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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 17 17 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 5 5 Browse Search
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero 3 3 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 3-4 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
His various works were adorned with statues by the first artists of Rome. These splendid buildings he augmented in B. C. 27, during his third consulship, by several others, and among these was the Pantheon, on which we still read the inscription: " M. Agrippa: L. F. Cos. Tertium fecit." (D. C. 49.43, 53.27; Plin. Nat. 36.15, s. 24 § 3; Strab. v. p.235; Frontin. De Aquaed. 9.) When the war broke out between Octavianus and M. Antonius, Agrippa was appointed comnander-in-chief of the fleet, B. C. 32. He took Methone in the Peloponnesus, Leucas, Patrae, and Corinth; and in the battle of Actium (B. C. 31) where he commanded, the victory was mainly owing to his skill. On his return to Rome in B. C. 30, Octavianus, now Augustus, rewarded him with a " vexillum caeruleum," or sea-green flag. In B. C. 28, Agrippa became consul for the second time with Augustus, and about this time married Marcella, the niece of Augustus, and the daughter of his sister Octavia. His former wife, Pomponia, the
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Herodes Atticus or Atticus Herodes (search)
. Atticus did not return to Rome till B. C. 65, when political affairs had become more settled; and the day of his departure was one of general mourning among the Athenians, whom he had assisted with loans of money, and benefited in various ways. During his residence at Athens, he purchased an estate at Buthrotum in Epeirus, in which place, as well as at Athens and afterwards at Rome, he spent the greater part of his time, engaged in literary pursuits and commercial undertakings. He died in B. C. 32, at the age of 77, of voluntary starvation, when he found that he was attacked by an incurable illness. His wife Pilia, to whom he was married on the 12th of February, B. C. 56, when he was fifty-three years of age, bore him only one child, a daughter, Pomponia or Caecilia, whom Cicero sometimes calls Attica and Atticula. (Ad Att. 6.5, 12.1, 13.5, &c.) Through the influence of Antony, Pomponia was married in the life-time of her father, probably in B. C. 36, to M. Vipsanius Agrippa, the mi
nt proceedings of Antony in the East were sufficient of themselves to point him out to the Romans as an enemy of the republic, but Augustus did not neglect to direct attention secretly to his follies. Letters now passed between the two triumvirs full of mutual criminations ; and Antony already purchased from Artavasdes cavalry for the impending war against his colleague. The rupture between the two triumvirs was mainly brought about by the jealousy and ambition of Cleopatra. During the year B. C. 32, while Cleopatra kept Antony in a perpetual state of intoxication, Augustus had time to convince the Romans that the heavy sacrifices he demanded of them were to be made on their own behalf only, as Italy had to fear everything from Antony War was now declared against Cleopatra, for Antony was looked upon'only as her infatuated slave. In B. C. 31, Augustus was consul for the third time with M. Valerius Messalla. Rome was in a state of great excitement and alarm, and all classes had to make
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Nonius Naevius Balbus 10. Nonius Balbus, plebeian, tribune of the plebs, B. C. 32, put his veto upon the decree which the senate would have passed against Octavianus at the instigation of the consul C. Sosius, a partizan of Antony. (D. C. 50.2.)
