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John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 13: Patterson's campaign. (search)
e after midnight of July 17th, he received orders from the Confederate authorities to go at once to the help of Beauregard. Just twenty-four hours had elapsed since Patterson's order to retreat, and the Union army was already at Charlestown. By nine o'clock on the morning of July 18th, Johnston's scouts brought him reports indicating clearly the actual situation. At noon of that day he had his whole effective force of nine thousand men on the march; at nightfall his advance passed through Ashby's Gap of the Blue Ridge; by eight o'clock on the 19th it was at Piedmont, the nearest station of the Manassas Gap Railroad, and embarking here in cars, seven regiments were in Beauregard's camp, at Manassas, that afternoon. Johnston himself, with another detachment, arrived at Manassas at noon of Saturday, July 20th; and most of the remainder of his force reached the battle-field of Bull Run in the nick of time to take a decisive part in that famous conflict, about three o'clock on Sunday,
Williamsport, Maryland, to Lexington, Virginia, was built at an early day to connect the interior of the latter State with the Chesapeake and Ohio canal, and along this road are situated the principal towns and villages of the Shenandoah Valley, with lateral lines of communication extending to the mountain ranges on the east and west. The roads running toward the Blue Ridge are nearly all macadamized, and the principal ones lead to the railroad system of eastern Virginia through Snicker's, Ashby's Manassas, Chester, Thornton's Swift Run, Brown's and Rock-fish gaps, tending to an ultimate centre at Richmond. These gaps are low and easy, offering little obstruction to the march of an army coming from eastern Virginia, and thus the Union troops operating west of the Blue Ridge were always subjected to the perils of a flank attack; for the Confederates could readily be brought by rail to Gordonsville and Charlottesville, from which points they could move with such celerity through the
arned that General Fremont's advance was in the immediate vicinity. General Ewell held Fremont in check with so little difficulty that General Taylor described it as offering a temptation to make a serious attack upon Fremont's whole army. Ashby, vigilant and enterprising, soon perceived this, and pointing it out to Ewell, asked for infantry to attack the pursuing party so as to destroy them before their supports could get up. This force was given to him, and just in the dusk of the evening Ashby came upon them intrenched behind a fence. In a moment Ashby's horse was shot dead, but jumping to his feet he cried, Virginians, forward! and in the instant fell dead. As he fell Colonel Johnson with the First Maryland charged and swept the fence clear, and killed and wounded most of the routed enemy; they proved to be the Pennsylvania Bucktails, a crack battalion under Lieutenant- Colonel Kane, who was wounded and captured. Colonel Johnson's horse was killed, shot in three pla
tretches out a shining list as I gaze into the past. When shall their glory fade? Texas gave us Albert Sidney Johnston, and Gregg, Robertson, William old tige whom his soldiers loved Cabbell; it is easier to specify who was not a brilliant jewel in the gorgeous crown of glory than to name them all. Florida gave Kirby Smith and Anderson and many other gallant and true men. And Old Virginia gave us her Lees, Jackson, Early, Ewell, Pickett, Ed. Johnson, Archer, Heth, Lomax, Dearing, Ashby, Mumford, Rosser, the brothers Pegram; and the gallant men who fell on the heights of Gettysburg, Garnett, Kemper, and Armistead; and Dabney H. Maury, who with 7,600 infantry and artillery held Mobile for eighteen days against General Canby. Had our cause succeeded, Virginia's gallant son would have been promoted to be Lieutenant-General. A. P. Hill, the fierce young fighter, who, famous in many battles, came opportunely from Harper's Ferry to Sharpsburg, beat back Burnside, and saved
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 16: Secession of Virginia and North Carolina declared.--seizure of Harper's Ferry and Gosport Navy Yard.--the first troops in Washington for its defense. (search)
ock. They had four miles to march in the gloom. The infantry led, and were followed by one piece of artillery and about twenty of the Fauquier Cavalry, led by Captain Ashby, who afterward became a noted leader of horsemen in the Confederate army. The march was silent. When within a mile of the Ferry, the troops met sentries, wection of the Ferry. This was quickly repeated, and in a few minutes the mountain hights in the neighborhood were lighted by an immense and increasing flame. Captain Ashby dashed forward to the town, and soon returned with the report that the Arsenal and Armory were on fire, and that the National troops had crossed the river, and taken the mountain road in the direction of Carlisle Barracks, in Pennsylvania. Captain Ashby was correctly informed. Lieutenant Jones had been secretly warned, twenty-four hours before, of the plan for seizing the post that night. He had indications around him of trouble being nigh. The militia of the place, who had profess
