Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for May 22nd or search for May 22nd in all documents.

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tates would reconsider its order for the troops needed at Washington to come through Maryland.--(Doc. 159.) A Union meeting was held in Martinsburgh, Berkeley county, Va. The gathering was large, and the greatest enthusiasm prevailed. Strong resolutions were adopted, and a protest entered against the warlike attitude which Virginia had assumed in opposition to the General Government. Eastern Virginia is not, as has been represented, unanimous for secession.--Newark Advertiser (N. J.), May 22. Six hundred troops from Georgia and Alabama arrived at Pensacola, the advance guard of 2,000 ordered there by General Bragg.--Mobile Advertiser, May 15. A portion of the Federal troops lately stationed at the Relay House on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, entered Baltimore. They arrived at the Camden station at seven and a half o'clock in the evening, disembarked in good order, and marched from the depot, piloted by Col. Hare and Capt. McConnell, down Lee street to Hanover, and
ed by the State, beyond its limits, without his consent. This proclamation appears to relate to the informal departure of soldiers. Governor Brown, says the Savannah Republican, may be technically right in this order, but he has at least selected an unfortunate time for issuing it. From the beginning a misunderstanding seems to have existed between him and the Confederate authorities, to be found with no other State, and it is high time it had been brought to a close. --N. Y. Commercial, May 22. A patriotic demonstration took place in the town of Old Saybrook, Ct., made particularly interesting by the antiquity of the place, and its various revolutionary relics and reminiscences. A fine flagstaff was raised upon the spot which had given birth to the old Saybrook platform, and but a short distance from the old fort built by the first settlers of the place. The services were prefaced by the raising of the flag by Deacon Sill. (91 years of age) a colonel of the war of 1812,
ate, and Gen. Harney declares that this object being assured, he can have no occasion as he has no wish, to make military movements, which might otherwise create excitement and jealousies which he most earnestly desires to avoid.--Ohio Statesman, May 22. This afternoon two companies, numbering 120 muskets, from the Philadelphia camp, composed of companies E and G under the command of Major McLane, went to Baltimore; proceeded to an unoccupied house near Green Mount Cemetery, and seized a lakets, and 34: boxes containing 4,000 pikes, the boxes marked, From Denmeads. The whole made twenty-six dray loads and were all taken to camp, and thence to Fort McHenry. The arms had been in the custody of the city authorities.--Ohio Statesman, May 22. The Second Regiment of Tennessee Volunteers, numbering 952 men, arrived at Richinond, Va., and went into camp at the head of Main street.--(Doc. 182.) The ship General Parkhill of Liverpool, for Charleston, arrived at Philadelphia in c
May 22. The Richmond Whig (Va.) of today says: We are not enough in the secrets of our authorities to specify the day on which Jeff. Davis will dine at the White House, and Ben. McCullough take his siesta in Gen. Sickles' gilded tent. We should dislike to produce any disappointment by naming too soon or too early a day; bu95 miles from the northern mouth of the Mississippi, was destroyed to prevent it from falling into the hands of the rebels.--Handsboro Democrat, (Miss.) (Extra.,) May 22. In a speech at Atlanta, Ga, Howell Cobb proposed that the planters should sell half their cotton crop to the Southern Confederacy, and accept its bonds in plso made by Mr. Blair, Mr. Seward, and Mr. Caleb B. Smith. The remarks of Mr. Seward were received with the most intense enthusiasm.--N. Y. Commercial Advertiser May 22. The steamer J. C. Swan was seized at Harlow's Landing, thirty miles below St. Louis, and brought to the St. Louis arsenal, by order of Gen. Lyon. This is t
May 22. An enthusiastic meeting was held at Portsmouth, Va., at which resolutions were adopted expressive of devotion to the cause of the Union, and condemnatory of the heresy of secession. Johannes Watson was elected President and R. S. Staples, Secretary.--(Doc. 101.) This morning while the Seventy-sixth New York regiment was marching through the city of Washington a number of civil officers provided with judicial papers, seized two negroes and soon placed them beyond the possibility of rescue. An effort was made to arrest six or eight other alleged fugitive slaves, when many of the soldiers interposed, pointing their muskets at the police and warning them of the danger of persistence. They therefore retired — the negroes departing under the protection of their military friends. The foreign consuls at Galveston, Texas, in view of an expected attack upon that place by the United States forces, communicated with Captain Eagle of the Santee, with a purpose of fixin
May 22. A brief skirmish took place near Middleton, Tenn., between a detachment of the One Hundred and Third Illinois, with a company of Tennessee Unionists, and a scouting-party of eighteen men of the Second Mississippi rebel regiment, under the command of Captain S. Street, terminating in the capture of eleven rebels, six of whom were badly wounded, and the escape of the rest. A force of Union troops under the command of Colonel J. Kilpatrick, returned to-day to Gloucester Point, after a raid into Gloucester and Mathew counties, Va., in conjunction with the gunboat Commodore Morris, Lieutenant Commanding Gillis, and a transport, in the North and East Rivers. The parties were absent two days, during which time they captured a large number of horses, mules, and cattle; five mills filled to their utmost capacity with flour and grain, were burned, and a large quantity of corn and wheat collected in storehouses, was also destroyed. The Bureau for colored troops was estab
f you do not wish to bear the ignominy of shirking from the defence of your State, come forward at once. Close your places of business and apply your hearts to the work. Come in such organizations as you can form. General Couch has appointed Lieutenant-Colonel Ruff to superintend your organizations. Report to him immediately. Brigadier-General Frederick S. Washburn, of the Iowa Ninth infantry, died at his home in Waterloo. Captain Washburn was wounded at Vicksburgh, on the twenty-second of May, and just before he left for home was promoted from Captain to rank of Brigadier-General. The rebels under General Lee, in the invasion of Pennsylvania, reached Scotland, a few miles east of Chambersburgh. At Harrisburgh the excitement was intense. A correspondent at that place, describing the scene, says: It is difficult to convey an exact idea of the state of affairs here to-night, not only on account of the confusion existing, but in consequence of the danger of trench