ric. 23, 25, comp. 100.95 ; D. C. 43.3.) In Caesar's war in Spain against Pompey's sons, B. C. 45, Bogud joined the former in person; and it was indeed by his attack on the camp of Cn. Pompey at the battle of Munda that Labienus was drawn from his post in the field to cover it, and the scale was thus turned in Caesar's favour. (D. C. 43.38.) After the murder of Caesar, Bogud espoused the side of Antony, and it was perhaps for the furtherance of these interests that he crossed over to Spain in B. C. 38, andso lost his kingdom through a revolt of his subjects, fomented in his absence by Bocchus. This prince's usurpation was confirmed by Octavius, and seems to have been accompanied with the gift of a freer constitution to the Tingitanians. (D. C. 48.45.) Upon this, Bogud betook himself into Greece to Antony, for whom we afterwards find him holding the town of Methone, at the capture of which by Agrippa he lost his life about the end of B. C. 32 or the beginning of 31. (D. C. 1. 11.) [E.E]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
st the Parthians. In B. C. 38, when Antony returned from that expedition, Canidius Crassus remained in Armenia, and continued the war against those nations with considerable success,for he defeated the Armenians, and also the kings of the Iberians and Albanians, and penetrated as far as the Caucasus. In the campaign which Antony made against the Parthians in B. C. 36, Crassus was as unfortunate as the other Roman generals, all of whom suffered great losses, and were compelled to retreat. In B. C. 32, when Antony resolved upon the war with Octavian, Crassus was commissioned to lead the army, which was stationed in Armenia, to the coast of the Mediterranean. On the outbreak of the war many of Antony's friends advised him to remove Cleopatra from the army, but Crassus who was bribed by the queen, opposed this plan, and she accordingly accompanied her lover to the fatal war. Shortly afterwards, however, Crassus also advised Antony to send her back to Egypt, and to fight the decisive battle
Gemi'nius 3. A zealous partizan of M. Antony, was deputed by the triumvir's friends in Rome to remonstrate with him on his ruinous connection with Cleopatra. Geminius went to Athens in the winter of B. C. 32-31, but could not obtain a private audience from Antony. At length, being menaced by Cleopatra with the torture, he withdrew from Athens, leaving his mission unaccomplished (Plut. Ant. 59.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
ides this to find time for Horace to acquire his poetic fame, to form his friendships with Virgil and Varius, &c. The only way to escape, if we refer the division to that suggested by Bentley, is to suppose that it was promised in B. C. 35, but not fulfilled till several years later; but this is improbable in any way, and hardly reconcileable with the circumstances of that division in the historians. It is quite impossible to date the publication of this book earlier than the latter part of B. C. 32 (aet. Horat. 33), the year before Actium; but the probability is strong for the year after, B. C. 31. Epodes Still so far there is no very great discrepancy in the various schemes; and (with the exception of M. Vanderbourg and Baron Walckenaer) the Epodes are generally allowed to be the third book in the order of publication; and Bentley and the more recent writers likewise nearly concur in the date of publication, the poet's 35th or 36th year. Bentley, however, and his followers authori
which could not have been applied to him in an early part of his career. Now, without insisting that casual remarks such as these might have been introduced during a revision of the text, it must be evident that the remarks themselves are much too vague to serve as the basis of a chronological theory, except in so far as they relate to the restoration of the shrine of Jupiter Feretrius; but this we know was undertaken at the suggestion of Atticus (Cornel. Nep. Alt. 100.20), and Atticus died B. C. 32. On the other hand, the reasoning grounded on the shutting of the temple of Janus must be held, in so far as bk. i. is involved, to be absolutely impregnable; and we can scarcely imagine that the eighth book was not finished until sixteen years after the first. Assessment In attempting to form an estimate of any great historical production, our attention is naturally and necessarily directed to two points, which may be kept perfectly distinct: first, the substance, that is, the truth or
bably the same who is mentioned by Hirtius, B. Alex. 1, as sending an auxiliary force of cavalry to Caesar in Egypt, and is termed by him king of the Nabathaeans), was contemporary with Herod the Great, who fled to him for refuge when he was driven out of Jerusalem by Antigonus and the Parthians, B. C. 40. But Malchus, though bound by many obligations to Herod and his father Antipater, refused to receive him in his adversity, and forbade him to enter his territories. At a subsequent period (B. C. 32) hostilities arose between Malchus and Herod, in consequence of the refusal of the former to pay the appointed tribute to Cleopatra, which Herod was charged by Antony to exact by force of arms. The war continued nearly two years with various changes of fortune, but seems to have been terminated by the decisive defeat of the Arabian monarch. We however again hear of Malchus, at a subsequent period, as fomenting the intrigues of Alexandra and Hyrcanus against Herod. (J. AJ 14.14. §§ 1 2, 15.4