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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Introduction. (search)
ck out a whole paragraph and made some verbal alterations, when I had the rough draft, thus corrected, signed by General Lee. This was copied and signed by him for corps commanders and staff officers, and many copies were made and his autograph procured as souvenirs by couriers and persons about headquarters. The order as corrected by General Lee, and as it was issued to the army, is as follows: General Orders, no. 9. Headquarters Army of Northern Virginia, Appomattox C. H., April 10, 1865. After four years of arduous service, marked by unsurpassed courage and fortitude, the Army of Northern Virginia has been compelled to yield to overwhelming numbers and resources. I need not tell the survivors of so many hard-fought battles, who have remained steadfast to the last, that I have consented to this result from no distrust of them, but feeling that valor and devotion could accomplish nothing that would compensate for the loss that must have attended a continuance of the c
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Paroles of the Army of Northern Virginia. (search)
ent for surrender at Appomattox Courthouse April 10, 1865. Hospital Steward, Estelle Waddell. ief Surgeon Artillery 1st Corps A. N. V., April 10th, 1865. R. M. Bidgood, one horse, hospital sts Haskell's Battery near Appomattox C. H., April 10, 1865. Roll of Capt. John A. Ramsay's Companyy, First Corps Army of Northern Virginia, April 10th, 1865. F. T. Massie, 2d Lieut. P. J. Coffy,n Artillery of New Orleans present on 10th day of April, 1865, near Appomattox Courthouse. 1st Co Batt. Art y. Officers and men present April 10th, 1865, Donald's Battery. Wm. T. Wilson, Lt. Battery, Va. Vols. Appomattox C. H, Va., April 10th, 1865. Roll of Capt. W. B. Hurt's Comp'y of that the above named are present this day. April 10, 1865. (Signed) W. M. Owens, Lt.-Co Commanding Regiment. Headquarters 23d Va. Infantry, April 10th, 1865. Twenty-Seventh Virginia Infantry. zz=Co. K. [174] John A. Jones, Adj't. April 10th, 1865. J. W. Arnold, Maj. Commanding Regiment.[6 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Semmes' Georgia Brigade. (search)
ck, Co. K, 51st Va. Infantry. W. Richardson, Jno. A. Craig, Private J. W. Baker, Co. E, 8th La. Infantry. Acting Hospital Steward, J. W. Russell, I certify, on honor, that the above is a correct roll. [6] Near Appomattox C. H., Va., April 10, 1865. H. Black, Surgeon in charge Field Hospital. Officers and men employed in Q. M. Department 2d Army Corps, A. N. V. Maj. G. D. Mercer, Act. Chief Quartermaster 2d Army Corps. Capt. J. D. Brooks, Asst. to Chief Quartermaster 2d Army Cor Private M. Jones, Private J. B. Campbell, T. Radford, B. Alston. [139] I certify, on honor, that of the number of men on this roll only seventy six (76) were armed on the morning of the 9th inst. P. Durham, Capt. Commanding Regiment. April 10th, 1865. Fifth North Carolina Regiment. Sergeant-Major C. M. Busbee. Co. A. Music'n J. J. Johnston, Private Daniel Albertini, David Avres, Abram Holder, Private Jesse Johnston, Retus Jones, William Sanders, Andrew Watson.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Terry's Brigade, formerly John M. Jones's. (search)
ove, T. D. Neal, W. T. Norford, Rufus Ramey, H. F. Finder, J. J. Vaughn, D. H. Willard, M. Warren, R. A. Boyd, W. H. Jordan. R. A. Jones, Emp. Engineer Department. [88] Paroled Prisoner's pass. Appomattox Courthouse, Va., April 10th, 1865. The bearer, Private T. W. White, of Co. A, 17th Virginia Regiment of Infantry, a Paroled Prisoner of the Army of Northern Virginia, has permission to go to his home, and there remain undisturbed. D. B. Bridgford, Maj. and Prov. Mar., A.r, R. F. Bennett, John Charles, Private J. A. Davidson, J. M. Hughes, Chas. Hoffman, Richard March, J. W. Saunders, F. Vaughan. Total: officers, 21; enlisted men, 136; aggregate, 157. (Signed) W. T. Robins, Col. 24th Va. Cav. April 10, 1865. [Paroles signed by Col Robins.] Hampton Legion, South Carolina Vols., Gary's Cavalry Brigade. Field and Staff. R. B. Arnold, Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding. J. J. Bozeman, Assistant Surgeon. N. P. Green, Assistant Surgeon. Lie