best known as a poet and critic. Among his notable critical works are Victorian poets (1875); Poets of America (1885); A Victorian Anthology (1895) ; and An American Anthology (1900). He was associated with Ellen M. Hutchinson in the editorship of A Library of American Literature (11 volumes, 1888-89), and with Prof. D. E. Woodbury in that of The works of Edgar Allan Poe (10 volumes, 1895).

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