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Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them. 6 4 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 4 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 2 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 4 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 3 3 Browse Search
Daniel Ammen, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.2, The Atlantic Coast (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 2 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1 2 2 Browse Search
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana 2 2 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: August 6, 1863., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 2 Browse Search
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War 2 0 Browse Search
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William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 13: aggregate of deaths in the Union Armies by States--total enlistment by States--percentages of military population furnished, and percentages of loss — strength of the Army at various dates casualties in the Navy. (search)
9 19 -- 28 April 29 Tuscumbia Shirk Grand Gulf 6 24 -- 30 April 29 Pittsburg Hoel Grand Gulf 6 13 -- 19 April 29 Lafayette Walke Grand Gulf -- 1 -- 1 May 4 Albatross Hart Fort De Russy 2 4 -- 6 May 27 Cincinnati Sunk in action. Bache Vicksburg 5 14 15 34 July 7 Monongahela Read Mississippi 2 4 -- 6 Sept. 7 Clifton Crocker Sabine Pass 10 9 -- 19 Sept. 7 Sachem Johnson Sabine Pass 7 Wounded not stated. -- 7 1864.               Feb. 1 Underwriter Westervelt Neaw Red River -- -- -- 15 May 13 Covington Lord Red River -- -- -- 44 May 31 Water Witch Pendergrast Ogeechee River 2 12 -- 14 June 19 Kearsarge Winslow Cherbourg 1 2 -- 3 June 24 Queen City Goudy White River 2 8 -- 10 June 24 Tyler Bache White River 3 15 -- 18 June 24 Naumkeag Rogers White River June 24 Fawn Grove White River Aug. 5 Hartford Farragut's flag-ship. Drayton Mobile Bay 25 28 -- 53 Aug. 5 Brooklyn Alden Mobile Bay 11 43 -- 54 Aug. 5 Lackawanna Marcha
cer in command; Lieutenant-Commander Chaplin commanded the Dai-Ching; Lieutenant-Commander Phythian commanded the McDonough; and Acting Master Mitchell the E. B. Hale. I enclose the reports of these officers. Captain Boutelle, of the United States Coast Survey, with his usual zeal, accompanied the gunboats in the Vixen, and skilfully piloted them along the windings of the narrow channel. I take this opportunity of making my acknowledgments to the eminent head of the Coast Survey, Professor Bache, for the many advantages which I have derived, while in command here, from the accurate surveys executed by his orders. Their scientific and practical excellence have never been surpassed in any country, and have rendered them invaluable in conducting operations in this quarter. I have the honor to be, Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, J. A. Dahlgren, Rear-Admiral, commanding S. A. B. Squadron. Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy. Instructions from Lieut.-Co
k; and if they will not fight and do their duty from honorable motives, I intend to coerce them and let them see what they have to expect if they pretend to rebel. I deprived the 79th of their colors, and have them downstairs, not to be returned to them until they have earned them again by good behavior. The great trouble is the want of officers of regiments. We have good material, but no officers. Aug. 14, 1861. I was so occupied yesterday that I could not write. Profs. Mahan and Bache at breakfast. Then came the usual levee. Then Burnside turned up, and I had to listen to his explanation of some slanders against him; then some naval officers; then I don't know how many others before dinner. After dinner I rode out until about nine, when I found the President had been to see me and wanted me at the White House. After I got through there I went to see Montgomery Blair on business. Then, on my return, found some more of the cabinet, McDowell, etc., so that it was after
ort Monroe, Lieut-Col. John W. Macomb was in charge of this department and prepared a large amount of valuable material. He was succeeded by Brig.-Gen. A. A. Humphreys, who retained the position throughout the Peninsular campaign. These officers were assisted by Lieuts. O. G. Wagner, N. Bowen, John M. Wilson, and James H. Wilson, topographical engineers. This number, although the greatest available, was so small that much of the duty of the department devolved upon parties furnished by Prof. Bache, Superintendent of the Coast Survey, and other gentlemen from civil life. Owing to the entire absence of reliable topographical maps, the labors of this corps were difficult and arduous in the extreme. Notwithstanding the energy and ability displayed by Gen. Humphreys, Lieut.-Col. Macomb, and their subordinates, who frequently obtained the necessary information under fire, the movements of the army were sometimes unavoidably delayed by the difficulty of obtaining knowledge of the coun
