Frank Frost Abbott.
Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero.
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Achilles Tatius.
Rudolf Hercher.
[Ach. Tat.]
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J. Adam, A. M. Adam.
J. Adam & A. M. Adam.
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James Adam.
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Rudolf Hercher.
[Ael. NA]
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Rudolf Hercher.
[Ael. Ep.]
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Rudolf Hercher.
[Ael. VH]
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Aeneas Tacticus.
William Abbott Oldfather.
[Aen. Tact.]
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[Aeschin. 1]
[Aeschin. 2]
[Aeschin. 3]
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[Aeschin. 1]
[Aeschin. 2]
[Aeschin. 3]
Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph.D..
[Aesch. Ag.]
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Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D..
[Aesch. Ag.]
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Robert Browning.
[Aesch. Ag.]
search this work
Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph.D..
[Aesch. Eum.]
search this work
Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D..
[Aesch. Eum.]
search this work
Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph.D..
[Aesch. Lib.]
search this work
Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D..
[Aesch. Lib.]
search this work
Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph.D..
[Aesch. Pers.]
search this work
Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D..
[Aesch. Pers.]
search this work
Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph.D..
[Aesch. PB]
search this work
Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D..
[Aesch. PB]
search this work
Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph.D..
[Aesch. Seven]
search this work
Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D..
[Aesch. Seven]
search this work
Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph.D..
[Aesch. Supp.]
search this work
Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D..
[Aesch. Supp.]
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J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, A. A. Howard, Benj. L. D'Ooge.
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Thomas W. Allen, E. E. Sikes.
Commentary on the Homeric Hymns.
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Ammianus Marcellinus.
John C. Rolfe, Ph.D., Litt.D..
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John C. Rolfe, Ph.D., Litt.D..
search this work
John C. Rolfe, Ph.D., Litt.D..
search this work
John C. Rolfe, Ph.D., Litt.D..
search this work
John C. Rolfe, Ph.D., Litt.D..
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[Andoc. 1]
[Andoc. 2]
[Andoc. 3]
[Andoc. 4]
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[Andoc. 1]
[Andoc. 2]
[Andoc. 3]
[Andoc. 4]
K. J. Maidment.
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[Antiph. 1]
[Antiph. 2]
[Antiph. 3]
[Antiph. 4]
[Antiph. 5]
[Antiph. 6]
K. J. Maidment.
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[Antiph. 1]
[Antiph. 2]
[Antiph. 3]
[Antiph. 4]
[Antiph. 5]
[Antiph. 6]
Library and Epitome.
Sir James George Frazer.
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[Apollod. Epit.]
Library and Epitome.
Sir James George Frazer.
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[Apollod. Epit.]
Apollonius Rhodius.
George W. Mooney.
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L. Mendelssohn.
[App. BC]
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Horace White.
[App. BC]
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The Foreign Wars.
L. Mendelssohn.
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[App. Reg.]
[App. Ital.]
[App. Sam.]
[App. Gall.]
[App. Sic.]
[App. Hisp.]
[App. Hann.]
[App. Pun.]
[App. Mac.]
[App. Ill.]
[App. Syr.]
[App. Mith.]
The Foreign Wars.
Horace White.
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[App. Praef.]
[App. Reg.]
[App. Ital.]
[App. Sam.]
[App. Gall.]
[App. Sic.]
[App. Hisp.]
[App. Hann.]
[App. Pun.]
[App. Mac.]
[App. Ill.]
[App. Syr.]
[App. Mith.]
Rudolf Helm.
[Apul. Apol.]
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Rudolf Helm.
[Apul. Fl.]
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Stephen Gaselee.
[Apul. Met.]
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Aratus Solensis.
G. R. Mair.
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The Extant Works of Aretaeus, The Cappadocian..
Francis Adams LL.D..
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[Aret. SA]
[Aret. SD]
[Aret. CA]
[Aret. CD]
The Extant Works of Aretaeus, The Cappadocian..
Francis Adams LL.D..
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[Aret. SA]
[Aret. SD]
[Aret. CA]
[Aret. CD]
Aristides, Aelius.
Leonhard von Spengel.
[Ael. Ar. Ars]
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Wilhelm Dindorf.
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[Ael. Ar. Orat. 1]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 2]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 3]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 4]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 5]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 6]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 7]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 8]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 9]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 10]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 11]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 12]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 13]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 14]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 15]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 16]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 17]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 18]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 19]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 20]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 21]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 22]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 23]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 24]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 25]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 26]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 27]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 28]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 29]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 30]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 31]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 32]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 33]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 34]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 35]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 36]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 37]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 38]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 39]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 40]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 41]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 42]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 43]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 44]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 45]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 46]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 47]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 48]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 49]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 50]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 51]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 52]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 53]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 54]
[Ael. Ar. Orat. 55]
F.W. Hall and W.M. Geldart.
[Aristoph. Ach.]
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[Aristoph. Ach.]
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F.W. Hall and W.M. Geldart.
[Aristoph. Birds]
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Eugene O'Neill, Jr..
[Aristoph. Birds]
search this work
F.W. Hall and W.M. Geldart.
[Aristoph. Cl.]
search this work
William James Hickie.
[Aristoph. Cl.]
search this work
F.W. Hall and W.M. Geldart.
[Aristoph. Eccl.]
search this work
Eugene O'Neill, Jr..
[Aristoph. Eccl.]
search this work
F.W. Hall and W.M. Geldart.
[Aristoph. Frogs]
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Matthew Dillon.
[Aristoph. Frogs]
search this work
F.W. Hall and W.M. Geldart.
[Aristoph. Kn.]
search this work
Eugene O'Neill, Jr..
[Aristoph. Kn.]
search this work
F.W. Hall and W.M. Geldart.
[Aristoph. Lys.]
search this work
Jack Lindsay.
[Aristoph. Lys.]
search this work
F.W. Hall and W.M. Geldart.
[Aristoph. Peace]
search this work
Eugene O'Neill, Jr..
[Aristoph. Peace]
search this work
F.W. Hall and W.M. Geldart.
[Aristoph. Pl.]
search this work
Eugene O'Neill, Jr..
[Aristoph. Pl.]
search this work
F.W. Hall and W.M. Geldart.
[Aristoph. Thes.]
search this work
Eugene O'Neill, Jr..
[Aristoph. Thes.]
search this work
F.W. Hall and W.M. Geldart.
[Aristoph. Wasps]
search this work
Eugene O'Neill, Jr..
[Aristoph. Wasps]
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[Aristot. Const. Ath.]
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H. Rackham.
[Aristot. Const. Ath.]
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[Aristot. Econ.]
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[Aristot. Econ.]
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[Aristot. Eud. Eth.]
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[Aristot. Eud. Eth.]
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[Aristot. Met.]
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[Aristot. Met.]
search this work
J. Bywater.
[Aristot. Nic. Eth.]
search this work
H. Rackham.
[Aristot. Nic. Eth.]
search this work
[Aristot. Poet.]
search this work
[Aristot. Poet.]
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[Aristot. Pol.]
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[Aristot. Pol.]
search this work
W. D. Ross.
[Aristot. Rh.]
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J. H. Freese.
[Aristot. Rh.]
search this work
I. Bekker.
[Aristot. Vir.]
search this work
H. Rackham.
[Aristot. Vir.]
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Rudolf Hercher, Alfred Eberhard.
[Arr. Alan.]
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A.G. Roos.
[Arr. An.]
search this work
Rudolf Hercher, Alfred Eberhard.
[Arr. Cyn.]
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Rudolf Hercher, Alfred Eberhard.
[Arr. Ind.]
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Rudolf Hercher, Alfred Eberhard.
[Arr. Peripl.]
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Rudolf Hercher, Alfred Eberhard.
[Arr. Tact.]
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William Abbott Oldfather.
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Charles Burton Gulick.
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search this work
C. D. Yonge, B.A..
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Augustine, Saint.
James Houston Baxter.
[August. Ep.]
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Caesar Augustus.
[Aug. Anc.]
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Marcus Aurelius.
Jan Hendrik Leopold.
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Ausonius, Decimus Magnus.
Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Grat.]
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Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Caes.]
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Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Cent. Nupt.]
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Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Prof.]
search this work
Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Cup. Cruc.]
search this work
Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Biss.]
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Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Idyll. 3]
search this work
Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Ecl. 8]
search this work
Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Ephem.]
search this work
Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Idyll. 2]
search this work
Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Epigr.]
search this work
Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Ep.]
search this work
Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Idyll. 5]
search this work
Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Idyll. 4]
search this work
Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Epit.]
search this work
Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Griph.]
search this work
Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Fast.]
search this work
Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Sap.]
search this work
Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Mos.]
search this work
Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Orat.]
search this work
Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Urb.]
search this work
Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Par.]
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Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Praef.]
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Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Idyll. 8 [or 9]]
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Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Tech.]
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Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
[Aus. Idyll. 1]
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Georg Autenrieth.
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search this work
[Bacchyl. Ep.]
[Bacchyl. Dith.]
Diane Arnson Svarlien.
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[Bacchyl. Ep.]
[Bacchyl. Dith.]
Kirsopp Lake.
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Basil, Saint, Bishop of Caesarea.
Roy J. Deferrari.
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Roy J. Deferrari.
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The Venerable Bede.
Charles Plummer.
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Allen Rogers Benner.
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Bion of Phlossa.
J. M. (John Maxwell) Edmonds.
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J. M. (John Maxwell) Edmonds.
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J. M. (John Maxwell) Edmonds.
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Alan Boegehold.
Michael Gagarin.
[Boegehold essay]
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James J. O'Donnell.
[Boe. Cons.]
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search this work
H.F. Stewart.
[Boe. Cons.]
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H.F. Stewart.
search this work
H.F. Stewart.
search this work
H.F. Stewart.
[Boeth. Duab. Nat.]
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H.F. Stewart.
search this work
H.F. Stewart.
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Diana Buitron-Oliver.
[Buitron attic essay]
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[Buitron douris essay]
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R. G. Bury.
The Symposium of Plato.
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C. Julius Caesar.
William Duncan.
[Caes. Civ.]
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Renatus du Pontet.
[Caes. Civ.]
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T. Rice Holmes.
[Hirt. Gal.]
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[Hirt. Gal.]
search this work
A.W. Mair.
search this work
A.W. Mair.
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[Call. H. 1]
[Call. H. 2]
[Call. H. 3]
[Call. H. 4]
[Call. H. 5]
[Call. Cer.]
Hymns and Epigrams.
Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff.
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[Call. H. 1]
[Call. H. 2]
[Call. H. 3]
[Call. H. 4]
[Call. H. 5]
[Call. Cer.]
[Call. Epigr.]
Carl Ludwig Kayser.
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L. D. Caskey, J. D. Beazley.
