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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 40 40 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 8 8 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 4 4 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 31-34 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. Professor of Latin and Head of the Department of Classics in the University of Pittsburgh) 4 4 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 35-37 (ed. Evan T. Sage, PhD professor of latin and head of the department of classics in the University of Pittsburgh) 3 3 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 2 2 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 38-39 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D.) 2 2 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 28-30 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 2 2 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 2 2 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index (ed. Walter Miller) 1 1 Browse Search
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Agesi'mbrotus commander of the Rhodian fleet in the war between the Romans and Philip, king of Macedonia, B. C. 200-197. (Liv. 31.46, 32.16, 32.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Alexander or Alexander Isius (search)
nia, saying that the king ought to be compelled to quit Greece, and to restore to the Aetolians the towns which had formerly been subject to them. Philip, indignant at such a demand being made by an Aetolian, answered him in a speech from his ship. (Liv. 32.34.) Soon after this meeting, he was sent as ambassador of the Aetolians to Rome, where, together with other envoys, he was to treat with the senate about peace, but at the same time to bring accusations against Philip. (Plb. 17.10.) In B. C. 197, Alexander again took part in a meeting, at which T. Quinctius Flamininus with his allies and king Philip were present, and at which peace with Philip was discussed. Alexander dissuaded his friends from any peaceful arrangement with Philip. (Plb. 18.19, &c.; Appian, Maced. 7.1.) In B. C. 195, when a congress of all the Greek states that were allied with Rome was convoked by T. Quinctius Flamininus at Corinth, for the purpose of considering the war that was to be undertaken against Nabis, A
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
s his own, because Seleucus Nicator had taken it from Lysimachus. But here his progress was stopt by the Romans. At the commencement of his war with Egypt, the guardians of young Ptolemy had placed him under the protection of the Romans ; but while the latter were engaged in their war with Philip, they did not attempt to interrupt Antiochus in his conquests, lest he should march to the assistance of the Macedonian king. Now, however, matters were changed. The Romans had conquered Philip in B. C. 197, and no longer dreaded a war with Antiochus. They accordingly sent an embassy to him (B. C. 196) requiring him to surrender the Thracian Chersonese to the Macedonian king, and also all the places he had conquered from Ptolemy. Antiochus returned a haughty answer to these demands; and the arrival of Hannibal at his court in the following year (B. C. 195) strengthened him in his determination to resist the Roman claims. Hannibal urged him to invade Italy without loss of time; but Antiochus r
Archede'mus 3. An Aetolian (called Archidamus by Livy), who commanded the Aetolian troops which assisted the Romans in their war with Philip. In B. C. 199 he compelled Philip to raise the siege of Thaumaci (Liv. 32.4), and took an active part in the battle of Cynoscephalae, B. C. 197, in which Philip was defeated. (Plb. 18.4.) When the war Broke out between the Romans and the Aetolians, he was sent as ambassador to the Achaeans to solicit their assistance, B. C. 192 (Liv. 35.48); and on the defeat of Antiochus the Great in the following year, he went as ambassador to the consul M'. Acilius Glabrio to sue for peace. (Plb. 20.9.) In B. C. 169 he was denounced to the Romans by Lyciscus as one of their enemies. (Plb. 28.4.) he joined Perseus the same year, and accompanied the Macedonian King in his flight after his defeat in 168. (Liv. 43.23, 24, 44.43.)
Aristaenus (*)Ari/stainos), of Megalopolis, sometimes called Aristaenetus by Polybius (Schweigh. ad Polyb. 17.1) and Plutarch (Plut. Phil. 13, 17). Aristaenus, however, appears to be the correct name. He was strategus of the Achaean league in B. C. 198, and induced the Achaeans to join the Romans in the war against Philip of Macedon. Polybius defends him from the charge of treachery for having done so. In the following year (B. C. 197) he was again strategus and accompanied the consul T. Quinctius Flamininus to his interview with Philip. (Plb. 32.19-21, 32; Plb. 17.1, 7, 13.) In the same year he also persuaded the Boeotians to espouse the side of the Romans. (Liv. 33.2.) In B. C. 195, when he was again strategus, he joined Flamininus with 10,000 foot and 1000 horse in order to attack Nabis. (Liv. 34.25, &c.) He was also strategus in B. C. 185, and attacked Philopoemen and Lycortas for their conduct in relation to the embassy that had been sent to Ptolemy. (Plb. 23.7, 9, 10.) Arista
Ati'lius 7. L. Atilius, praetor B. C. 197, obtained Sardinia as his province. (Liv. 32.27, 28.)
