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A hanging in Illinois.

--On Friday afternoon last a German named Henry Alters was hung in Waterloo, Ill., in the presence of several thousands of persons. An enclosure had been erected for the purpose of hanging him privately, in accordance with the law, but the crowd quickly tore it down and refused to allow it to be rebuilt. There were a number of side fights and knock downs, but no one was seriously injured. The execution was postponed until the last moment, under the belief that his sentence would be commuted. Alters was a farmer, as was also the man he killed. The hogs of the latter got into the enclosure of the other, and Alters "dogged" them. The owner remonstrated, whereupon the wife of Alters ordered her husband to shoot him, threatening that if he did not, she would leave him. Alters repaired to his house, got a gun and fired a load of buckshot in his back, killing him instantly.

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Waterloo, Monroe County, Illinois (Illinois, United States) (1)
Illinois (Illinois, United States) (1)
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