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C. Valerius Catullus.
E. T. Merrill.
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Sir Richard Francis Burton.
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Leonard C. Smithers.
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W. G. Spencer.
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W. G. Spencer.
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Charles Victor Daremberg.
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Friedrich Marx.
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Charles Victor Daremberg.
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Lisa M. Cerrato, Robert F. Chavez.
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Rudolf Hercher.
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R. J. Cholmeley, M.A..
The Idylls of Theocritus.
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M. Tullius Cicero.
O. Plasberg.
[Cic. Ac.]
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A. S. Wilkins.
[Cic. Brut.]
search this work
William Armistead Falconer.
[Cic. Sen.]
search this work
William Armistead Falconer.
[Cic. Amic.]
search this work
William Armistead Falconer.
search this work
C. F. W. Müller.
[Cic. Div.]
search this work
William Armistead Falconer.
[Cic. Div.]
search this work
William Armistead Falconer.
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C. F. W. Müller.
[Cic. Fat.]
search this work
Th. Schiche.
[Cic. Fin.]
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Eduard Stroebel.
[Cic. Inv.]
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G. de Plinval, Georges de Plinval.
[Cic. Leg.]
search this work
O. Plasberg.
[Cic. N.D.]
search this work
Walter Miller.
[Cic. Off.]
search this work
Walter Miller.
[Cic. Off.]
search this work
Walter Miller.
search this work
Walter Miller.
search this work
Walter Miller.
search this work
A. S. Wilkins.
[Cic. Opt. Gen.]
search this work
A. S. Wilkins.
[Cic. de Orat.]
search this work
A. S. Wilkins.
[Cic. Part.]
search this work
C. F. W. Mueller.
[Cic. Rep.]
search this work
William Armistead Falconer.
[Cic. Sen.]
search this work
William Armistead Falconer.
search this work
William Armistead Falconer.
[Cic. Div.]
search this work
L. C. Purser.
[Cic. Fam.]
search this work
William Armistead Falconer.
[Cic. Amic.]
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Evelyn Shuckburgh, Evelyn S. Shuckburgh.
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L. C. Purser.
[Cic. ad Brut.]
search this work
L. C. Purser.
[Cic. Q. fr.]
search this work
L. C. Purser.
[Cic. Att.]
search this work
O. Plasberg.
[Cic. Luc.]
search this work
Orationes, Cum Senatui gratias egit, Cum populo gratias egit, De domo sua, De haruspicum responso, Pro Sestio, In Vatinium, De provinciis consularibus, Pro Balbo.
Albert Clark.
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[Cic. Red. Sen.]
[Cic. Red. Pop.]
[Cic. Dom.]
[Cic. Har.]
[Cic. Sest.]
[Cic. Vat.]
[Cic. Prov.]
[Cic. Balb.]
Orationes, Divinatio in Q. Caecilium, In C. Verrem.
Albert Clark, William Peterson.
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[Cic. Div. Caec.]
[Cic. Ver.]
Orationes, Pro Milone, Pro Marcello, Pro Ligario, Pro rege Deiotaro, Philippicae I-XIV.
Albert Clark, Albert Curtis Clark.
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[Cic. Mil.]
[Cic. Marc.]
[Cic. Lig.]
[Cic. Deiot.]
[Cic. Phil.]
Orationes, Pro P. Quinctio, Pro Q. Roscio comoedo, Pro A. Caecina, De lege agraria contra Rullum, Pro C. Rabiro perduellionis reo, Pro L. Flacco, In L. Pisonem, Pro C. Rabiro Postumo.
Albert Clark.
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[Cic. Quinct.]
[Cic. Q. Rosc.]
[Cic. Caec.]
[Cic. Agr.]
[Cic. Rab. Perd.]
[Cic. Flac.]
[Cic. Pis.]
[Cic. Rab. Post.]
Orationes, Pro Sex. Roscio, De imperio Cn. Pompei, Pro Cluentio, In Catilinam, Pro Murena, Pro Caelio.
Albert Clark, Albert Curtis Clark.
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[Cic. S. Rosc.]
[Cic. Man.]
[Cic. Clu.]
[Cic. Catil.]
[Cic. Mur.]
[Cic. Cael.]
Orationes, Pro Tullio, Pro Fonteio, Pro Sulla, Pro Archia, Pro Plancio, Pro Scauro.
Albert Clark.
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[Cic. Tul.]
[Cic. Font.]
[Cic. Sul.]
[Cic. Arch.]
[Cic. Planc.]
[Cic. Scaur.]
Orations, for his house, Plancius, Sextius, Coelius, Milo, Ligarius, etc..
C. D. Yonge.
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[Cic. Dom.]
[Cic. Har.]
[Cic. Planc.]
[Cic. Sest.]
[Cic. Vat.]
[Cic. Cael.]
[Cic. Prov.]
[Cic. Balb.]
[Cic. Pis.]
[Cic. Mil.]
[Cic. Rab. Post.]
[Cic. Marc.]
[Cic. Lig.]
[Cic. Deiot.]
Orations, for Quintius, Sextus Roscius, Quintus Roscius, against Quintus Caecilius, and against Verres.
C. D. Yonge.
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[Cic. Quinct.]
[Cic. S. Rosc.]
[Cic. Q. Rosc.]
[Cic. Div. Caec.]
[Cic. Ver.]
C. D. Yonge.
[Cic. Phil.]
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Orations, Three orations on the Agrarian law, the four against Catiline, the orations for Rabirius, Murena, Sylla, Archias, Flaccus, Scaurus, etc..
C. D. Yonge.
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[Cic. Tul.]
[Cic. Font.]
[Cic. Caec.]
[Cic. Man.]
[Cic. Clu.]
[Cic. Agr.]
[Cic. Rab. Perd.]
[Cic. Catil.]
[Cic. Mur.]
[Cic. Sul.]
[Cic. Arch.]
[Cic. Flac.]
[Cic. Red. Sen.]
[Cic. Red. Pop.]
[Cic. Scaur.]
A. S. Wilkins.
[Cic. Orat.]
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J. G. Baiter, C. L. Kayser.
[Cic. Parad.]
search this work
J. G. Baiter, C. L. Kayser.
search this work
William Blake Tyrrell.
[Cic. Rab. Perd.]
search this work
C. F. W. Mueller, C.F.W. Mueller.
[Cic. Tim.]
search this work
A. S. Wilkins.
[Cic. Top.]
search this work
M. Pohlenz.
[Cic. Tusc.]
search this work
Q. Tullius Cicero.
L. C. Purser.
[Q. Cic. Pet.]
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Claudianus, Claudius.
Maurice Platnaeur.
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Maurice Platnaeur.
search this work
Maurice Platnaeur.
search this work
Maurice Platnaeur.
search this work
Maurice Platnaeur.
search this work
Maurice Platnaeur.
search this work
Maurice Platnaeur.
search this work
Maurice Platnaeur.
search this work
Maurice Platnaeur.
search this work
Maurice Platnaeur.
search this work
Maurice Platnaeur.
search this work
Maurice Platnaeur.
search this work
Maurice Platnaeur.
search this work
Maurice Platnaeur.
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Clement of Alexandria.
G.W. Butterworth.
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G.W. Butterworth.
search this work
G.W. Butterworth.
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A. W. Mair.
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Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus.
Harrison Boyd Ash.
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E.S. Forster, Edward H. Heffner.
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search this work
John Conington.
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search this work
E. M. Cope.
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Gilbert A. Davies.
Commentary on Demosthenes: Philippics I, II, III.
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search this work
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Demetrius of Phaleron (attributed author).
W. Rhys (William Rhys) Roberts.
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W. Rennie.
[Dem. Ex.]
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Norman W. DeWitt, Norman J. DeWitt.
[Dem. Ex.]
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W. Rennie.
[Dem. L.]
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Norman W. DeWitt, Norman J. DeWitt.
[Dem. L.]
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Speeches 1-10.
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[Dem. 1]
[Dem. 2]
[Dem. 3]
[Dem. 4]
[Dem. 5]
[Dem. 6]
[Dem. 7]
[Dem. 8]
[Dem. 9]
[Dem. 10]
Speeches 1-10.
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[Dem. 1]
[Dem. 2]
[Dem. 3]
[Dem. 4]
[Dem. 5]
[Dem. 6]
[Dem. 7]
[Dem. 8]
[Dem. 9]
[Dem. 10]
Speeches 11-20.
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[Dem. 11]
[Dem. 12]
[Dem. 13]
[Dem. 14]
[Dem. 15]
[Dem. 16]
[Dem. 17]
[Dem. 18]
[Dem. 19]
[Dem. 20]
Speeches 11-20.
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[Dem. 11]
[Dem. 12]
[Dem. 13]
[Dem. 14]
[Dem. 15]
[Dem. 16]
[Dem. 17]
[Dem. 18]
[Dem. 19]
[Dem. 20]
Speeches 21-30.
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[Dem. 21]
[Dem. 22]
[Dem. 23]
[Dem. 24]
[Dem. 25]
[Dem. 26]
[Dem. 27]
[Dem. 28]
[Dem. 29]
[Dem. 30]
Speeches 21-30.
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[Dem. 21]
[Dem. 22]
[Dem. 23]
[Dem. 24]
[Dem. 25]
[Dem. 26]
[Dem. 27]
[Dem. 28]
[Dem. 29]
[Dem. 30]
Speeches 31-40.
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[Dem. 31]
[Dem. 32]
[Dem. 33]
[Dem. 34]
[Dem. 35]
[Dem. 36]
[Dem. 37]
[Dem. 38]
[Dem. 39]
[Dem. 40]
Speeches 31-40.
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[Dem. 31]
[Dem. 32]
[Dem. 33]
[Dem. 34]
[Dem. 35]
[Dem. 36]
[Dem. 37]
[Dem. 38]
[Dem. 39]
[Dem. 40]
Speeches 41-50.
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[Dem. 41]
[Dem. 42]
[Dem. 43]
[Dem. 44]
[Dem. 45]
[Dem. 46]
[Dem. 47]
[Dem. 48]
[Dem. 49]
[Dem. 50]
Speeches 41-50.
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[Dem. 41]
[Dem. 42]
[Dem. 43]
[Dem. 44]
[Dem. 45]
[Dem. 46]
[Dem. 47]
[Dem. 48]
[Dem. 49]
[Dem. 50]
Speeches 51-61.
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[Dem. 51]
[Dem. 52]
[Dem. 53]
[Dem. 54]
[Dem. 55]
[Dem. 56]
[Dem. 57]
[Dem. 58]
[Dem. 59]
[Dem. 60]
[Dem. 61]
Speeches 51-61.