f Colophon. 5. Of a gastrafe/ths (an engine somewhat resembling a crossbow, and so named from the way in which it was held in order to stretch the string, see Hero Alexandrinus, Belop. ap. Vet. Math. p. 125), made by Zopyrus of Tarentum at Miletus, and another by the same at Cumae in Italy. Biton addresses this work to king Attalus, if at least the reading w)= *A)/ttale is to be adopted instead of w)= pa/lai or pa/lla (near the beginning), and the emendation is said to be supported by a manuscript (Gale, de Script. Mythol. p. 45); but whether Attalus, the 1st of Pergamus, who reigned B. C. 241-197, or one of the two later kings of the same name be meant, is uncertain. Editions The Greek text, with a Latin version, is printed in the collection of ancient mathematicians, Vet. Mathem. Op. Graec. et Latin., Paris, 1693, fol., p. 105, &c. Work on Topics Biton mentions (p. 109) a work of his own on Optics, which is lost. Further Information Fabric. Bibl. Graec. ii. p. 591.[W.F.D]
ian, who studiously courted the favour of the Macedonian king Antigonus Doson; and accordingly, when the latter took Sparta, B. C. 222, he entrusted to Brachyllas the government of the city. (Plb. 20.5; comp. 2.70, 5.9, 9.36.) After the death of Antigonus, B. C. 220, Brachyllas continued to attach himself to the interests of Macedonia under Philip V., whom he attended in his conference with Flamininus at Nicaea in Locris, B. C. 198. (Plb. 17.1; Liv. 32.32.) At the battle of Cynoscephalae, B. C. 197, he commanded the Boeotian troops in Philip's army; but, together with the rest of his countrymen who had on that occasion fallen into the Roman power, he was sent home in safety by Flamininus, who wished to conciliate Boeotia. On his return he was elected Boeotarch, through the influence of the Macedonian party at Thebes; in consequence of which Zeuxippus, Peisistratus, and the other leaders of the Roman party, caused him to be assassinated as he was returning home one night from an enter
Cethe'gus 2. C. CORNELIUS L. F. M. N. CETHEGUS, commanded in Spain as proconsul in B. C. 200, before he had been aedile. Elected aedile in his absence he exhibited the games with great magnificence. (B. C. 199.) As consul (B. C. 197), he defeated the Insubrians and Cenomanians in Cisalpine Gaul, and triumphed. He was censor in 194; and towards the close of the next year, after holding the lustrum, he went as joint commissioner with Scipio Africanus and Minucius Rufus to mediate between Masinissa and Carthage. (Liv. 31.49, 50, 32.7, 27-30, 33.23, 34.44, 62.)
Clau'dius 20. APP. CLAUDIUS APP. F. P. N. PULCHER, son of No. 17. In B. C. 197 and the three following years, he served as military tribune under T. Quinctius Flamininus in Greece in the war with Philip. (Liv. 32.35, 36, 33.29, 34.50.) We find him again in Greece in 191, serving first under M. Baebius in the war with Antiochus (36.10), and afterwards under the consul M'. Acilius Glabrio against the Aetolians. (36.22, 30.) In 187 he was made praetor, and Tarentum fell to him by lot as his province. (38.42.) In 185 he was elected consul, and gained some advantages over the Ingaunian Ligurians, and, by his violent interference at the comitia, procured the election of his brother Publius to the consulship. (39.23, 32.) In 184, when Philip was preparing for a new war with the Romans, Appius was sent at the head of an embassy into Macedonia and Greece, to observe his movements and wrest from his grasp the cities of which he had made himself master. (39.33-39.) In 176 he was one of an embas
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