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tected state of our carrying trade has produced on our tonnage; and, without troubling you with the great loss which our ship-owners sustain in the almost total loss of foreign commerce, it is only necessary to call your attention to the inclosed table, prepared and published by one of the best informed commercial journals of this city, showing the loss of the carrying trade on the imports and exports of this city alone, by which you will perceive, that while during the quarter ending June thirtieth, 1860, we imported and exported over sixty-two million dollars in American vessels, and but thirty million dollars in foreign vessels; we have in the corresponding quarter of this year only twenty-three million dollars by our own ships, while we have sixty-five million dollars by foreign vessels. The intermediate periods show a most painful decadence of our shipping interest and tonnage by transfer and sale to foreign flags, which, at this time of considerable commercial activity, does not
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Daniel, Peter Vivian, 1784-1860 (search)
Daniel, Peter Vivian, 1784-1860 Statesman; born in Stafford county, Va., April 24, 1784; graduated at Princeton in 1805; appointed judge of the United States Circuit Court in 1836; and to the United States Supreme Court in 1841. He died in Richmond, Va., June 30, 1860.
al years ending respectively on the 30th June, 1858 and 1859, whilst the regular pay and mileage of the members were less than $2,350,000, these contingencies amounted to more than three millions and a half. In the fiscal year ending on the 30th June, 1860, they were somewhat reduced, but still exceeded $1,000,000. Notwithstanding this extravagance and the large outlay unavoidably incurred for the expedition to Utah, the President succeeded in gradually diminishing the annual expenditures uent of the Secretary of the Navy, this amounted to very little more than the ordinary appropriation for the naval service. This aggregate embraces all the expenses of the Government, legislative, executive, and judicial, for the year ending 30th June, 1860, but not the interest on the public debt. If this, which was $8,177,814, be added, the whole would amount to $58,579,779.46. If to this we should make a liberal addition for appropriations recommended by the War and Navy Departments, as nece
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Memorial services in Memphis Tenn., March 31, 1891. (search)
g duty at Cerro Gordo. He was severely wounded at Cerro Gordo and Chapultepec, where, September 13, 1847, he led a detachment of the storming forces, and General Scott reported that he was the first to plant regimental colors on the ramparts of the fortress. After the Mexican war he was returned to the rank of captain of topographical engineer, and served as chief of that body in the Department of Texas in 1852 and 1853, and acted as inspector-general on the expedition to Utah in 1858. June 30, 1860, he was commissioned quartermaster-general of the United States army, but resigned that post on the 22d of April, 1861. He was commissioned major-general of volunteers in the army of Virginia, and, with General Robert E. Lee, organized the volunteers of that State—and being summoned to Montgomery, the Confederate capital, he was appointed one of the four brigadier-generals there commissioned, and was assigned to the command of Harper's Ferry. General Robert Patterson, commanding the Fed
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book VII:—politics. (search)
ates; but they had been contemplated by the Constitution and were justified by necessity. When the two houses met again on the 2d of December, 1861, the military expenditure had already reached a figure which was the more alarming because it was impossible to entertain any illusion regarding the duration of the war, and to believe that it would be ended in a few weeks. The budgets of the government of the Union are made up at the close of the first half of the fiscal year. On the 30th of June, 1860, the Federal debt only represented a nominal capital of sixty-four million seven hundred and sixty-nine thousand nine hundred and one dollars. A year later (June 30, 1861), when the Thirty-seventh Congress was about to assemble, this debt had only reached the figure of ninety million eight hundred and sixty-seven thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight dollars, showing, therefore, a simple increase of twenty-six million ninety-eight thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars. The lo