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[Dem. 51]
[Dem. 52]
[Dem. 53]
[Dem. 54]
[Dem. 55]
[Dem. 56]
[Dem. 57]
[Dem. 58]
[Dem. 59]
[Dem. 60]
[Dem. 61]
William Smith, LLD, William Wayte, G. E. Marindin.
search this work
William Smith.
search this work
William Smith, LLD.
search this work
search this work
[Din. 1]
[Din. 2]
[Din. 3]
search this work
[Din. 1]
[Din. 2]
[Din. 3]
Dio Chrysostom.
J. de Arnim.
search this work
Cassius Dio Cocceianus.
Earnest Cary, Herbert Baldwin Foster.
search this work
Diodorus Siculus.
Immanuel Bekker, Ludwig Dindorf, Friedrich Vogel, Immanel Bekker.
search this work
Immanuel Bekker, Ludwig Dindorf, Friedrich Vogel, Kurt Theodor Fischer, Immanel Bekker.
search this work
search this work
search this work
Diogenes Laertius.
R.D. Hicks.
[D. L.]
search this work
R.D. Hicks.
[D. L.]
search this work
Dionysius of Halicarnassus.
Karl Jacoby.
search this work
Hermann Usener.
[D.H. Orat.]
search this work
Hermann Usener.
[D.H. Lys.]
search this work
Hermann Usener.
[D.H. Isoc.]
search this work
Hermann Usener.
[D.H. Is.]
search this work
Hermann Usener.
[D.H. Dem.]
search this work
Hermann Usener.
[D.H. Orat.Vett.]
search this work
Hermann Usener.
[D.H. Amm. 1]
search this work
Hermann Usener.
[D.H. Din.]
search this work
Hermann Usener.
[D.H. Th.]
search this work
Hermann Usener.
[D.H. Amm. 2]
search this work
Ludwig Radermacher.
[D.H. Comp.]
search this work
Ludwig Radermacher.
[D.H. Pomp.]
search this work
J.F. Dobson.
search this work
E. H. Donkin.
search this work
J. M. Edmonds.
search this work
J. M. Edmonds.
search this work
J. M. Edmonds.
search this work
J. M. Edmonds.
search this work
search this work
George Long.
search this work
Thomas Wentworth Higginson.
search this work
J. L. Heiberg.
search this work
Thomas L. Heath, Sir Thomas Little Heath.
search this work
David Kovacs.
[Eur. Alc.]
search this work
David Kovacs.
[Eur. Alc.]
search this work
David Kovacs.
[Eur. Andr.]
search this work
David Kovacs.
[Eur. Andr.]
search this work
Gilbert Murray.
[Eur. Ba.]
search this work
T. A. Buckley.
[Eur. Ba.]
search this work
David Kovacs.
[Eur. Cycl.]
search this work
David Kovacs.
[Eur. Cycl.]
search this work
Gilbert Murray.
[Eur. El.]
search this work
E. P. Coleridge.
[Eur. El.]
search this work
Gilbert Murray.
[Eur. Hec.]
search this work
E. P. Coleridge.
[Eur. Hec.]
search this work
Gilbert Murray.
[Eur. Hel.]
search this work
E. P. Coleridge.
[Eur. Hel.]
search this work
David Kovacs.
[Eur. Heraclid.]
search this work
David Kovacs.
[Eur. Heraclid.]
search this work
Gilbert Murray.
[Eur. Her.]
search this work
E. P. Coleridge.
[Eur. Her.]
search this work
David Kovacs.
[Eur. Hipp.]
search this work
David Kovacs.
[Eur. Hipp.]
search this work
Gilbert Murray.
[Eur. Ion]
search this work
Robert Potter.
[Eur. Ion]
search this work
Gilbert Murray.
[Eur. IA]
search this work
E. P. Coleridge.
[Eur. IA]
search this work
Gilbert Murray.
[Eur. IT]
search this work
Robert Potter.
[Eur. IT]
search this work
David Kovacs.
[Eur. Med.]
search this work
David Kovacs.
[Eur. Med.]
search this work
Gilbert Murray.
[Eur. Orest.]
search this work
E. P. Coleridge.
[Eur. Orest.]
search this work
Gilbert Murray.
[Eur. Phoen.]
search this work
E. P. Coleridge.
[Eur. Phoen.]
search this work
Gilbert Murray.
[Eur. Rh.]
search this work
E. P. Coleridge.
[Eur. Rh.]
search this work
Gilbert Murray.
[Eur. Rh.]
search this work
Gilbert Murray.
[Eur. Supp.]
search this work
E. P. Coleridge.
[Eur. Supp.]
search this work
Gilbert Murray.
[Eur. Tro.]
search this work
E. P. Coleridge.
[Eur. Tro.]
search this work
Eusebius of Caesarea.
Kirsopp Lake, J.E.L. Oulton, H.J. Lawlor.
search this work
C. Valerius Flaccus.
Otto Kramer.
[V. Fl.]
search this work
Otto Kramer.
search this work
Florus, Lucius Annaeus.
Edward Seymour Forster.
[Flor. Epit.]
search this work
Edward S. Forster.
Isocrates Cyprian Orations.
search this work
Harold North Fowler.
search this work
A.J. Brock.
[Gal. Nat. Fac.]
search this work
A.J. Brock.
[Gal. Nat. Fac.]
search this work
Aulus Gellius.
John C. Rolfe.
search this work
John C. Rolfe.
search this work
John C. Rolfe.
search this work
Basil L. Gildersleeve.
Pindar: The Olympian and Pythian Odes.
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[Gildersleeve grammar]
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Francis Glass.
J.N. Reynolds.
search this work
William Watson Goodwin.
search this work
[Goodwin syntax]
search this work
C.E. Graves.
search this work
search this work
W. R. Paton.
[Anth. Gr.]
search this work
W. R. Paton.
[Anth. Gr.]
search this work
W. R. Paton.
[Anth. Gr.]
search this work
W. R. Paton.
[Anth. Gr.]
search this work
W. R. Paton.
[Anth. Gr.]
search this work
J. B. Greenough, Benjamin L. D'Ooge, M. Grant Daniell.
Commentary on Caesar's Gallic War.
search this work
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge.
Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition..
search this work
[AG Cic.]
[AG Cic.]
[AG Cic.]
[AG Cic.]
[AG Cic.]
[AG Cic.]
[AG Cic.]
[AG Cic.]
[AG Cic.]
[AG Cic.]
William Gardner Hale.
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Harpocration, Valerius.
Wilhelm Dindorf.
search this work
search this work
A. D. Godley.
search this work
[Hes. Sh.]
search this work
[Hes. Sh.]
search this work
[Hes. Th.]
search this work
[Hes. Th.]
search this work
[Hes. WD]
search this work
[Hes. WD]
search this work
W. H. S. Jones.
search this work
W. H. S. Jones.
search this work
W. H. S. Jones.
search this work
The Genuine Works of Hippocrates.
Charles Darwin Adams.
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[Hp. Jusj.]
[Hp. VM]
[Hp. Aer.]
[Hp. Prog.]
[Hp. Acut.]
[Hp. Epid.]
[Hp. VC]
[Hp. Off.]
[Hp. Fract.]
[Hp. Art.]
[Hp. Mochl.]
[Hp. Aph.]
[Hp. Lex]
[Hp. Ulc.]
[Hp. Fist.]
[Hp. Haem.]
[Hp. Morb. Sacr.]
Hippocrates Collected Works I.
W. H. S. Jones.
search this work
[Hp. VM]
[Hp. Aer.]
[Hp. Epid.]
[Hp. Jusj.]
[Hp. Praec.]
[Hp. Alim.]
Hippocrates Collected Works I.
W. H. S. Jones.
search this work
[Hp. VM]
[Hp. Aer.]
[Hp. Epid.]
[Hp. Jusj.]
[Hp. Praec.]
[Hp. Alim.]
Michael North.
[Hp. Jusj.]
search this work
W. H. S. Jones.
search this work
W. H. S. Jones.
search this work
Oeuvres Completes D'Hippocrate..
A. Littre.
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[Hp. Acut.]
[Hp. Acut. Sp.]
[Hp. Haem.]
[Hp. Fist.]
[Hp. Ulc.]
[Hp. Art.]
[Hp. Mochl.]
[Hp. Aph.]
[Hp. Prog.]
[Hp. Fract.]
[Hp. Morb. Sacr.]
[Hp. VC]
[Hp. Off.]
W. H. S. Jones.
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[Hom. Il.]
search this work
[Hom. Il.]
search this work
Samuel Butler.
[Hom. Il.]
search this work
[Hom. Od.]
search this work
[Hom. Od.]
search this work
Samuel Butler, Based on public domain edition, revised by Timothy Power and Gregory Nagy..
[Hom. Od.]
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Homeric Hymns.
Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
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[HH 1]
[HH 2]
[HH 3]
[HH 4]
[HH 5]
[HH 6]
[HH 7]
[HH 8]
[HH 9]
[HH 10]
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[HH 25]
[HH 26]
[HH 27]
[HH 28]
[HH 29]
[HH 30]
[HH 31]
[HH 32]
[HH 33]
Homeric Hymns.
Hugh G. Evelyn-White.
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[HH 1]
[HH 2]
[HH 3]
[HH 4]
[HH 5]
[HH 6]
[HH 7]
[HH 8]
[HH 9]
[HH 10]
[HH 11]
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[HH 15]
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[HH 21]
[HH 22]
[HH 23]
[HH 24]
[HH 25]
[HH 26]
[HH 27]
[HH 28]
[HH 29]
[HH 30]
[HH 31]
[HH 32]
[HH 33]
Q. Horatius Flaccus (Horace).
Paul Shorey, Gordon Lang, Paul Shorey and Gordon J. Laing.
[Hor. Od.]
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John Conington.
[Hor. Od.]
search this work
C. Smart.
[Hor. S.]
search this work
C. Smart, Theodore Alois Buckley.
[Hor. S.]
search this work
C. Smart.
[Hor. Ars]
search this work
C. Smart, Theodore Alois Buckley.
[Hor. Ars]
search this work
Paul Shorey.
[Hor. Carm.]
search this work
Friedrich Vollmer.
[Hor. Epod.]
search this work
H. Rushton Fairclough.
[Hor. Ep.]
search this work
Paul Shorey.
Commentary on Horace, Odes, Epodes, and Carmen Saeculare.
