Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 14, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Beauregard or search for Beauregard in all documents.

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Europe, it was no novelty; yet the scene appeared to impress the Prince with a favorable idea of the personnel of our troops. He seemed to be somewhat surprised at the unanimity of sentiment existing at the South, and thought it boded a protracted war. When he alluded to the possibility of a reconstruction of the Union, he was told by the gentleman at his side that it was no more possible than that the sun and moon could revolve in the same orbit. The Prince was met on his arrival by General Beauregard with a splendid escort of cavalry, and the same mark of courtesy was tendered him on his return. He preferred, however, the escort of two gentlemen, whom he selected--Major C. H. Morgan, of the Third Tennessee Regiment, Elzey's Brigade, and Captain Charlton Morgan, of the same regiment. The last named officer was chosen in consideration of the fact that his father fought under Visor Emanuel in the Garibaldi Campaign. Capt. M. himself was the Consul at Messina, Sicily, a position whi
position at Manassas, and cut off the retreat of our army, whilst Banks' column should move simultaneously, &c. That is seems that, after all Gen. McClellan's warnings to the press, they will not hold their tongues. When a civilian obtains a little knowledge of military matters, it is impossible to make him keep the peace Nevertheless, leaky vessels may be of service to somebody. Our Generals will, no doubt, be ready for any movement of the enemy is any direction, whether by Dumfries, Winchester, Manassas, from Newport News across the river, or via Western Virginia and Kentucky. We now recollect it was Ray Mond who modestly suggested, in the beginning of the war, that "two well-equipped million of twenty-five thousand sick moving from Washington and Fortress Monroe upon Richmond," would capture our city with in . No doubt it was because Johnston and Beauregard at one point, and Marauder at another, would not permit the execution of this plan, that Richmond is not taken.
g and critical occasion; but this much I remember, and will not withhold: After going over the main points of Southern Scripture in reference to merely political issues, State Rights, &c., I told them frankly that, all he g they could outnumber us, we could outfight at them; that a vast majority of our people were as brave as at the head of his conquering legions, while the majority of brave men among them was probably not quite so vast; that we had the best Generals on our side — Davis, Beauregard, Johnston, Lee, Magruder, Albert Johnson, Ben McCulloch, and others — while they had only Scott, whose sands of life are nearly run, and who is altogether too slow for such a "trial of conclusions" as our Generals have instituted; and that as long as we could bring 2 ,000 men into the field, (and we can do that forever,) the question of victory or defeat is a mere question of general h p. Finally, I told them that God Almighty, the Supreme, All-wise, and ever just Ruler of the Universe, wa
tch, which I have just received from our brave General McDowell. Don't you think your Jeff. Davis, (here a horrible pain seemed to strike the old man) and your Beauregard, and your Johnston had better simmer down? Do you think they can stand before our brave 60,000." I didn't have any better sense than to tell old F. & F I ts report to me that there is a large force rebels just ahead. If this be true, you may tell that rebel, Asa Harts, that he will have the scalp of his General, Beauregard, in Washington at 9 o'clock to-morrow morning. (Singed,) McDewell. Gen. Scott grinned audibly at this dispatch, and took the oath again. He had not finished culate they will surrender. If you have no objection, I will stipulate the terms of surrender. (Signed) McDowell P. S.--In answer to my demand to surrender, Beauregard says he will see me d — d (dead) first. They have opened fire, too, and would you believe it, General, the rebels actually put balls in their guns — a proceedin