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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 146 146 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, Epistulae ad Familiares (ed. L. C. Purser) 20 20 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, Letters to Atticus (ed. L. C. Purser) 20 20 Browse Search
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero 16 16 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 10 10 Browse Search
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero 9 9 Browse Search
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition. 4 4 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography 2 2 Browse Search
J. B. Greenough, Benjamin L. D'Ooge, M. Grant Daniell, Commentary on Caesar's Gallic War 2 2 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 2 2 Browse Search
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Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero, Cicero's Public Life and Contemporary Politics. (search)
thened the conspiracy, while Caesar's own course in openly assuming supreme power, a course far removed from the more diplomatic policy of his successor Augustus, must have offended the more conservative element. The meeting of the senate on Mar. 15, 44 B.C., furnished a suitable occasion, the presentation of a petition by L. Tillius Cimber a convenient opportunity, and the conspirators accomplished their purpose of assassinating Caesar. Suet. Iul. 81, 82. Cicero and the Liberatores (Aet. 63-6 Bk. 10. Brutus and Cassius in the East were apprised of the course of events in Italy,Cf. Fam. Bk. 12, and Epist. ad Brut. and the senate was urged to take bold action. 42. His efforts were at the outset crowned with success, for on Dec.20, 44 B.C.,Cf. Philipp. 3; Fam. 12.22.3. the senate repealed the law which assigned Gallia Cisalpina and Transalpina to Antony, lengthened the terms of office of D. Brutus and Plancus, and directed the other provincial governors to remain at their posts
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero, The Private Life of Cicero. (search)
The Private Life of Cicero. 45. Cicero's father was in moderate circumstances, and from him Cicero inherited the family estate at Arpinum and a house in the Carinae. The dowery of his wife Terentia amounted to 480,000 sesterces,Plut. Cic. 8. but the larger part of his income was derived from legacies left to him by admirers or by men to whom he had rendered professional service. In 44 B.C. Cicero boasted Philipp. 2.40. that he had received more than 20,000,000 sesterces from this source. And one of his legacies, from the philosopher Diodotus, Att. 2.20.6. The correctness of the text is, however, questioned by Tyrrell, vol. 12. p.35. is said to have amounted to 10,000,000 sesterces. Possibly Cicero received also a share of the profits which C. Antonius, his colleague in the consulship, made in his province. Att. 1.12 2; 1.13.6; 1.14.7; Fam. 5.5. Cicero did not apparently increase his property to any great extent by productive investments. A large part of it in fact was investe
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero, Cicero's Family and Friends. (search)
for some time to the young man's education, and sent him later to Athens to pursue his studies, in the hope that he would take up the legal profession; but the young man's tastes were averse to study, and the appearance of Brutus at Athens, in 44 B.C., was enough to cause his enlistment in the army of the liberatores, in which he served with distinction. ad Brut. 2.3. He espoused the cause of Octavius against Antony, was made consul by the former in 30 B.C.,Plut. Cic. 49. and is last heard ted Tullia, and in 46 B.C. they were divorced. Probably in the hope that Caesar's programme included cancellation of debts, Fam. 2.16.5. Dolabella joined his party in the civil war and was designated as Caesar's successor in the consulship for 44 B.C., during the projected Parthian wan In this office he at first showed some sympathy for the party of Brutus and Cassius, but later the promise of the province of Syria induced him to side with Antony. He met his deathVell. Paterc. 2.69. while
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero, Cicero's Correspondence and its First Publication. (search)
extant letter (Fam. 10.29) was written July 6, 43 B.C. The correspondence with Atticus closes with Att. 1.6.15 in Dec. 44 B.C. The fact that the extant correspondence stops several months before his death is probably due to the circumstance that t letters of Bk. 13 are all letters of recommendation, and were probably collected and perhaps published in the summer of 44 B.C. Of the other books, 1-9 and 14-16 contain epistles, other than letters of recommendation, written before the summer of 44 B.C.; and Bks. 10-12 contain letters written later than that date. The date of publication of parts ii and iii is not known. In view of the criticisms made upon Antony in some of these letters, perhaps they were not published until after the b The title Episitulae ad Familiares is modern. Tiro, Cicero's secretary, was making a collection of Cicero's letters in 44 B.C. Att. 16.5. 5. The collection of letters ad Fam. contains no letters from Tiro, but many addressed to him, even by other
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero, Letter XLV: ad Atticum 8.3 (search)
s amitteret, quas ambas habet inimicissimas praeter Transpadanos, ex Hispaniaque sex legiones et magna auxilia Afranio et Petreio ducibus habet a tergo, Fam. 16.12.4. Trebonio: C. Trebonius was rewarded for the services which he rendered to Caesar during his tribunate by being appointed as Caesar's legate in Gaul, where he was still in command. Later he became praetor urbanas, and through Caesar's influence propraetor of Spain. He, however, joined the conspirators against Caesar's life in 44 B.C. He was murdered in Syria in the same year by Dolabella, being thus the first one of the liberatores to suffer for his connection with that plot. Fabium: another of Caesar's legates in Gaul. The reports that he had deserted, and that Trebonius had been defeated, were without foundation; cf. Caes. B.C. 1.40. transisse, has come over to oar side. The desertion of Labienus, the most trusted and skilful of Caesar's lieutenants, gave the Pompeians great hopes of further defections from Caesar's
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero, Letter LXXXIV: ad familiares 13.50 (search)
Letter LXXXIV: ad familiares 13.50 Rome, about Jan. 1, 44 B.C. Acilius, to whom Fam. 13.30-39 also were addressed, had been twice successfully defended by Cicero (Fam. 7.30.3). He had just been sent out to Achaia to succeed Servius Sulpicius Rufus (cf. Fam. 7.29.1; 7.30.3). For M'. Curius, in whose behalf the letter was written, see Ep. XXXIX. 2. Cicero felt a debt of gratitude to him, because of the hospitality which he had shown him at Patrae, after the battle of Pharsalus (cf. Fam. 13.17.1). The letter was written in response to a request from Curius (cf. Fam. 7.29.1, 7.30.3). Brundisi: from Oct., 48 B.C. , to Sept., 47; cf. Intr. 32 f. familiaris: cf. Fam. 13.17.1. sartum et tectum: an adaptation of the technical phrase sarta et tecta, used by the censors of buildings placed in the hands of contractors to be put into perfect repair, so as to be secure against the assaults of wind and weather. Cf. Blix on Plaut. Trin. 317, and Otto, Sprichwörter, 309.
