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Drumming out.

--The incidents which we give below exhibit, to some extent, the difference between the ruffianly fanatics at the North, and the more civilized, yet equally effective, mode of treatment at the South. The first is from a New York paper, of Thursday 10st:

‘ Yesterday, at Washington, eighteen men were drummed out of the Fifth New York (German) Regiment for refusing to take the oath for three mouths' service. And at Albany, two men were drummed out of the barracks for refusing to take the oath of allegiance, their heads shaved and strings tied round about their ears, two white feathers projecting on each side, the band playing the ‘"Rogue's March."’

’ The Montgomery Advertiser, of Friday last, says:

‘ Some little excitement was created yesterday by an unusual commotion among some members of Ben. Baker's company, now encamped at the Fair Grounds. It seems that one of the men refused to be mustered into the service, and was, therefore, charged with cowardice. Soon after, a party of his comrades, meeting him in the street, tore the stripes from his pants, and deprived him of other badges of his membership in the company. The poor fellow, we are informed, shed tears at his disgrace and at his expulsion from the camp.

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