dge-train. I went through the usual routine of being presented to an infinite number of ladies. Made a close inspection of the camp and of the men, and then returned. Nov. 30, 1861. I was hard at work until half-past 4, when I came back to dinner. Gen. Banks dined with me. When he left I had several business calls. At eight all the officers of the 4th Infantry, just returned from California, came to pay their respects. When they left I went to Com. Goldsborough, where he, Fox, Prof. Bache, and myself remained in serious consultation about naval and military movements until after midnight. Sandy Hook, near Harper's Ferry, Monday A. M., Feb. 27, 1862. . . . Here I still am. I crossed the river as soon as the bridge was finished, and watched the troops pass. It was a magnificent spectacle, one of the grandest I ever saw. As soon as my horse and escort got over I rode out to the line of pickets and saw for myself that everything was right and ready for an attack. The
imes and under the most trying circumstances. As soon as it became clear that no aid was to be had from the navy, and that we must reduce Yorktown by a front attack, I took steps to increase the number of heavy guns and mortars to the extent shown by the statement of batteries given hereafter. The number of officers of the corps of engineers and of the topographical engineers at my disposal was so small that it was necessary to supplement them by civilian employees kindly furnished by Prof. Bache, of the U. S. Coast Survey, and by details from the line. These civilian employees vied with the officers of the army in the courage, devotion, and intelligence with which they performed the dangerous and important duties devolving upon them, There were but twelve officers of the engineers, including four on duty with the three companies of engineer troops, and six of the topographical engineers. These officers at once proceeded to ascertain by close reconnoissances the nature and stren
, and Myers's reports 633, 636, 637. Army of Virginia, 552, Army corps, formation, 222, 342. Army organization : infantry, 108 ; artillery, 108 ; cavalry, 109 ; engineers, 110: staff, 110-112. Aspinwall, W. H., 451, 655. Astor. Jr., Col. J. J., 123. 251. Averill, Gen. W. W., at Washington, 222. In Peninsula, 239 ; Yorktown, 260 ; Williamsburg, 339 ; Malvern. 438; White Oak Swamp, 494. In Maryland campaign, 647, 659. Ayres, Capt., 301, 430. Babcock, Lieut. O. E., 124. Bache, Prof., 87, 125, 177, 280. Bailey, Col. G., 380. Baker, Col., 81 ; at Ball's Bluff, 171, 183-187, death 185, 190. Ball's Bluff, Va., battle of, 181-190. Balt. and O. R. R., 50, 102, 190-192. Banks, Gen. N., in Shenandoah Valley, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 81, 88, 94, 106, 146, 240, 241, 270, 294, 350, 368 ; Ball's Bluff, 183-188; Pope's campaign, 509 ; South Mountain, 574, 579; Washington, ‘62, 551, 622. Barber's Cross-roads, Va., 647. Barhamsville, Va. 319, 320, 324, 334. Barker, Cap
he survey of Ireland, nearly 8 miles in length, Colonel Colby employed a compensating apparatus formed of bars of different metals, so arranged that the distance between the two points viewed by compensation microscopes remains constant under all changes of temperature. For account of measurements of degrees of latitude, see odometer. The method of triangulation in a great survey, by means of quadrilaterals, is purely American in its origin, having been first introduced by the late Professor Bache. — Prof. Peirce. Sur-vey′or's-com′pass. The measuringcom-pass was invented by Jost Bing of Hesse, in 1602. See circumferentor; theodolite. Surveying-cross. Sur-vey′or's-cross. An instrument employed for establishing perpendicular lines in surveying. It has four sights fixed at right angles upon a brass cross, which can be screwed to a tripod or single staff. The instrument is adjusted so that one pair of sights coincide with a given or base line, when a line perpen
nine o'clock the same morning he was apprised of the approach of the gunboats Tyler, Fawn, and Naumkeag, in convoy of a fleet of ten transports, in command of Captain Bache, of the Tyler. He having learned of the disaster to the Queen City, through the refugees from her had ordered the transports back to the bluff, and proceeded ake his work of destruction more complete. The explosion was heard many miles, and the Queen City was a thing of the past. Before the smoke had cleared away, Captain Bache, of the Tyler, Captain Grace, of the Fawn, and Captain Rogers, of the Naumkeag (a noble trio), approached. General Shelby had chosen a position to give them bd twelve-pound gun on a light carriage, that could have been drawn by four men out of the reach of the gunboats. General Shelby having retired from the river, Captain Bache collected he wounded and stragglers and brought them to Duvall's Bluff, and communicated with General Steele, and he immediately ordered a force under General
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 22: beginning of a New era (search)
condition. He added: Rawlins, too, looks very well, but I notice that his cough still seems very ugly. During this trip he was asked in the interest of General Grant to write a criticism of William Swinton's Decisive Battles, but on account of the pressure of his engagements he was forced to shift the burden to me, at the same time offering to revise my manuscript and to visit me for that purpose should it become necessary. About this time he notified me that a successor to Professor Bache as Superintendent of the Coast Survey was soon to be appointed, and that I could get the place if it suited me, but he added, the best thing for me was to get into the great battle of the world in some active position. The next day he wrote to me from New York: I don't believe Rawlins has made any alliance with . . . the Copperheads. The President is an obstinate, stupid man, governed by preconceived ideas, by whiskey, and by women. He means one thing to-day and another
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