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero, Letter LXXXV: ad familiares 6.15 (search)
Letter LXXXV: ad familiares 6.15 Rome, probably Mar. 15, 44 B.C. With these words Cicero salutes L. Minucius Basilus, one of Caesar's murderers, on the day of the assassination and after its occurrence. Basilus had been praetor in 45 B.C. , and actuated by chagrin at not obtaining a province from Caesar for the next year, joined the conspirators. For an account of his death, see Appian, B. C. 3.98. Cicero was perhaps a witness of Caesar's murder (cf. Phil. 2.28; Att. 14.14.4), but he had no previous knowledge of the plan (cf. Fam. 12.2.1; 12.4.1). quid agas quidque agatur: the inquiry here indicates that this note of congratulation was written before Cicero's visit to the Capitol, where the conspirators took refuge after the assassination. Cf. Intr. 36.
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero, Letter LXXXVI: ad familiares 11.1 (search)
Letter LXXXVI: ad familiares 11.1 Rome, Mar. 17, 44 B.C. The 17th and 18th of March were taken up with meetings of the senate (cf. Phil. 2.89). Mar. 19 was a holiday (Quinquatrus), on which a burial could not take place, so that the burning of Caesar's body and Antony's address in the Forum cannot have taken place before Mar. 20. On the other hand, seven days seem to have been the extreme interval allowed between death and burial amongst the Romans (cf. Herodian, 4.2.4, with note by Marquardt, Handbuch, VII. 348). The burial must have taken place, therefore, on or before Mar. 22, i.e. Mar. 20-22 (Ruete, 16). As for the date of this letter, there is no mention in it of Caesar's burial, so that it was probably written before Mar. 21-22. In fact, the remarks in 6 make it highly probable that it was written on the morning of Mar. 17. Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus had served under Caesar with distinction in the campaigns against the Veneti in 56 B.C. (cf. B. G. 3.11.5), and against Ve
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero, Letter LXXXVII: ad familiares 9.14 (search)
Letter LXXXVII: ad familiares 9.14 Pompeii, May 3, 44 B.C. One of the many demagogues in Rome at this time, Herophilus or Amatius by name, who claimed to be descended from Gaius Marius, took advantage of the excitement to erect an altar to Caesar in the Forum, on the spot where Caesar's body had been burned. Although Herophilus was put to death as an instigator of riot, the altar which he had erected remained, and a column in Caesar's honor was soon after set up. Dolabella, Cicero's former son-ln-law, who was one of the consuls for 44, during the absence from Rome of his colleague Antony, had the altar and column destroyed, and those concerned in the movement put to death (cf. Att. 14.15.1). It was this action on Dolabella's part which called forth this enthusiastic letter from Cicero. The extravagant tone of the letter has been condemned by many, but Cicero's real purpose was not so much to compliment Dolabella for the vigor of his action, although he appreciated that, as to attac
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero, Letter LXXXVIII: ad Atticum 15.11 (search)
Letter LXXXVIII: ad Atticum 15.11 Antium, June 8, 44 B.C. At a meeting of the senate held June 5, M. Brutus and Cassius were released from their obligation to reside in Rome as praetors and commissioned to supply Rome with grain. They retired to Antium to discuss with Cicero the best course to take in view of the senate's action. Servilia : sister of Cato Vticensis and the mother of M. Brutus, a woman of great strength of character, political influence, and judgment, whom Cicero calls prudentissima et diligentissima femina, Ep. ad Brut. 1.18.1. After the death of her first husband, M. Junius Brutus (father of the conspirator M. Brutus), she married D. Junius Silanus. One of the children of this second marriage, Tertia or Tertulla, married C. Cassius. Porcia: the daughter of Cato Vticensis and the second wife of M. Brutus. This little group of brilliant women, ardent republicans and closely bound by marriage and blood relationship to M. Brutus, C. Cassius, and Cato, seems to hav
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