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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 19 19 Browse Search
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P. Terentius Afer (Terence), Phormio, or The Scheming Parasite (ed. Henry Thomas Riley) 1 1 Browse Search
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition. 1 1 Browse Search
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Appian, Syrian Wars (ed. Horace White), CHAPTER VIII (search)
Leptines of Laodicea was so exasperated by the sight that he stabbed Gnæus Octavius, the chief of this embassy, while he was anointing himself in the gymnasium at that place, and Lysias buried him. Demetrius came before the Senate again and asked at all events to be released as a hostage, since he had been given as a substitute for Antiochus, who was now dead. When his request was not granted he escaped secretly by Y.R. 592 boat. As the Syrians received him gladly, he ascended the B.C. 162 throne after having put Lysias to death and the boy with him. He removed Heraclides from office and killed Timarchus, who rebelled and who had administered the government of Babylon badly in other respects. For this he received the surname of Soter (the Protector), which was first bestowed upon him by the Babylonians. When he was firmly established in the kingdom he sent a crown valued at 10,000 pieces of gold to the Romans as the gift of their former hostage, and also delivered up Leptines,
Appian, Syrian Wars (ed. Horace White), CHAPTER XI (search)
from the country, and robbed the temple of Venus Elymais; then died of a wasting disease, leaving a son nine years of age, the Antiochus Eupator already mentioned. Y.R. 592 seq. I have also spoken of Demetrius, his successor, who B.C. 162 seq. had been a hostage in Rome and who escaped and became king. He was also called Soter by the Syrians, the next who bore that title after the son of Seleucus Nicator. Against him a certain Alexander took up arms, falsely pretending to be of thee craft of his wife, Cleopatra, who was jealous on account of his marriage with Rhodoguna, for which reason also she had previously married his brother Antiochus. She had Y.R. 592 seq. borne two sons to Demetrius, named Seleucus and Antiochus B.C. 162 seq. Grypus (the Hook Nosed); and to Antiochus one son, named Antiochus Cyzicenus. She had sent Grypus to Athens and Cyzicenus to Cyzicus to be educated. As soon as Seleucus assumed the diadem after his brother's death his mother shot him de
Polybius, Histories, book 31, The Two Ptolemies (search)
nstrances ofThe influence of good men, Artaxias of Armenia. See 25, 2. Ariarathes did not do so, and held him on the contrary in higher respect than ever. So decisive is the influence of justice, and of the opinions and advice of good men, that they often prove the salvation of foes as well as of friends, and change their whole characters for the better. . . . Good looks are a better introduction than any letter. . . . The quarrels of the two kings of Egypt, Ptolemy VI. Philometor and Euergetes II. (or Ptolemy VII.) Physcon. The former had been expelled by the latter, and had taken refuge in Cyprus, but had been restored by a popular outbreak in his favour, and under the authority of Commissioners sent from Rome, B. C. 164. (Livy, Ep. 46. Diod. Sic. fr. xi.) Fresh quarrels however broke out, in the course of which Physcon was much worsted by his brother, (Diod. Sic. fr. of 31), and at length it was arranged that one should reign in Egypt the other in Cyrene. B. C. 162. (Livy, Ep. 47.)
Polybius, Histories, book 31, The Murder of Octavius (search)
The Murder of Octavius After the Ptolemies had made their partition of the B. C. 162. Euergetes II. (Ptolemy Physcon), who had Cyrene as his share, asks for Cyprus. kingdom, the younger brother arrived in Rome desiring to set aside the division made between himself and his brother, on the ground that he had not acceded to the arrangement voluntarily, but under compulsion, and yielding to the force of circumstances. He therefore begged the Senate to assign Cyprus to his portion; for, even if that were done, he should still have a much poorer share than his brother. The members of the Commission Canuleius and Quintus supported Menyllus, the ambassador of the elder Ptolemy, by protesting that "the younger Ptolemy owed his possession of Cyrene and his very life to them, so deep was the anger and hatred of the common people to himThe anger of the Alexandrians had been excited against Ptolemy Physcon by his having, for some unknown reason, caused the death of Timotheus, who had been Ptole
Polybius, Histories, book 31, Demetrius Appeals Again to the Senate (search)
Demetrius Appeals Again to the Senate News having come to Rome of the disaster by which B. C. 162. The Senate pay little attention to Lysias's excuses. Gnaeus Octavius lost his life, ambassadors also arrived from king Antiochus, sent by Lysias, who vehemently protested that the king's friends had had no part in the crime. But the Senate showed scant attention to the envoys, not wishing to make any open declaration on the subject or to allow their opinion to become public in any way. But Demetrius was much excited by the news, and immediately summoned Polybius to an interview, andDemetrius thinks there is again a chance for him. Polybius advises, "act for yourself." consulted him as to whether he should once more bring his claims before the Senate. Polybius advised him "not to stumble twice on the same stone," but to depend upon himself and venture something worthy of a king; and he pointed out to him that the present state of affairs offered him many opportunities. Demetrius underst
Polybius, Histories, book 31, No One Notices Demetrius's Absence (search)
looked for in vain, the truth was suspected. The Senate is summoned, but decides not to attempt pursuit. On the fifth the Senate was hastily summoned to consider the matter, when Demetrius had already cleared the Straits of Messina. The Senate gave up all idea of pursuit: both because they imagined that he had got a long start on the voyage (for the wind was in his favour), and because they foresaw that, though they might wish to hinder him, they would be unable to do so. Commissioners appointed for Greece and Asia, B. C. 162.But some few days afterwards they appointed Tiberius Gracchus, Lucius Lentulus, and Servilius Glaucia as commissioners: first to inspect the state of Greece; and, next, to cross to Asia and watch the result of Demetrius's attempt, and examine the policy adopted by the other kings, and arbitrate on their controversies with the Gauls. Such were the events in Italy this year. . . . Demetrius expecting the arrival of the commissioner who was to be sent to him. . . .
