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Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert 62 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 58 0 Browse Search
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Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 3: from New York to Richmond (search)
simply and quietly. When I first knew James H. Beers he was an intelligent young mechanic-origiper. This was a few years before the war, but Beers continued to visit New Haven often, perhaps reather afterwards told me it was obvious that Mr. Beers' mind was irrevocably made up and that it wor destination, but, by some untoward accident, Beers was left behind and experienced some difficultrived in Richmond, and suggested to him that Mr. Beers and I, as we were citizens of the State of Cetween Malvern Hill and Chancellorsville I saw Beers perhaps two or three times — I think once i; Rommanding A. P. Hill's artillery, hearing that Beers had been killed on the 3d of May and buried uption of duty-obedience unto death. Observe, Beers had never been South and had no idea of ever gto say that, so far as I know, the family of Mr. Beers did their duty by his children. I tried to is well, too, that there are not more men like Beers in the world. The bands of organized society [14 more...]
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 4: from civil to military life (search)
he precise dates of camp and march and battle; and yet there is no gainsaying the almost inestimable value of letters to a book of reminiscence, furnishing contemporaneous record and comment so much more vivid and accurate than memory. In the absence of these I shall have to rest largely, for the elements of time and date, upon the relation of what I may record to the general movement of the campaigns, which will, for the most part, prove sufficient for my purpose. For example, I know that Beers' funeral was just after the battle of Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863; that we arrived in Richmond a short time before the battle of Bethel, June 10, 1861; that we left Richmond almost immediately after the battle of Manassas, July 21, 1861. It was not our fault that we did not leave earlier. My brother and I had volunteered in an infantry company called after a favorite corps which had left the city for the front, Junior company F, which was being drilled in awkward squads in a large ba
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 11: religious life of Lee's Army (search)
oint, and I don't like going back. I have found the Lord Jesus Christ, or, rather, He has found me and taken hold of me. It was the largest, the most thrilling moment of my life. Never before had I been conscious of such overpowering spiritual joy. We were for the moment two disembodied human souls alone with God. The earth with its trappings had disappeared. It was my last word with him. It must have been the next day that I received my first promotion and left for Richmond, for Beers was killed at Chancellorsville and I buried him at Richmond. When I returned to the army it was to Early's division of the Second Corps. True, we did not begin the advance into Pennsylvania for almost a full month after Chancellorsville, and what became of this month to me I cannot say, except that I went where I was ordered, and do not recall meeting the Howitzers again until after Gettysburg. On his way to his last battle this splendid youth wrote to his family a brief note, in which
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 12: between Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville (search)
m, and consequently had now all the vivid experiences of two such years to interchange, the intense interest and bliss of these furlough days in Richmond may be faintly imagined. My memory is not absolutely clear, but I am almost positive that Mrs. Beers and her little girls had come on with our mother and sisters and that Beers had also gotten a furlough to meet them and was in Richmond with us. If so, it was the last time I ever saw the noble fellow alive. It will be remembered he fell at ChBeers had also gotten a furlough to meet them and was in Richmond with us. If so, it was the last time I ever saw the noble fellow alive. It will be remembered he fell at Chancellorsville. One matter of very great importance which took shape between Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville was the organization of our (Cabell's) battalion of artillery. It was made up of four batteries-ours, the First Company, Richmond Howitzers, of Virginia; Manly's Battery, of North Carolina; the Troupe Artillery and Frazier's Battery, of Georgia; and it included, at different times, from sixteen to eighteen guns, mostly brass Napoleons. Its commanding officer was Col. H. C. Cabe
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 13: Chancellorsville (search)