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W. W. How, J. Wells.
search this work
search this work
[Hyp. 1]
[Hyp. 2]
[Hyp. 3]
[Hyp. 4]
[Hyp. 5]
[Hyp. 6]
search this work
[Hyp. 1]
[Hyp. 2]
[Hyp. 3]
[Hyp. 4]
[Hyp. 5]
[Hyp. 6]
search this work
[Isaeus 1]
[Isaeus 2]
[Isaeus 3]
[Isaeus 4]
[Isaeus 5]
[Isaeus 6]
[Isaeus 7]
[Isaeus 8]
[Isaeus 9]
[Isaeus 10]
[Isaeus 11]
[Isaeus 12]
search this work
[Isaeus 1]
[Isaeus 2]
[Isaeus 3]
[Isaeus 4]
[Isaeus 5]
[Isaeus 6]
[Isaeus 7]
[Isaeus 8]
[Isaeus 9]
[Isaeus 10]
[Isaeus 11]
[Isaeus 12]
George Norlin.
search this work
[Isoc. L. 1]
[Isoc. L. 2]
[Isoc. L. 3]
[Isoc. L. 4]
[Isoc. L. 5]
[Isoc. L. 6]
[Isoc. L. 7]
[Isoc. L. 8]
[Isoc. L. 9]
George Norlin.
search this work
[Isoc. L. 1]
[Isoc. L. 2]
[Isoc. L. 3]
[Isoc. L. 4]
[Isoc. L. 5]
[Isoc. L. 6]
[Isoc. L. 7]
[Isoc. L. 8]
[Isoc. L. 9]
George Norlin.
search this work
[Isoc. 1]
[Isoc. 2]
[Isoc. 3]
[Isoc. 4]
[Isoc. 5]
[Isoc. 6]
[Isoc. 7]
[Isoc. 8]
[Isoc. 9]
[Isoc. 10]
[Isoc. 11]
[Isoc. 12]
[Isoc. 13]
[Isoc. 14]
[Isoc. 15]
[Isoc. 16]
[Isoc. 17]
[Isoc. 18]
[Isoc. 19]
[Isoc. 20]
[Isoc. 21]
George Norlin.
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[Isoc. 1]
[Isoc. 2]
[Isoc. 3]
[Isoc. 4]
[Isoc. 5]
[Isoc. 6]
[Isoc. 7]
[Isoc. 8]
[Isoc. 9]
[Isoc. 10]
[Isoc. 11]
[Isoc. 12]
[Isoc. 13]
[Isoc. 14]
[Isoc. 15]
[Isoc. 16]
[Isoc. 17]
[Isoc. 18]
[Isoc. 19]
[Isoc. 20]
[Isoc. 21]
Sir Richard C. Jebb.
[Jebb Orators]
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Commentary on Sophocles: Ajax.
search this work
Commentary on Sophocles: Antigone.
search this work
Commentary on Sophocles: Electra.
search this work
Commentary on Sophocles: Oedipus at Colonus.
search this work
search this work
Commentary on Sophocles: Philoctetes.
search this work
Commentary on Sophocles: Trachiniae.
search this work
Selections from the Attic Orators.
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Jerome, Saint.
F.A. Wright.
[Jer. Ep.]
search this work
John, of Damascus (attributed author).
G.R. Woodward, H. Mattingly.
[Jo. Dam.]
search this work
Flavius Josephus.
William Whiston, A.M..
[J. Ap.]
search this work
B. Niese.
[J. AJ]
search this work
William Whiston, A.M..
[J. AJ]
search this work
B. Niese.
[J. Ap.]
search this work
B. Niese.
[J. BJ]
search this work
B. Niese.
[J. Vit.]
search this work
William Whiston, A.M..
[J. Vit.]
search this work
William Whiston, A.M..
[J. BJ]
search this work
Julian the Emperor.
Wilmer Cave (France) Wright.
search this work
Wilmer Cave (France) Wright.
search this work
Wilmer Cave (France) Wright.
search this work
Wilmer Cave (France) Wright.
search this work
Wilmer Cave (France) Wright.
search this work
Wilmer Cave (France) Wright.
search this work
Wilmer Cave (France) Wright.
search this work
Wilmer Cave (France) Wright.
search this work
Wilmer Cave (France) Wright.
search this work
Wilmer Cave (France) Wright.
search this work
Wilmer Cave (France) Wright.
search this work
Wilmer Cave (France) Wright.
search this work
Wilmer Cave (France) Wright.
search this work
Wilmer Cave (France) Wright.
search this work
G. G. Ramsay.
search this work
Raphael Kühner, Friedrich Blass.
Ildar Ibraguimov.
search this work
Raphael Kühner, Bernhard Gerth.
Ildar Ibraguimov.
search this work
Ildar Ibraguimov.
search this work
Latin Vulgate.
Saint Jerome, Bible Foundation and On-Line Book Initiative.
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[1 Samuel]
[2 Samuel]
[1 Kings]
[2 Kings]
[1 Chronicles]
[2 Chronicles]
[Prayer of Azariah]
[Prayer of Azariah]
[1 Maccabees]
[2 Maccabees]
[1 Corinthians]
[2 Corinthians]
[1 Thessalonians]
[2 Thessalonians]
[1 Timothy]
[2 Timothy]
[1 Peter]
[2 Peter]
[1 John]
[2 John]
[3 John]
[1 Esdras]
[Prayer of Azariah]
Carol L. Lawton.
[Lawton essay]
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Walter Leaf.
search this work
Charlton T. Lewis.
search this work
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short.
search this work
Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott.
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search this work
W. M. Lindsay.
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search this work
Titus Livius (Livy).
W. Weissenborn.
search this work
W. Weissenborn.
[Liv. 45]
search this work
W. Weissenborn.
search this work
W. Weissenborn.
search this work
Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 31-32.
W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller.
search this work
W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller.
search this work
W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller.
search this work
Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 33-34.
W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller.
search this work
W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller.
search this work
search this work
Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 35-38.
W. Weissenborn.
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[Liv. 35]
[Liv. 36]
[Liv. 37]
[Liv. 38]
W. Weissenborn.
search this work
W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller.
search this work
Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 39-40.
W. Weissenborn.
search this work
W. Weissenborn.
search this work
W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller.
search this work
Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 41-42.
W. Weissenborn.
search this work
W. Weissenborn.
search this work
W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller.
search this work
Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn, books 43-44.
W. Weissenborn.
search this work
W. Weissenborn.
search this work
W. Weissenborn.
search this work
Ab urbe condita, books 1-10.
W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller.
search this work
[Liv. 1]
[Liv. 2]
[Liv. 3]
[Liv. 4]
[Liv. 5]
[Liv. 6]
[Liv. 7]
[Liv. 8]
[Liv. 9]
[Liv. 10]
[Liv. 11]
[Liv. 12]
[Liv. 13]
[Liv. 14]
[Liv. 15]
[Liv. 16]
[Liv. 17]
[Liv. 18]
[Liv. 19]
[Liv. 20]
W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller.
search this work
Ab Urbe Condita, books 1-2.
Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D..
search this work
Ab Urbe Condita, books 1-2.
Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D..
search this work
Ab urbe condita, books 1-5.
Robert Seymour Conway, Charles Flamstead Walters.
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[Liv. 1]
[Liv. 2]
[Liv. 3]
[Liv. 4]
[Liv. 5]
Ab Urbe Condita, books 21-22.
Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D..
search this work
Ab Urbe Condita, books 21-22.
Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D..
search this work
Ab urbe condita, books 21-25.
Robert Seymour Conway, Charles Flamstead Walters.
search this work
[Liv. 21]
[Liv. 22]
[Liv. 23]
[Liv. 24]
[Liv. 25]
Ab urbe condita, books 21-30.
W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller.
search this work
[Liv. 21]
[Liv. 22]
[Liv. 23]
[Liv. 24]
[Liv. 25]
[Liv. 26]
[Liv. 27]
[Liv. 28]
[Liv. 29]
[Liv. 30]
W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller.
search this work
Ab Urbe Condita, books 23-25.
Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University.
search this work
[Liv. 23]
[Liv. 24]
[Liv. 25]
Ab Urbe Condita, books 23-25.
Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University.
search this work
[Liv. 23]
[Liv. 24]
[Liv. 25]
Ab Urbe Condita, books 26-27.
Frank Gardner Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University.
search this work
Ab Urbe Condita, books 26-27.
Frank Gardner Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University.
search this work
Ab urbe condita, books 26-30.
Robert Seymour Conway, Stephen Keymer Johnson.
search this work
[Liv. 26]
[Liv. 27]
[Liv. 28]
[Liv. 29]
[Liv. 30]
Ab Urbe Condita, books 28-30.
Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University.
search this work
[Liv. 28]
[Liv. 29]
[Liv. 30]
Ab Urbe Condita, books 28-30.
Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University.
search this work
[Liv. 28]
[Liv. 29]
[Liv. 30]
Ab Urbe Condita, books 3-4.
Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D..
search this work
Ab Urbe Condita, books 3-4.
Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D..
search this work
Ab Urbe Condita, books 31-34.
Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. Professor of Latin and Head of the Department of Classics in the University of Pittsburgh.
search this work
[Liv. 31]
[Liv. 32]
[Liv. 33]
[Liv. 34]
Ab Urbe Condita, books 31-34.
Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. Professor of Latin and Head of the Department of Classics in the University of Pittsburgh.
search this work
[Liv. 31]
[Liv. 32]
[Liv. 33]
[Liv. 34]
Ab urbe condita, books 31-38.
W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller.
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[Liv. 31]
[Liv. 32]
[Liv. 33]
[Liv. 34]
[Liv. 35]
[Liv. 36]
[Liv. 37]
[Liv. 38]
W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller.
search this work
Ab Urbe Condita, books 35-37.
Evan T. Sage, PhD professor of latin and head of the department of classics in the University of Pittsburgh.
search this work
[Liv. 35]
[Liv. 36]
[Liv. 37]
Ab Urbe Condita, books 35-37.
Evan T. Sage, PhD professor of latin and head of the department of classics in the University of Pittsburgh.
search this work
[Liv. 35]
[Liv. 36]
[Liv. 37]
Ab Urbe Condita, books 38-39.
Evan T. Sage, Ph.D..
search this work
Ab Urbe Condita, books 38-39.
Evan T. Sage, Ph.D..
search this work
Ab urbe condita, books 39-40.
W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller.
search this work
W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller.
search this work
Ab Urbe Condita, books 40-42.
Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. and Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D..
search this work
[Liv. 40]
[Liv. 41]
[Liv. 42]
Ab Urbe Condita, books 40-42.
Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. and Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D..
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[Liv. 40]
[Liv. 41]
[Liv. 42]
Ab urbe condita, books 41-45.
W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller.
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[Liv. 41]
[Liv. 42]
[Liv. 43]
[Liv. 44]
[Liv. 45]
W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller.
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Ab Urbe Condita, books 43-45.
Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D..
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[Liv. 43]
[Liv. 44]
[Liv. 45]
Ab Urbe Condita, books 43-45.
Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D..