Polybius, Histories, book 31, The Rhodians Lapse in Dignity (search)
The Rhodians Lapse in Dignity The Rhodians, though in other respects maintaining The Rhodians accept money to pay their school masters, B. C. 162. the dignity of their state, made in my opinion a slight lapse at this period. They had received two hundred and eighty thousand medimni of corn from Eumenes, that its value might be invested and the interest devoted to pay the fees of the tutors and schoolmasters of their sons. One might accept this from friends in a case of financial embarrassment, as one might in private life, rather than allow children to remain uneducated for want of means; but where means are abundant a man would rather do anything than allow the schoolmaster's fee to be supplied by a joint contribution from his friends. And in proportion as a state should hold higher notions than an individual, so ought governments to be more jealous of their dignity than private men, and above all a Rhodian government, considering the wealth of the country and its high pretensions.
Polybius, Histories, book 31, The Two Ptolemies (search)
The Two Ptolemies After this the younger Ptolemy arrived in Greece with Ptolemy Physcon returning with the commissioners, collects mercenaries in Greece, but is persuaded to disband them, B. C. 162. the Roman commissioners, and began collecting a formidable army of mercenaries, among whom he enlisted Damasippus the Macedonian, who, after murdering the members of the council at Phacus, fled with his wife and children from Macedonia, and after reaching Peraea, opposite Rhodes, and being entertained by the people there, determined to sail to Cyprus. But when Torquatus and his colleagues saw that Ptolemy had collected a formidable corps of mercenaries, they reminded him of their commission, which was to restore him "without a war," and at last persuaded him to go as far as Side (in Pamphylia), and there disband his mercenaries, give up his idea of invading Cyprus, and meet them on the frontiers of Cyrene. He, however, takes about 100 Cretans back with him to Africa. Meanwhile, they said
Polybius, Histories, book 32, Demetrius and Ariarathes (search)
Demetrius and Ariarathes When Menochares arrived in Antioch to visit Demetrius, Demetrius induces Tiberius Gracchus to salute him as king. and informed the kingDemetrius was now king. On his escape from Rome, described in bk. 31, chs. 20-23, he had met with a ready reception in Syria, had seized the sovereign power, and put the young Antiochus and his minister Lysias to death; this was in B.C. 162. Appian, Syriac, ch. 47, of the conversation he had had with the commission under Tiberius Gracchus in Cappadocia, the king, thinking it a matter of the most urgent necessity to get these men on his side as much as he could, devoted himself, to the exclusion of every other business, to sending messages to them, first to Pamphylia, and then to Rhodes, undertaking to do everything the Romans wished; till at last he extracted their acknowledgment of him as king. The fact was that Tiberius was very favourably disposed to him; and, accordingly, materially contributed to the success of his attem
P. Terentius Afer (Terence), The Eunuch (ed. Henry Thomas Riley), Introduction, THE TITLEColman has the following remark on this Play: "This seems to lave been the most popular of all the Comedies of Terence. Suetonius and Donatus both inform us that it was acted with the greatest applause, and that the Poet received a larger price for it from the Aediles than had ever been paid for any before, namely, 8000 sesterces, which is about equal to 200 crowns, which in those times was a considerable sum." OF THE PLAY. (search)
lius Praenestinus performed it. Flaccus, the freedman of Claudius, composed the music to two treble flutes. From the Greek of Menander. It was acted twice,Acted twice This probably means "twice in one day." As it is generally supposed that something is wanting after the figures II, this is presumed to be "die," "in one day," in confirmation of which Suetonius informs us that it really was performed twice in one day. Donatus says it was performed three times, by which he may probably mean, twice on one day and once on another. M. Valerius and C. Fannius being Consuls.Being Consuls M. Valerius Messala and C. Fannius Strabo were Consuls in the year from the building of the City 591, or B.C. 162.
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