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 22: the War on the Potomac and in Western Virginia. (search)
in which thirteen picked men of the regiment, mounted on the thirteen impressed horses, were engaged. They were sent on a scout, led by Corporal D. B. Hay, one of their number. They boldly attacked forty-one mounted insurgents, killing eight of them, chasing the remainder two miles, and capturing seventeen of their horses. The leader of the scouts was severely wounded, but was saved. On their way back, they were attacked by seventy-five mounted men of the command of the afterward famous Ashby, near the mouth of Patterson's Creek. They fell back across a portion of the stream to Kelley's Island, at the mouth of the creek, where; they had a terrible hand-to-hand fight with their assailants, that ceased only with the daylight. It ended at nightfall, with a loss to the Zouaves of only one man killed. The remainder made their way back to camp in the darkness. The following are the names of the thirteen brave men:--D. B. Hay, E. H. Baker, E. Burkett, J. C. Hollenback, T. Grover,
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 90. battle of Bolivar Heights, Va. Fought October 16, 1861. (search)
d on horses as rapidly as they fell. We took four prisoners, among whom is Rev. Nathaniel Green North, chaplain of Colonel Ashby's command. He is said to have been present at every battle that has occurred in Virginia. The fine thirty-two-poundlowing troops, viz. :--the Thirteenth and Nineteenth Mississippi regiments; the Eighth Virginia regiment of Infantry; Colonel Ashby's regiment of Cavalry; and Rogers' Richmond battery of six pieces and one thirty-two-pounder columbiad, commanded by f Illinois,) were attacked by twenty-five hundred or more of the rebels, including the celebrated cavalry regiment of Colonel Ashby. The rebels had six pieces of artillery-four of them upon Loudon Heights south, and two upon Bolivar Heights west, ug one of the wounded Wisconsin boys off. He turned and shot his pursuer through the breast. The officer proved to be Colonel Ashby, the commander of the rebels, which accounted for the lull in the battle alluded to. We have since learned that he wa
the other side state that during the gallant repulse of last Tuesday by two companies of the Indiana Twelfth at this place, eight rebels were killed outright and twelve wounded. It will be recollected that the enemy had two small guns, and made an attack on our pickets there, who with their rifles compelled the former to beat a hasty retreat. This occurred at the time of the capture of Captain Williams and seven men, of the Twelfth Indiana. The attacking forces comprised detachments from Col. Ashby's command, under Captains Henderson, Mason, and Baylor. Your correspondent was kindly furnished with recent copies of the Virginia Republican, published at Martinsburg, and a Richmond Dispatch of the 18th inst., by private Peter Messner of the Indiana Twelfth, a Hungarian patriot and refugee. This man is always on the alert in watching the enemy's movements, and is spoken of by his superiors as possessing untiring vigilance. Mercersville, (on the river four miles below Dam No. 5,) Dec
d to the left, for the purpose of charging their batteries, which the enemy no sooner saw than they spiked their two batteries, and ran helter skelter through the town and down the road to the Maryland shore, a distance of six miles, a portion of Ashby's cavalry in hot pursuit, and the infantry and artillery following rapidly after; but so swift-footed were theirs movements that our cavalry did not reach them until they got to the banks of the Potomac, where they had got in ambush, and as our cad directly in front of us, half a mile distant, with the pretty little town of Hancock on the opposite shore, in Maryland, where the enemy, in considerable force were quartered. General Jackson, early in the morning, sent a flag of truce by Colonel Ashby, to the authorities of the town, notifying the inhabitants to vacate the place, as he intended to bombard it, and gave them two hours to do so. Our batteries were then placed in position, the remainder of the force being still in the rear, ex
: If I can get two thousand men ashore, I am all right. A small cove, known as Ashby's harbor, about two miles south of the battery, is indicated by Gen. Burnside aroops are to be landed. The position is marked by a house, the residence of Capt. Ashby. Gen. Burnside instructed Lieut. Andrews to take a boat's crew with ten soldf Roanoke Island, was sent by General Burnside with Lieut. Andrews to point out Ashby's harbor. Much valuable information was gained from this boy, who is unusually morning. The point at which our troops were landed is a small cove known as Ashby's harbor. The order in which our men were put on shore was: First, the Twenty- the island--one third to cover the landing at Pugh's, one third the landing at Ashby's, and one third to be held in reserve. These orders were not executed — no force was put at Pugh's, and Col. Jordan, who was placed at Ashby's, fell back without a struggle from the enemy's landing. Under cover of a steamer, on the evening o
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