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[Liv. 43]
[Liv. 44]
[Liv. 45]
Ab Urbe Condita, books 5-7.
Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D..
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[Liv. 5]
[Liv. 6]
[Liv. 7]
Ab Urbe Condita, books 5-7.
Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D..
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[Liv. 5]
[Liv. 6]
[Liv. 7]
Ab urbe condita, books 6-10.
Charles Flamstead Walters, Robert Seymour Conway.
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[Liv. 6]
[Liv. 7]
[Liv. 8]
[Liv. 9]
[Liv. 10]
Ab Urbe Condita, books 8-10.
Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D..
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[Liv. 8]
[Liv. 9]
[Liv. 10]
[Liv. 11]
[Liv. 12]
[Liv. 13]
[Liv. 14]
[Liv. 15]
[Liv. 16]
[Liv. 17]
[Liv. 18]
[Liv. 19]
[Liv. 20]
Ab Urbe Condita, books 8-10.
Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D..
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[Liv. 8]
[Liv. 9]
[Liv. 10]
[Liv. 11]
[Liv. 12]
[Liv. 13]
[Liv. 14]
[Liv. 15]
[Liv. 16]
[Liv. 17]
[Liv. 18]
[Liv. 19]
[Liv. 20]
W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller.
[Liv. Frag.]
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W. Weissenborn, H. J. Müller.
search this work
The History of Rome by Titus Livius, books nine to twenty-six, literally translated, with notes and illustrations.
D. Spillan, A.M., M.D., Cyrus Evans.
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[Liv. 9]
[Liv. 10]
[Liv. 11]
[Liv. 12]
[Liv. 13]
[Liv. 14]
[Liv. 15]
[Liv. 16]
[Liv. 17]
[Liv. 18]
[Liv. 19]
[Liv. 20]
[Liv. 21]
[Liv. 22]
[Liv. 23]
[Liv. 24]
[Liv. 25]
[Liv. 26]
The History of Rome by Titus Livius, books thirty-seven to forty-five, literally translated, with notes and illustrations.
William A. McDevitte, Sen. Class. Mod. Ex. Schol. A.B.T.C.D..
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[Liv. 37]
[Liv. 38]
[Liv. 39]
[Liv. 40]
[Liv. 41]
[Liv. 42]
[Liv. 43]
[Liv. 44]
[Liv. 45]
The History of Rome by Titus Livius, books twenty-seven to thirty-six, literally translated, with notes and illustrations.
Cyrus Evans.
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[Liv. 27]
[Liv. 28]
[Liv. 29]
[Liv. 30]
[Liv. 31]
[Liv. 32]
[Liv. 33]
[Liv. 34]
[Liv. 35]
[Liv. 36]
The History of Rome by Titus Livius, the first eight books, literally translated, with notes and illustrations.
D. Spillan, A.M., M.D..
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[Liv. 1]
[Liv. 2]
[Liv. 3]
[Liv. 4]
[Liv. 5]
[Liv. 6]
[Liv. 7]
[Liv. 8]
William A. McDevitte, Sen. Class. Mod. Ex. Schol. A.B.T.C.D..
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History of Rome, books 1-10.
Rev. Canon Roberts.
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[Liv. 1]
[Liv. 2]
[Liv. 3]
[Liv. 4]
[Liv. 5]
[Liv. 6]
[Liv. 7]
[Liv. 8]
[Liv. 9]
[Liv. 10]
History of Rome, books 21-45.
Rev. Canon Roberts.
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[Liv. 21]
[Liv. 22]
[Liv. 23]
[Liv. 24]
[Liv. 25]
[Liv. 26]
[Liv. 27]
[Liv. 28]
[Liv. 29]
[Liv. 30]
[Liv. 31]
[Liv. 32]
[Liv. 33]
[Liv. 34]
[Liv. 35]
[Liv. 36]
[Liv. 37]
[Liv. 38]
[Liv. 39]
[Liv. 40]
[Liv. 41]
[Liv. 42]
[Liv. 43]
[Liv. 44]
[Liv. 45]
Gonzalez Lodge.
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William Rhys Roberts.
search this work
Rudolf Hercher.
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M. Annaeus Lucanus.
Carolus Hermannus Weise.
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Sir Edward Ridley.
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Abd.uc. Phal.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Ind.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Alex.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Anach.]
search this work
Karl Jacobitz.
[Luc. Apol.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Bacch.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Bis Acc.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Cal.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Cat.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Cont.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Astr.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Dom.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Luct.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Merc. Cond.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Peregr.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Par.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Sacr.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Salt.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Syr. D.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Dearum]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Demon.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Deor. Conc.]
search this work
Karl Jacobitz.
[Luc. DDeor.]
search this work
Karl Jacobitz.
[Luc. DMar.]
search this work
Karl Jacobitz.
[Luc. DMeretr.]
search this work
Karl Jacobitz.
[Luc. DMort.]
search this work
Karl Jacobitz.
[Luc. Dips.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Electr.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Eun.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Fug.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Gall.]
search this work
Karl Jacobitz.
[Luc. Harm.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Herc.]
search this work
Karl Jacobitz.
[Luc. Herm.]
search this work
Karl Jacobitz.
[Luc. Herod.]
search this work
Karl Jacobitz.
[Luc. Hes.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Hip.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Icar.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Im.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Jud. Voc.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. J Conf.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. J Tr.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Lex.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Macr.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Musc. Enc.]
search this work
Karl Jacobitz.
[Luc. Nav.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Nec.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Nigr.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Patr. Enc.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Phal.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Philops.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Pisc.]
search this work
Karl Jacobitz.
[Luc. Pod.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Pr. Im.]
search this work
Karl Jacobitz.
[Luc. Laps.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
search this work
Karl Jacobitz.
[Luc. Prom.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Pseudol.]
search this work
Karl Jacobitz.
[Luc. Hist. Conscr.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Rh. Pr.]
search this work
Karl Jacobitz.
[Luc. Sat.]
search this work
Karl Jacobitz.
[Luc. Scyth.]
search this work
Karl Jacobitz.
[Luc. Sol.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Somn.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Symp.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Tim.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Tox.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Tyr.]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. VH]
search this work
A. M. Harmon.
[Luc. Vit. Auct.]
search this work
Karl Jacobitz.
[Luc. Zeux.]
search this work
search this work
William Ellery Leonard.
search this work
A.W. Mair.
search this work
search this work
search this work
search this work
[Lys. 1]
[Lys. 2]
[Lys. 3]
[Lys. 4]
[Lys. 5]
[Lys. 6]
[Lys. 7]
[Lys. 8]
[Lys. 9]
[Lys. 10]
[Lys. 11]
[Lys. 12]
[Lys. 13]
[Lys. 14]
[Lys. 15]
[Lys. 16]
[Lys. 17]
[Lys. 18]
[Lys. 19]
[Lys. 20]
[Lys. 21]
[Lys. 22]
[Lys. 23]
[Lys. 24]
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[Lys. 26]
[Lys. 27]
[Lys. 28]
[Lys. 29]
[Lys. 30]
[Lys. 31]
[Lys. 32]
[Lys. 33]
[Lys. 34]
search this work
[Lys. 1]
[Lys. 2]
[Lys. 3]
[Lys. 4]
[Lys. 5]
[Lys. 6]
[Lys. 7]
[Lys. 8]
[Lys. 9]
[Lys. 10]
[Lys. 11]
[Lys. 12]
[Lys. 13]
[Lys. 14]
[Lys. 15]
[Lys. 16]
[Lys. 17]
[Lys. 18]
[Lys. 19]
[Lys. 20]
[Lys. 21]
[Lys. 22]
[Lys. 23]
[Lys. 24]
[Lys. 25]
[Lys. 26]
[Lys. 27]
[Lys. 28]
[Lys. 29]
[Lys. 30]
[Lys. 31]
[Lys. 32]
[Lys. 33]
[Lys. 34]
Reginald Walter Macan.
search this work
Anne Mahoney.
search this work
E.C. Marchant.
search this work
search this work
search this work
search this work
search this work
Wilhelm Heraeus, Jacobus Borovskij.
search this work
Thomas R. Martin.
search this work
Susan Matheson.
[Matheson essay]
search this work
E. T. Merrill.
Commentary on Catullus.
E. T. Merrill.
search this work
W. Walter Merry, James Riddell, D. B. Monro.
search this work
Philostratus Minor.
Carl Ludwig Kayser.
[Philostr. Jun. Im.]
search this work
Minucius Felix, Marcus.
Gerald H. Rendall, W.C.A. Kerr.
[Minuc. Oct.]
search this work
Warren G. Moon.
[Moon essay]
search this work
George W. Mooney.
Commentary on Apollonius: Argonautica.
George W. Mooney.
search this work
Charles D. Morris.
search this work
J. M. (John Maxwell) Edmonds.
search this work
J. M. (John Maxwell) Edmonds.
search this work
J. M. (John Maxwell) Edmonds.
search this work
J. M. (John Maxwell) Edmonds.
search this work
J. M. (John Maxwell) Edmonds.
search this work
Jenifer Neils.
[Neils essay]
search this work
Cornelius Nepos.
Albert Fleckeisen.
search this work
[Nep. Milt.]
[Nep. Them.]
[Nep. Ar.]
[Nep. Paus.]
[Nep. Cim.]
[Nep. Lys.]
[Nep. Alc.]
[Nep. Thr.]
[Nep. Con.]
[Nep. Di.]
[Nep. Iph.]
[Nep. Cha.]
[Nep. Timoth.]
[Nep. Dat.]
[Nep. Ep.]
[Nep. Pel.]
[Nep. Ag.]
[Nep. Eum.]
[Nep. Phoc.]
[Nep. Timol.]
[Nep. Reg.]
[Nep. Ham.]
[Nep. Han.]
[Nep. Ca.]
[Nep. Att.]
New Testament.
Brooke Foss Westcott, Fenton John Anthony Hort.
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[1 Peter]
[2 Peter]
[1 John]
[2 John]
[3 John]
[1 Corinthians]
[2 Corinthians]
[1 Thessalonians]
[2 Thessalonians]
[1 Timothy]
[2 Timothy]
Nonnus of Panopolis.
W.H.D. Rouse.
[Nonn. D.]
search this work
John H. Oakley.
[Oakley essay]
search this work
Pseudo-Xenophon (Old Oligarch).
E. C. Marchant.
[Ps. Xen. Const. Ath.]
search this work
William Abbott Oldfather.
search this work
Oppian of Apamea.
A. W. Mair.
[Opp. C.]
search this work
A. W. Mair.
[Opp. H.]
search this work
P. Ovidius Naso.
Christopher Marlowe.
[Ov. Am.]
search this work
Amores, Epistulae, Medicamina faciei femineae, Ars amatoria, Remedia amoris.