e that I cannot recall when I first heard of Jackson's being wounded, nor even of the overwhelming calamity of his death. There is an impression on my mind that I saw his body lying in state in the Capitol at Richmond; but upon reflection I am inclined to think this is an error and that I am confounding impressions derived from reading the detailed accounts in the daily press with the actual sight of the eye. The only reliable data I have, bearing upon the time of this visit to Richmond, is Beers' burial there, at which I certainly was present. He fell on the 3rd of May and was buried on the field. It was warm weather and his re-interment at Richmond could not have been many days later. Jackson did not die until the 10th of May, and I could not have witnessed the funeral obsequies in Richmond unless I remained there longer than I now think I did. Under these circumstances, there being nothing of value I can add in the way of personal reminiscence, nothing would be gained by my
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 14: from the Rappahannock to the Potomac (search)
ahannock to the Potomac The engineer troops Jubal Early his ability and devotion his caustic tongue Lee a master of the offensive defensive his Army organized into three corps he turns Northward and maneuvers Hooker out of his position on the Rappahannock the battle of Winchester fine work large captures scenes and incidents of the battle. It is singular that I cannot recall with distinctness anything that occurred during this visit to Richmond, save the burial of poor Beers; and as to that I remember only what I have related. I do not recall much enthusiasm or elation of spirit about my promotion; indeed I felt little, for it severed the strong ties that bound me to my old comrades; it removed me from a branch of the service which I loved and in which I felt competent to do efficient work, and transferred me to another for. which I possessed neither taste nor training. My orders were to report to Major-General Early, in the field, and in connection with th
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Index. (search)
ll's Bluff, 61-63, 234 Baltimore, Md., 240, 354 Baptists, 139 Barksdale, Thomas, 149 Barksdale, William: before the war, 26, 28-29; during the war, 64,95, 129, 131-33, 179; troops of, 26, 64- 65, 68-71, 95, 97, 128-33, 138-39, 144, 176, 179, 223, 261, 292-93. Barnes, Beau, 252-53. Barrett, ............ (orderly), 260-61, 270 Battle fatigue, 77 Battlefield tours, 92-94, 107 Bayonets used in action, 333 Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant, 208, 242, 274, 309 Beers, James H., 37-44, 150, 154, 181, 183 Bell, John, 25 Benjamin, Judah Philip, 26, 40 Beulah Church, Va., 270, 272 Big Bethel, Va., 44-45. Blount, ........... 321,330 Bocock, Thomas Stanhope, 26-27. Boonsborough, Md., 66 Botts, John Minor, 31-32. Bowling Green, Va., 266 Brandon, Lane William, 115, 130, 292 Brandon, William Lindsay, 115-16, 130 Bravery, standards of, 115-17, 194, 245-46. Breathed, James, 53 Breckinridge, James Cabell, 26, 308 Bridgeport, Conn., 37 Brist
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.2 (search)
ite marker bearing this inscription: James H. Beers, of Connectcut, who fell at Chancellor or so before the breaking out of the war, but Beers continued to visit New Haven from time to timed and Civil War became more and more imminent, Beers became more and more restless and unhappy, untuently told me it was perfectly obvious that Mr. Beers' mind was irrevocably made up, and that it w mother and sisters, and subsequently followed Beers to Virginia, as I now recollect, in company wito Alexandria; but, by some untoward accident, Beers was left behind there, and experienced some dided, many gentlemen of position, who had heard Beers' story, being in attendance. I do not remembeine gunner and fighter. I saw but little of Beers after this. Just when he joined the Army I caetween Malvern Hill and Chancellorsville I saw Beers perhaps two or three times—I think once in Riction of duty—obedience unto death. Observe, Beers had never been South, and had no idea of ever [18 more...]<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
Index. Adams, John Quincy, 65. Alexander, General E. P., 56. Alien and Sedition Laws, 64. Allen, C. T., 44. Appomattox, Last volley fired at, 92; Wants of Confederates at, and their unyielding spirit, 322, 323. Atkinson J. M. P., 45. August, Colonel T. P., wounded, 49. Balaklava, The valor of the thin red line at, surpassed, 170. Baldwin, Colonel B. G., 117. Barksdale, General, Wm., 234. Beall, Captain John Y., 130. Beers, James H., Devotion of, 17. Blackman, W. H. H., 108. Blacknall, Colonel C. C., 175. Blanchard, General A. G., 206. Blow, Captain W. N., 380. Bloxham, Governor W. D., Address of, 124. Bouldin Captain E. E., 182. Brock, R. A., 349. Brockenbrough, Judge, Wm., Addresses on the life of, his descent, and exalted character, 351, 359. Brown, John, Raid of, 79. Burnside, General A. E., 234. Cabell, Colonel, H. Coalter, 327. Campbell, Sir, Colin, 171. Carter, Captain R. R.. 221. Catlett's Station, Raid on, 303 Cedar Creek