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expedients for relief. We take for a basis of exhibit the statement of Mr. Spalding, of New York, a member of the Committee of Ways and Means in the Federal House of Representatives, in a late speech on the finances, he computed the eventual debt entailed on the Federal Government by the war, in the most favorable event, and by the strictest conclusion, at $1, 800,000,000-- eighteen hundred millions of dollars. Turning to the official tables made up at the U. S. Treasury, to the 30th June, 1860, the last year of the undivided Union, we find that the total expenditures of the Federal Government, from its beginning in March, 1789, to that day, amounting to $2,151 8,828 twenty-one hundred and fifty millions of dollars. So, the attempt to enslave the Southern States will have cost, for the beginning of the war, as we esteem it from the most invariable estimate of its completion, as the invaders count it, six- sevenths of the whole amount which served to support the whole Fed