R. Ehwald.
search this work
[Ov. Am.]
[Ov. Ep. Sapph.]
[Ov. Med.]
[Ov. Ars]
[Ov. Rem.]
Art of Love, Remedy of Love, Art of Beauty, Court of Love, History of Love, Amours.
search this work
[Ov. Ars]
[Ov. Rem.]
[Ov. Med.]
[Ov. Am.]
[Ov. Ep. Sapph.]
search this work
Arthur Leslie Wheeler.
[Ov. Pont.]
search this work
Sir James George Frazer.
[Ov. Fast.]
search this work
Rudolf Merkel, Rudolf Ehwald.
[Ov. Ib.]
search this work
Brookes More.
[Ov. Met.]
search this work
Hugo Magnus.
[Ov. Met.]
search this work
Arthur Golding.
[Ov. Met.]
search this work
Arthur Leslie Wheeler.
[Ov. Tr.]
search this work
Michael Padgett.
[Padgett harrow essay]
search this work
[Padgett Kleophrades essay]
search this work
F. A. Paley.
Select Private Orations of Demosthenes.
search this work
Rudolf Hercher.
search this work
search this work
search this work
Harry Thurston Peck.
search this work
search this work
G.G.Ramsay, G. G. Ramsay.
search this work
Michael Heseltine.
search this work
Satyricon, Fragmenta, and Poems.
Michael Heseltine.
search this work
[Petr. Fr.]
[Petr. Poems]
Michael Heseltine.
search this work
Satyricon, Fragments, and Poems.
Michael Heseltine.
search this work
[Petr. Fr.]
[Petr. Poems]
Christopher Smart, Christopher Smart, A. M..
search this work
L. Mueller.
search this work
Philostratus the Athenian.
Carl Ludwig Kayser.
[Philostr. Gym.]
search this work
Carl Ludwig Kayser.
[Philostr. Ep.]
search this work
Carl Ludwig Kayser.
[Philostr. Her.]
search this work
Carl Ludwig Kayser.
search this work
Carl Ludwig Kayser.
[Philostr. VA]
search this work
Carl Ludwig Kayser.
[Philostr. VS]
search this work
Philostratus the Lemnian (Philostratus Major).
Carl Ludwig Kayser.
[Philostr. Im.]
search this work
search this work
[Pind. O.]
[Pind. P.]
[Pind. N.]
[Pind. I.]
Diane Arnson Svarlien.
search this work
[Pind. O.]
[Pind. P.]
[Pind. N.]
[Pind. I.]
Steven J. Willett.
[Pind. P.]
search this work
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby.
search this work
Alcibiades 1, Alcibiades 2, Hipparchus, Lovers, Theages, Charmides, Laches, Lysis.
search this work
[Plat. Alc. 1]
[Plat. Alc. 2]
[Plat. Hipparch.]
[Plat. Lovers]
[Plat. Theag.]
[Plat. Charm.]
[Plat. Lach.]
[Plat. Lysis]
Alcibiades 1, Alcibiades 2, Hipparchus, Lovers, Theages, Charmides, Laches, Lysis.
search this work
[Plat. Alc. 1]
[Plat. Alc. 2]
[Plat. Hipparch.]
[Plat. Lovers]
[Plat. Theag.]
[Plat. Charm.]
[Plat. Lach.]
[Plat. Lysis]
Cratylus, Theaetetus, Sophist, Statesman.
search this work
[Plat. Crat.]
[Plat. Theaet.]
[Plat. Soph.]
[Plat. Stat.]
Cratylus, Theaetetus, Sophist, Statesman.
search this work
[Plat. Crat.]
[Plat. Theaet.]
[Plat. Soph.]
[Plat. Stat.]
[Plat. L.]
search this work
Euthydemus, Protagoras, Gorgias, Meno.
search this work
[Plat. Euthyd.]
[Plat. Prot.]
[Plat. Gorg.]
[Plat. Meno]
Euthydemus, Protagoras, Gorgias, Meno.
search this work
[Plat. Euthyd.]
[Plat. Prot.]
[Plat. Gorg.]
[Plat. Meno]
Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo.
search this work
[Plat. Euthyph.]
[Plat. Apol.]
[Plat. Crito]
[Plat. Phaedo]
Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo.
search this work
[Plat. Euthyph.]
[Plat. Apol.]
[Plat. Crito]
[Plat. Phaedo]
Hippias Major, Hippias Minor, Ion, Menexenus, Cleitophon, Timaeus, Critias, Minos, Epinomis.
search this work
[Plat. Hipp. Maj.]
[Plat. Hipp. Min.]
[Plat. Ion]
[Plat. Menex.]
[Plat. Cleit.]
[Plat. Tim.]
[Plat. Criti.]
[Plat. Minos]
[Plat. Epin.]
Hippias Major, Hippias Minor, Ion, Menexenus, Cleitophon, Timaeus, Critias, Minos, Epinomis.
search this work
[Plat. Hipp. Maj.]
[Plat. Hipp. Min.]
[Plat. Ion]
[Plat. Menex.]
[Plat. Cleit.]
[Plat. Tim.]
[Plat. Criti.]
[Plat. Minos]
[Plat. Epin.]
[Plat. Laws]
search this work
[Plat. Laws]
search this work
[Plat. L.]
search this work
Parmenides, Philebus, Symposium, Phaedrus.
search this work
[Plat. Parm.]
[Plat. Phileb.]
[Plat. Sym.]
[Plat. Phaedrus]
Parmenides, Philebus, Symposium, Phaedrus.
search this work
[Plat. Parm.]
[Plat. Phileb.]
[Plat. Sym.]
[Plat. Phaedrus]
[Plat. Rep.]
search this work
[Plat. Rep.]
search this work
T. Maccius Plautus.
F. Leo.
[Pl. Am.]
search this work
Henry Thomas Riley.
[Pl. Am.]
search this work
F. Leo.
[Pl. As.]
search this work
Henry Thomas Riley.
[Pl. As.]
search this work
F. Leo.
[Pl. Aul.]
search this work
Henry Thomas Riley.
[Pl. Aul.]
search this work
F. Leo.
[Pl. Bac.]
search this work
Henry Thomas Riley.
[Pl. Bac.]
search this work
F. Leo.
[Pl. Capt.]
search this work
Henry Thomas Riley.
[Pl. Capt.]
search this work
F. Leo.
[Pl. Cas.]
search this work
Henry Thomas Riley.
[Pl. Cas.]
search this work
F. Leo.
[Pl. Cist.]
search this work
Henry Thomas Riley.
[Pl. Cist.]
search this work
F. Leo.
[Pl. Cur.]
search this work
Henry Thomas Riley.
[Pl. Cur.]
search this work
F. Leo.
[Pl. Epid.]
search this work
Henry Thomas Riley.
[Pl. Epid.]
search this work
F. Leo.
[Pl. Men.]
search this work
Henry Thomas Riley.
[Pl. Men.]
search this work
F. Leo.
[Pl. Mer.]
search this work
Henry Thomas Riley.
[Pl. Mer.]
search this work
F. Leo.
[Pl. Mil.]
search this work
Henry Thomas Riley.
[Pl. Mil.]
search this work
F. Leo.
[Pl. Mos.]
search this work
Henry Thomas Riley.
[Pl. Mos.]
search this work
F. Leo.
[Pl. Per.]
search this work
Henry Thomas Riley.
[Pl. Per.]
search this work
F. Leo.
[Pl. Poen.]
search this work
Henry Thomas Riley.
[Pl. Poen.]
search this work
F. Leo.
[Pl. Ps.]
search this work
Henry Thomas Riley.
[Pl. Ps.]
search this work
F. Leo.
[Pl. Rud.]
search this work
Henry Thomas Riley.
[Pl. Rud.]
search this work
F. Leo.
[Pl. St.]
search this work
Henry Thomas Riley.
[Pl. St.]
search this work
F. Leo.
[Pl. Trin.]
search this work
Henry Thomas Riley.
[Pl. Trin.]
search this work
F. Leo.
[Pl. Truc.]
search this work
Henry Thomas Riley.
[Pl. Truc.]
search this work
Pliny the Elder.
John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A..
[Plin. Nat.]
search this work
Karl Friedrich Theodor Mayhoff.
[Plin. Nat.]
search this work
Pliny the Younger.
[Plin. Ep.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Ad Princ.]
search this work
Harold North Fowler.
[Plut. Ad Princ.]
search this work
[Plut. Ad Princ.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Adv. Col.]
search this work
[Plut. Adv. Col.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Aem.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Aem.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Ages.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Ages.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Agis]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Agis]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Alc.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Alc.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Alex.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Alex.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Amatoriae]
search this work
Harold North Fowler.
[Plut. Amatoriae]
search this work
[Plut. Amatoriae]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Amatorius]
search this work
[Plut. Amatorius]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Animine]
search this work
W. C. Helmbold.
[Plut. Animine]
search this work
[Plut. Animine]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Ant.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Ant.]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. Apoph.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Apoph.]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. Apoph.]
search this work
[Plut. Apoph.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Aquane]
search this work
Harold Cherniss and William C. Helmbold.
[Plut. Aquane]
search this work
[Plut. Aquane]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Arat.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Arat.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Arist.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Arist.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Art.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Art.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Bruta]
search this work
Harold Cherniss and William C. Helmbold.
[Plut. Bruta]
search this work
[Plut. Bruta]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Brut.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Brut.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Caes.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Caes.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. CG]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. CG]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Cor.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Cor.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Mar.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Mar.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Cam.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Cam.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Cat. Mi.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Cat. Mi.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Cic.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Cic.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Cim.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Cim.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Cleom.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Cleom.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Compar.]
search this work
Harold North Fowler.
