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The two parties at the North.

--The peace and war parties at the North are daily becoming more violent and there is a fair prospect that they will seen come to an open collision. As a specimen of the bitterness with which each prosecutes its cause we make from a late paper the following quotations, the first from a speech made by William Kellogg, of Peoria, a few days since, at Chicago:

"Would that I could lift to Heaven the hands of those thousands which I see before me and have an oath registered there that never, never, while a rebel lives, or a foot of treasonable soil is to be found, shall this war cease, and that it shall be prosecuted with all the vigor and all the terrible means at our disposal, until the entire Union shall be restored."

"Administer it," "administer it," shouted scores of voices. "Then life up your hands," said Judge Kellogg, and, bending down, he ran his eyes over the vast crowd, "I can see no Copperheads," he shouted, and then, amid impressive alliance, he administered the oath, and thousands of voices mingled in one mighty response--"We swear it!" The Judge has probably been a Son of Malta in his time.

The following extract from an editorial of a late Chicago Times, though for peace makes terrible war on the perjured Abolishers:

So long as the present political policies of the war are persisted in — as long as the war is continued as the war of a political party--every dollar expanded in it is wasted, and every life lost in it is an abominable sacrifice and a murder indeed, by these upon whom the responsibility rests of the prevailing policies. The man who does not wash his hands of all participation in such a war shares the guilt of those by whom it is prosecuted. Support of this war, and hostility to it, show the dividing line between the enemies and friends of the Union. He who supports the war is against the Union, because the war is the most terrible engine for the destruction of the Union, and which Beizshub himself (Seward) could only have invented!

The professed Democrat, therefore, who has his senses about him, and is deliberately for the war, is not a Democrat in fact, but an Abolitionist of the most radical, violent, and destructive kind.

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