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Virginia Post-office affairs,

--Post-offices have been established as follows: White head's Store, Pittsylvania co., A. J. White. head, postmaster. Mount Airy, Pittsylvania county, Joshua J. Hubbard, postmaster.--Spring Mills, Appomattox county, Thos. A. Hancock, postmaster.

Appointments.--Martin Crouse, postmaster at Tumbling Creek, Tazewell county, vice James B. Crabtree, deceased. L. G. Martin, postmaster at Rosby's Rock, Marshall county, vice John L. Gibson, deceased. J, W. Bowman, postmaster at Lebanon Church, Shenandoah county, vice Jonathan Meadley, resigned. Robert Jackson, postmaster at West Milford, Harrison county, vice Marquis G. Patton, resigned, W. N. Horn; postmaster at Sneedville, Washington county, vice T. B. Edmundson, resigned. Wilson Bane, postmaster at Whits Gate, Giles county, vice James W. Newcomb, resigned. George W. Singleton, postmaster at Australia, Nansemond county, vice Wm. H. Smith, resigned. Susan Hank, postmaster at Maple Lawn, Monroe county, vice H. J. Male, resigned.--James H. Wangh, postmaster at Hockett's Bottom, Amherst county, vice Jno. D. Burch, resigned. My Myers, postmaster at Hainesville, Berkeley county, vice James Turner, removed, Edward T. Osborn, postmaster at Grafton, Taylor county, vice M. Campbell, removed.

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