[Plut. Compar.]
search this work
[Plut. Compar.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Ages. Pomp.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Ages. Pomp.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Ag. Gracch.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Ag. Gracch.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Alc. Cor.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Alc. Cor.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Aristid. Cat.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Aristid. Cat.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Demetr. Ant.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Demetr. Ant.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Dem. Cic.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Dem. Cic.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Dion. Brut.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Dion. Brut.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Cim. Luc.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Cim. Luc.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Lyc. Num.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Lyc. Num.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Lys. Sull.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Lys. Sull.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Nic. Crass.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Nic. Crass.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Pel. Marc.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Pel. Marc.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Per. Fab.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Per. Fab.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Phil. Flam.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Phil. Flam.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Eum. Sert.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Eum. Sert.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Sol. Publ.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Sol. Publ.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Thes. Rom.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Thes. Rom.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Tim. Aem.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Comp. Tim. Aem.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Stoicos]
search this work
[Plut. Stoicos]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Epit.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Conjug.]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. Conjug.]
search this work
[Plut. Conjug.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Cons. Ap.]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. Cons. Ap.]
search this work
[Plut. Cons. Ap.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Cons. Uxor.]
search this work
[Plut. Cons. Uxor.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Crass.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Crass.]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. De Alex.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Alex.]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. De Alex.]
search this work
[Plut. De Alex.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Amic.]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. De Amic.]
search this work
[Plut. De Amic.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Amore]
search this work
W. C. Helmbold.
[Plut. De Amore]
search this work
[Plut. De Amore]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Animae]
search this work
[Plut. De Animae]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Capienda]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. De Capienda]
search this work
[Plut. De Capienda]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Cohib.]
search this work
W. C. Helmbold.
[Plut. De Cohib.]
search this work
[Plut. De Cohib.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Comm.]
search this work
[Plut. De Comm.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Cup.]
search this work
[Plut. De Cup.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Cur.]
search this work
W. C. Helmbold.
[Plut. De Cur.]
search this work
[Plut. De Cur.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Defect.]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. De Defect.]
search this work
[Plut. De Defect.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De E]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. De E]
search this work
[Plut. De E]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Esu 1]
search this work
Harold Cherniss and William C. Helmbold.
[Plut. De Esu 1]
search this work
[Plut. De Esu 1]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Esu 2]
search this work
Harold Cherniss and William C. Helmbold.
[Plut. De Esu 2]
search this work
[Plut. De Esu 2]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Exilio]
search this work
[Plut. De Exilio]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Faciae]
search this work
[Plut. De Faciae]
search this work
Harold Cherniss and William C. Helmbold.
[Plut. De Faciae]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Fato]
search this work
[Plut. De Fato]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Fortuna]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. De Fortuna]
search this work
[Plut. De Fortuna]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. De Fort. Rom.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Fort. Rom.]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. De Fort. Rom.]
search this work
[Plut. De Fort. Rom.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Frat.]
search this work
W. C. Helmbold.
[Plut. De Frat.]
search this work
[Plut. De Frat.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Garr.]
search this work
W. C. Helmbold.
[Plut. De Garr.]
search this work
[Plut. De Garr.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Genio]
search this work
[Plut. De Genio]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. De Gloria]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Gloria]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. De Gloria]
search this work
[Plut. De Gloria]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Herod.]
search this work
[Plut. De Herod.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Invidia]
search this work
[Plut. De Invidia]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Iside]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. De Iside]
search this work
[Plut. De Iside]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Lib.]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. De Lib.]
search this work
William W. Goodwin.
[Plut. De Lib.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Primo]
search this work
Harold Cherniss and William C. Helmbold.
[Plut. De Primo]
search this work
[Plut. De Primo]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Pyth.]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. De Pyth.]
search this work
[Plut. De Pyth.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Recta]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. De Recta]
search this work
[Plut. De Recta]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Se Ipsum]
search this work
[Plut. De Se Ipsum]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Sera]
search this work
[Plut. De Sera]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Soll.]
search this work
Harold Cherniss and William C. Helmbold.
[Plut. De Soll.]
search this work
[Plut. De Soll.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Stoic.]
search this work
[Plut. De Stoic.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Super.]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. De Super.]
search this work
[Plut. De Super.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Tranq.]
search this work
W. C. Helmbold.
[Plut. De Tranq.]
search this work
[Plut. De Tranq.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Tuenda]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. De Tuenda]
search this work
[Plut. De Tuenda]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Unius]
search this work
Harold North Fowler.
[Plut. De Unius]
search this work
[Plut. De Unius]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. VV]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. VV]
search this work
[Plut. VV]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Virt. Mor.]
search this work
W. C. Helmbold.
[Plut. De Virt. Mor.]
search this work
[Plut. De Virt. Mor.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Vitando]
search this work
Harold North Fowler.
[Plut. De Vitando]
search this work
[Plut. De Vitando]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Vitioso]
search this work
[Plut. De Vitioso]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Demetr.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Demetr.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Dem.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Dem.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Dio]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Dio]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Eum.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Eum.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Fab.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Fab.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Galb.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Galb.]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. Inst.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Inst.]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. Inst.]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. Lacae.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Lacae.]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. Lacae.]
search this work
Lives, Caius Martius Coriolanus, Julius Caesar, Marcus Brutus, Marcus Antonius, Octavius Caesar Augustus, Theseus, Alcibiades.
Thomas North, Rev. Walter W. Skeat.
search this work
[Plut. Cor.]
[Plut. Caes.]
[Plut. Brut.]
[Plut. Ant.]
[Plut. Thes.]
[Plut. Alc.]
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Luc.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Luc.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Lyc.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Lyc.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Lys.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Lys.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Marc.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Marc.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Cat. Ma.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Cat. Ma.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Maxime]
search this work
Harold North Fowler.
[Plut. Maxime]
search this work
[Plut. Maxime]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. Mulier.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Mulier.]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. Mulier.]
search this work
[Plut. Mulier.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Nic.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Nic.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Non Posse]
search this work
[Plut. Non Posse]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Num.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Num.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Oth.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Oth.]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. Para.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Para.]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. Para.]
search this work
[Plut. Para.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Pel.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Pel.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Per.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Per.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Phil.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Phil.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Phoc.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Phoc.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Plat.]
search this work
[Plut. Plat.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Pomp.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Pomp.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Praecepta]
search this work
Harold North Fowler.
[Plut. Praecepta]
search this work
[Plut. Praecepta]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Publ.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Publ.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Pyrrh.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Pyrrh.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Quaes. Conv.]
search this work
[Plut. Quaes. Conv.]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. Quaes. Gr.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Quaes. Gr.]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. Quaes. Gr.]
search this work
[Plut. Quaes. Gr.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Quaes. Nat.]
search this work
[Plut. Quaes. Nat.]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. Quaes. Rom.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Quaes. Rom.]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. Quaes. Rom.]
search this work
[Plut. Quaes. Rom.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Adolescens]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. Adolescens]
search this work
[Plut. Adolescens]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Adulator]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. Adulator]
search this work
[Plut. Adulator]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Quis Suos]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. Quis Suos]
search this work
[Plut. Quis Suos]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. De Latenter]
search this work
[Plut. De Latenter]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. Regum]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Regum]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. Regum]
search this work
[Plut. Regum]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Rom.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Rom.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. An Seni]
search this work
Harold North Fowler.
[Plut. An Seni]
search this work
[Plut. An Seni]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Septem.]
search this work
Frank Cole Babbitt.
[Plut. Septem.]
search this work
[Plut. Septem.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Sert.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Sert.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Sol.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Sol.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Sull.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Sull.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Them.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Them.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Thes.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Thes.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. TG]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. TG]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Tim.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Tim.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Flam.]
search this work
Bernadotte Perrin.
[Plut. Flam.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. An Virtus]
search this work
W. C. Helmbold.
[Plut. An Virtus]
search this work
[Plut. An Virtus]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. Vit. Dec.]
search this work
Harold North Fowler.
[Plut. Vit. Dec.]
search this work
[Plut. Vit. Dec.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Plut. An Viti.]
search this work
W. C. Helmbold.
[Plut. An Viti.]
search this work
[Plut. An Viti.]
search this work
Theodorus Büttner-Wobst after L. Dindorf.
search this work
search this work
Richard Stillwell, William L. MacDonald, Marian Holland McAllister, Stillwell, Richard, MacDonald, William L., McAlister, Marian Holland.
search this work
H.B. (Henry Bronson) Dewing.
[Procop. Pers.]
search this work
Michael Krascheninnikov.
[Procop. Arc.]
search this work
Sextus Propertius.
Vincent Katz.
search this work
Vincent Katz.
search this work
Lucian Mueller.
search this work
H.J. Thomson.
[Prud. Apoth.]
search this work
H.J. Thomson.
[Prud. Cath.]
search this work
H.J. Thomson.
[Prud. Contr. Sym.]
search this work
H.J. Thomson.
[Prud. Ditto.]
search this work
H.J. Thomson.
[Prud. Epil.]
search this work
H.J. Thomson.
[Prud. Harm.]
search this work
H.J. Thomson.
[Prud. Peri.]
search this work
H.J. Thomson.
[Prud. Praef.]
search this work
H.J. Thomson.
[Prud. Psych.]
search this work
[Ps. Plut. Fluv.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Ps. Plut. Mus.]
search this work
[Ps. Plut. Mus.]
search this work
Gregorius N. Bernardakis.
[Ps. Plut. Plac.]
search this work
[Ps. Plut. Plac.]
search this work
E. C. Marchant.
[Ps. Xen. Const. Ath.]
search this work
Claudius Ptolemy.
F.E. Robbins.
search this work
Institutio Oratoria, books 1-3.
Harold Edgeworth Butler.
search this work
[Quint. Inst. Pref.]
[Quint. Inst. 1]
[Quint. Inst. 2]
[Quint. Inst. 3]
Institutio Oratoria, books 1-3: index.
Harold Edgeworth Butler.
search this work
[Quint. Inst. Pref.]
[Quint. Inst. 1]
[Quint. Inst. 2]
[Quint. Inst. 3]
Harold Edgeworth Butler.
search this work
Institutio Oratoria, books 10-12.
Harold Edgeworth Butler.
search this work
[Quint. Inst. 10]
[Quint. Inst. 11]
[Quint. Inst. 12]
Institutio Oratoria, books 10-12.
Harold Edgeworth Butler.
search this work
[Quint. Inst. 10]
[Quint. Inst. 11]
[Quint. Inst. 12]
Institutio Oratoria, books 4-6.
Harold Edgeworth Butler.
search this work
[Quint. Inst. 4]
[Quint. Inst. 5]
[Quint. Inst. 6]
Institutio Oratoria, books 4-6.
Harold Edgeworth Butler.
search this work
[Quint. Inst. 4]
[Quint. Inst. 5]
[Quint. Inst. 6]
Harold Edgeworth Butler.
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Institutio Oratoria, books 7-9.
Harold Edgeworth Butler.
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[Quint. Inst. 7]
[Quint. Inst. 8]
[Quint. Inst. 9]
Institutio Oratoria, books 7-9.
Harold Edgeworth Butler.
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[Quint. Inst. 7]
[Quint. Inst. 8]
[Quint. Inst. 9]
Harold Edgeworth Butler.
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George A. Reisner.
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Curtius Rufus, Quintus.
Edmund Hedicke.
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Jeffrey A. Rydberg-Cox.
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Catilina, Iugurtha, Orationes Et Epistulae.
Axel W. Ahlberg.
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[Sal. Cat.]
[Sal. Jug.]
[Sal. Hist.]
Axel W. Ahlberg.
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Axel W. Ahlberg.