aid in Nov. 1859138,114.34 By amount warrants paid in Dec. 1859.1,608,300.77 Balance 31st Dec. 1859109,267.99 $1,954,301.33 By amount warrants paid in Jan., 1860213,869.76 By amount warrants paid in Feb., 1860346,280.47 By amount warrants paid in March, 1860277,961.24 Balance 31st March, 1860183,700.81 $1,021,812.28 By amount warrants paid in April. '60169,689.63 By amount warrants paid in May, 186093,336.84 By amount warrants paid in June, 1860656,103.68 Balance 30th June, 186042,895.64 $964,525.79 By amount warrants paid in July, 1860389,352.02 By amount warrants paid in Aug. 186090,870.20 By amount warrants paid in Sept. 186062,221.27 Balance 29th Sept. 1860139,305.18 $681,248.67 Total amount of warrants issued by the Auditor from the 1st October, 1859, to the 29th September, 1860 inclusive $4,147,907.92 Deduct warrants Nos. 2052$3.23 Deduct warrants Nos. 4,27874.45 Deduct warrants Nos. 5,11311.41 Deduct warrants Nos. 5,29031.35 Deduc
,000 above expenses; 3,896 patents have been issued and 3,612 applications rejected.--The Census will be prepared for the present Congress. The necessity of revising the laws prohibiting the Slave trade, and especially in providing for the disposal of rescued negroes, is urged. The Secretary of the Interior first alludes to the extraordinary development of the internal resources of the country, especially as exhibited in the report of the Land Offices — During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1860, and the quarter ending the 30th of September last, 16,385,361 acres of public lands have been proclaimed for sale. During the same period, 9,649,471 acres have been surveyed and prepared for market, and 11,060,053 72 acres have been disposed of in the following manner: 3,977,619 80 acres have been sold for cash, yielding $2,021,425 97; 3,379,140 acres have been absorbed by the location of bounty land warrants; 2,037,770 92 acres approved to States under the swamp grants; and 2,665,623
Stray money letters. --Statement of dead letters, containing money, received at the dead letter office during the past year: Quarter ending-- March 31, 18602403 letters,containing$13,120.87 June 30, 1860268 letters,containing18,177.41 Sept. 30, 18602192 letters,containing10,975.86 Dec. 31, 18602885 letters,containing11,880.71 Total, 18609790 letters,containing$52,154.86 Average amount of money to each letter, $5 02½. More than nine-tenths of the above letters and money have been sent out and delivered to the writers thereof. Those letters containing money, the owners of which cannot be found, are filed, to await the application of the owners. If not called for before June next, the bank notes contained in the letters will be sold for specie, and the specie deposited in the United States Treasury. But the letter and draft for the amount contained in it, less the discount, may be obtained on proper application at any time thereafter. --National Inte
The cruise of the Niagara. --A Boston paper publishes the following account of the cruise of the Niagara, which arrived there on Tuesday last: The Niagara left New York June 30, 1860, for Jeddo, with the Japanese Embassy on board. They first visited Port au Grand, at the Cape de Verde Islands, and then proceeded to Loango, on the coast of Africa. From there they made a stretch to Batavia, on the island of Java, the trip occupying 44 days. They remained there ten days, and then proceeded to Hong Kong. From there they went to Japan, arriving at Jeddo November 9. They were received there with much ceremony, very courteously treated, and the Captain and eight of the officers, with Col. Ripley, were invited to dine with the Prime Minister and all the high Princes of the Empire. They then went to Yokohama, 12 miles below Jeddo, where the men were allowed to go ashore. They left Japan on the 28th of November for Hong Kong, and made one of the shortest passages on
pective financial resources of the two Governments that we have looked into this subject, and now present to our readers the result of the examination.--The latest statistical information we have at our command, is for the fiscal year ending 30th June, 1860. We can, however, state with confidence, and from examination, that the statistics of the present or any previous fiscal year, will not vary in results from the figures we now give. We use in this connection a statement and table prepared from the official documents of the United States; The exprorts of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1860, embracing specle and American produce, amounted to $373,167,461; in addition to which we also exported about $27,000,000 of foreign produce, making all of our exports $100,167,461, and exceeding our imports for the same period $38,370,252; the imports being $361,797,209. the Specie and American produce exported were, as above stated$373,167,451 or this amount the Specie was56,946
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