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Catilina, Iugurtha, Orationes Et Epistulae textual notes.
Axel W. Ahlberg.
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[Sal. Cat.]
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John Selby Watson, Rev. John Selby Watson, M.A..
[Sal. Cat.]
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[Sal. Jug.]
search this work
John Selby Watson, Rev. John Selby Watson, M.A..
[Sal. Jug.]
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J. E. Sandys.
Select Private Orations of Demosthenes.
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Scriptores Historiae Augustae, Vol 1.
David Magie, Ainsworth O'Brien-Moore, Susan Helen Ballou.
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[Ael. Sp. Had.]
[Ael. Sp. Hel.]
Scriptores Historiae Augustae, Vol 2.
David Magie, Ainsworth O'Brien-Moore.
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Scriptores Historiae Augustae, Vol 3.
David Magie.
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Seneca the Elder.
Adolf Gottlieb Kiessling.
[Sen. Con.]
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Adolf Gottlieb Kiessling.
[Sen. Exc. Con.]
search this work
Adolf Gottlieb Kiessling.
[Sen. Eld. Fr.]
search this work
Adolf Gottlieb Kiessling.
[Sen. Suas.]
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Richard M. Gummere.
[Sen. Ep.]
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Rudolf Peiper, Gustav Richter.
[Sen. Ag.]
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W.H.D. Rouse, W.H.D. Rouse, M.A. Litt. D..
[Sen. Apoc.]
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W.H.D. Rouse, W.H.D. Rouse, M.A. Litt. D..
[Sen. Apoc.]
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W.H.D. Rouse, W.H.D. Rouse, M.A. Litt. D..
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John W. Basore.
[Sen. Ben.]
search this work
John W. Basore.
[Sen. Brev. Vit.]
search this work
John W. Basore.
[Sen. Cl.]
search this work
John W. Basore.
[Sen. Cons. Helv.]
search this work
John W. Basore.
[Sen. Cons. Marc.]
search this work
John W. Basore.
[Sen. Cons. Polyb.]
search this work
John W. Basore.
[Sen. Cons. Sap.]
search this work
John W. Basore.
[Sen. Ira]
search this work
John W. Basore.
[Sen. Ot. Sap.]
search this work
John W. Basore.
[Sen. Prov.]
search this work
John W. Basore.
[Sen. Tranq.]
search this work
John W. Basore.
[Sen. Vit. Beat.]
search this work
Rudolf Peiper, Gustav Richter.
[Sen. Her. F.]
search this work
Rudolf Peiper, Gustav Richter.
[Sen. Her. O.]
search this work
Rudolf Peiper, Gustav Richter.
[Sen. Med.]
search this work
Rudolf Peiper, Gustav Richter.
[Sen. Oct.]
search this work
Rudolf Peiper, Gustav Richter.
[Sen. Oed.]
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Rudolf Peiper, Gustav Richter.
[Sen. Phaed.]
search this work
Rudolf Peiper, Gustav Richter.
[Sen. Phoen.]
search this work
Rudolf Peiper, Gustav Richter.
[Sen. Thy.]
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Rudolf Peiper, Gustav Richter.
[Sen. Tro.]
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Maurus Servius Honoratus.
Georgius Thilo.
[Serv. A.]
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Georgius Thilo.
[Serv. Ecl.]
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Georgius Thilo.
[Serv. G.]
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Thomas D. Seymour.
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search this work
Harvey Alan Shapiro.
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H. Sharpley.
Demosthenes: Olynthiacs I, II, III.
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Sidonius Apollinaris.
W.B. Anderson.
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Christinaus Luetjohann, Christianus Luetjohann.
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W.B. Anderson.
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Silius Italicus.
Walter Coventry Summers, John Percival Postgate.
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Charles Simmons.
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William J. Slater.
[Slater lexicon]
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Charles F. Smith.
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search this work
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Josiah Renick Smith.
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Quintus Smyrnaeus.
Arthur S. Way.
[Q. S.]
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Herbert Weir Smyth.
[Smyth grammar]
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Francis Storr.
[Soph. Aj.]
search this work
Sir Richard Jebb.
[Soph. Aj.]
search this work
Francis Storr.
[Soph. Ant.]
search this work
Sir Richard Jebb.
[Soph. Ant.]
search this work
Francis Storr.
[Soph. El.]
search this work
Sir Richard Jebb.
[Soph. El.]
search this work
Arthur S. Hunt.
[Soph. Ich.]
search this work
Francis Storr.
[Soph. OC]
search this work
Sir Richard Jebb.
[Soph. OC]
search this work
Francis Storr.
[Soph. OT]
search this work
Sir Richard Jebb.
[Soph. OT]
search this work
Francis Storr.
[Soph. Phil.]
search this work
Sir Richard Jebb.
[Soph. Phil.]
search this work
Robert Torrance.
[Soph. Phil.]
search this work
Francis Storr.
[Soph. Trach.]
search this work
Sir Richard Jebb.
[Soph. Trach.]
search this work
Robert Torrance.
[Soph. Trach.]
search this work
Anne Mahoney.
[Soph. Ich.]
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Statius, P. Papinius.
John Henry Mozley.
[Stat. Ach.]
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John Henry Mozley.
[Stat. Silv.]
search this work
John Henry Mozley.
[Stat. Theb.]
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Andrew Stewart.
[Stewart sculpture]
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search this work
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H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A..
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C. Suetonius Tranquillus.
De Vita Caesarum.
Maximilian Ihm.
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[Suet. Jul.]
[Suet. Aug.]
[Suet. Tib.]
[Suet. Cal.]
[Suet. Cl.]
[Suet. Nero]
[Suet. Gal.]
[Suet. Otho]
[Suet. Vit.]
[Suet. Ves.]
[Suet. Tit.]
[Suet. Dom.]
The Lives of the Caesars.
Alexander Thomson.
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[Suet. Jul.]
[Suet. Aug.]
[Suet. Tib.]
[Suet. Cal.]
[Suet. Cl.]
[Suet. Nero]
[Suet. Gal.]
[Suet. Otho]
[Suet. Vit.]
[Suet. Ves.]
[Suet. Tit.]
[Suet. Dom.]
[Tac. Ag.]
Carmina Omnia.
Anne Mahoney.
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Anne Mahoney.
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Cornelius Tacitus.
Charles Dennis Fisher.
[Tac. Ann.]
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Alfred John Church, William Jackson Brodribb.
[Tac. Ann.]
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Henry Furneaux.
[Tac. Ger.]
search this work
Henry Furneaux.
[Tac. Ag.]
search this work
Alfred John Church, William Jackson Brodribb.
[Tac. Dial.]
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Henry Furneaux.
[Tac. Dial.]
search this work
Alfred John Church, William Jackson Brodribb.
[Tac. Ger.]
search this work
Charles Dennis Fisher.
[Tac. Hist.]
search this work
Alfred John Church, William Jackson Brodribb.
[Tac. Hist.]
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Alfred John Church, William Jackson Brodribb.
[Tac. Ag.]
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P. Terentius Afer (Terence).
Edward St. John Parry, Edward St. John Parry, M.A..
[Ter. Ad.]
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Henry Thomas Riley.
[Ter. Ad.]
search this work
Edward St. John Parry, Edward St. John Parry, M.A..
[Ter. An.]
search this work
Henry Thomas Riley.
[Ter. An.]
search this work
Henry Thomas Riley.
[Ter. Eu.]
search this work
Edward St. John Parry, Edward St. John Parry, M.A..
[Ter. Eu.]
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Edward St. John Parry, Edward St. John Parry, M.A..
[Ter. Hau.]
search this work
Henry Thomas Riley.
[Ter. Hau.]
search this work
Edward St. John Parry, Edward St. John Parry, M.A..
[Ter. Hec.]
search this work
Henry Thomas Riley.
[Ter. Hec.]
search this work
Edward St. John Parry, Edward St. John Parry, M.A..
[Ter. Ph.]
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Henry Thomas Riley.
[Ter. Ph.]
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T.R. Glover.
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T.R. Glover.
[Tert. Spect.]
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R. J. Cholmeley, M.A..
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[Theoc. Id.]
[Theoc. Ep.]
Hermann Diels.
[Thphr. Char.]
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Thomas Hobbes.
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Benjamin Jowett.
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search this work
search this work
J. P. Postgate.
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James A. Towle.
James A. Towle.
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A. W. Mair.
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T. G. Tucker.
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Valerius Maximus.
Karl Friedrich Kempf.
[V. Max.]
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P. Vergilius Maro.
John Dryden.
[Verg. A.]
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Theodore C. Williams.
[Verg. A.]
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J. B. Greenough.
[Verg. A.]
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J. B. Greenough.
[Verg. Ecl.]
search this work
J. B. Greenough.
[Verg. Ecl.]
search this work
J. B. Greenough.
[Verg. G.]
search this work
J. B. Greenough.
[Verg. G.]
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Vitruvius Pollio.
F. Krohn.
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Morris Hicky Morgan.
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Ellen Reeder Williams.
[Williams essay]
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World English Bible.
Rainbow Missions, Inc., Rainbow Missions, Inc.; revision of the American Standard Version of 1901.
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[1 Samuel]
[2 Samuel]
[1 Kings]
[2 Kings]
[1 Chronicles]
[2 Chronicles]
[1 Corinthians]
[2 Corinthians]
[1 Thessalonians]
[2 Thessalonians]
[1 Timothy]
[2 Timothy]
[1 Peter]
[2 Peter]
[1 John]
[2 John]
[3 John]
Xenophon of Ephesus.
Rudolf Hercher.
[X. Eph.]
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[Xen. Anab.]
search this work
Carleton L. Brownson.
[Xen. Anab.]
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[Xen. Cyrop.]
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Walter Miller.
[Xen. Cyrop.]
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[Xen. Hell.]
search this work
Carleton L. Brownson.
[Xen. Hell.]
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[Xen. Mem.]
search this work
E. C. Marchant.
[Xen. Mem.]
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Minor Works.
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[Xen. Ages.]
[Xen. Cav.]
[Xen. Const. Lac.]
[Xen. Hiero]
[Xen. Horse.]
[Xen. Hunt.]
[Xen. Ways]
Minor Works.
E. C. Marchant, G. W. Bowersock, tr. Constitution of the Athenians..
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[Xen. Ages.]
[Xen. Cav.]
[Xen. Const. Lac.]
[Xen. Hiero]
[Xen. Horse.]
[Xen. Hunt.]
[Xen. Ways]
Works on Socrates.
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[Xen. Apol.]
[Xen. Ec.]
[Xen. Sym.]
Works on Socrates.
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[Xen. Apol.]
[Xen. Ec.]
[Xen. Sym.]