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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
ack made, on their return, a march of not less than forty-five or fifty miles in one day. On the morning of September 1st, Major Waite took occasion to insult us by his profane language and vain boasting of what he had done and was yet to do. His pickets being fired on, however, the camp was thrown into the utmost commotion, and we were hurried off again toward Washington. Owing to various delays, we were not brought to Washington until afternoon. Near the city we were turned over to Captain Berry and Lieutenant Trask, who treated us with the utmost politeness, and seemed desirous to do all in their power to oblige us and render us comfortable. On arriving in the city we were remanded to the Old Capitol Prison, and paraded through the streets to show to the good and loyal citizens of the capital of the greatest nation on earth, that the good work was going bravely on. At the Old Capitol our fare was horrible for several days; the meat given us was putrid, and few of us could eat
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 8 (search)
, as little unpalatable as possible to a Northern public. What a humiliation! But it gave me the satisfaction of hitting a few hard knocks that I could not have ventured in any other way. I could say: We have been guilty of so and so, where it would not do to say: You have been guilty. The article here alluded to was published a few weeks later in the New York World, under the heading: A romance of robbery. Aug. 11, Friday A charming dance at Mrs. Ben Bowdre's. Jim Bryan and Mr. Berry went with Mett and me. Garnett took Mary. She had her head dressed with a huge pile of evergreens that made her look like Birnam Wood coming to Dunsinane. She never did have any taste in arranging her hair. Aug. 18, Friday Just returned from a visit to Woodstock, where I had a perfectly charming time. Ella Daniel wrote for Minnie Evans to bring out a party of us to spend a few days at her house, and fortunately left the selection of the guests to Minnie. Nine of us went out Thur
Hell, shouted Buckner, does de Capin ‘spose I'm guiane to eat wid a d-n common nigger? Git out'er liar, till I'm done got through. Buckner gets married every time we move camp. On last Sunday Captain Wells found him dressed very elaborately, in white vest and clean linen, and said to him : What's in the wind, Buckner? Gwine to be married dis ebening, sah. What time? Five o'clock, sah. Can't spare you, Buckner. Expect friends here to dine at six, and want a good dinner gotten up. Berry well, sah; can pos'pone de wedin‘, sah. Dis'pintmcnt to lady, sah; but it'll be all right. June, 24 The note of preparation for a general advance sounded late last night. Reynolds moved at 4 A. M.; Rousseau at 7; our division will leave at 10. A long line of cavalry is at this moment going out on the Manchester pike. Rain commenced falling soon after we left Murfreesboro, and continued the remainder of the day. The roads were sloppy, and marching disagreeable. Encamped at Big c
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 9: the last review. (search)
the transmigration of souls: having lived and moved in different bodies and under different names; knowing, too, the tests of manhood, and the fate of suffering and sacrifice, but knowing most of all the undying spirit which holds fast its loyalty and faces ever forward. This is the division of Mott, himself commanding to-day, although severely wounded at Hatcher's Run on the sixth of April last. These are all that are left of the old commands of Hooker and Kearny, and later, of our noble Berry, of Sickles' Third Corps. They still wear the proud Kearny patch --the red diamond. Birney's Division, too, has been consolidated with Mott's, and the brigades are now commanded by the chivalrous De Trobriand and the sterling soldiers, Pierce of Michigan and McAllister of New Jersey. Their division flag now bears the mingled symbols of the two corps, the Second and Third,--the diamond and the trefoil. Over them far floats the mirage-like vision of them on the Peninsula, and then at B
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., A fight, a dead man, and a coffin: an incident of 1864. (search)
reds of Confederate soldiers, who-God be thanked! --never left its door without food, without receiving all that it was in the power of the family to give them, and that without money and without price. A day or two before the incident about to be related, Mountjoy had gone with a considerable party of men, towards Charlestown; had made an attack; secured numerous horses and prisoners; and on this afternoon was returning towards Millwoodonly by the river road — to cross the Shenandoah at Berry's ferry, and secure his captures. Mountjoy had but one fault as an officer --rashness. On this occasion he was rash. As he returned from his scout, and arrived opposite the different fords, he permitted, first one, then another, then whole squads of his men to cross to their homes east of the Ridge, so that on reaching a point nearly opposite Millwood, he had with him only fifteen men guarding the numerous horses and prisoners. Then came the hostile fate-close on his heels. The atta
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Fire, sword, and the halter. (search)
ion would be guilty of wilful and deliberate falsehood to a lady. It, however, turned out otherwise, for the next morning, at half-past 8 o'clock, his assistant provost marshal, accompanied by a portion of his guard, rode up to the door, and Captain Berry dismounted, rang the door-bell, called for Mrs. Letcher, and informed her that General Hunter had ordered him to burn the house. She replied: There must be some mistake, and requested to see the order. He said it was verbal. She asked if ieing refused, she left the house. In a very short time they poured camphene on the parlor floor and ignited it with a match. In the meantime Miss Lizzie Letcher was trying to remove some articles of clothing from the other end of the house, and Berry, finding these in her arms, set fire to them. The wardrobe and bureaus were then fired, and soon the house was enveloped in flames. Governor Letcher's mother, then seventy-eight years old, lived on the adjoining lot. They fired her stable, with
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 10: operations on the Rappahannock. (search)
ble through the mist which had arisen. This fire was, however, so well directed and so rapid that the enemy was soon driven back in confusion, and his cheering was exchanged for cries and groans, which were distinctly audible to those in his front. The volley delivered by the enemy was entirely harmless, and my men reserved their fire with great coolness, until there should be greater need for it. A very short time before this affair, the 60th Georgia Regiment of Lawton's brigade, under Major Berry, had crossed over on the bridge, which was now in a condition for the passage of infantry, though not for artillery or wagons, and had been placed in position. There was no further attack on me, but it was now very certain, from the noise of moving trains and artillery and the reports of scouts, that a very heavy force was being massed around me, with a view of cutting me off. I drew in Colonel Walker closer to my main force, as he reported that the enemy had crossed the creek on the
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
th County, 459 Battle, General, 346, 422, 450 Baylor, Lieutenant, 461 Bealton, 307 Beauregard, General, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34; 35, 38, 44, 46, 47, 51, 52, 341 Beaver Dam Creek, 361, 362 Beckham, Lieutenant, 22, 25, 26, 38 Bedford City, 372, 374 Bedford County, 378 Bee, General, 31, 32, 37 Belle Grove, 437, 441 Benning, Colonel, 81, 82 Berkeley County, 366, 367, 368 Bermuda Hundreds, 360 Bernard House, 196 Berry, Major, 11, 240, 251 Berry's Ferry, 396 Berryville, 164, 240, 369, 396, 397, 406, 411, 414, 420, 421 Bethesda Church, 362, 363 Beverly, 459 Beverly's Ford, 106 Big Calf Pasture, 327 Big Lick, 377 Big Springs, 134 Blackburn's Ford, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 31, 32, 39, 118, 119 Black Horse Cavalry, 157 Black Walnut Run, 318 Blacksburg, 327, 329 Blair, Postmaster General, U. S., 395 Blue Ridge, 10, 11, 63, 164, 165, 238, 284, 285, 366, 367,
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 11: (search)
ecdotes, or telling stories themselves. General Logan led them on by his own jocular disposition into forgetfulness of the passing of time. The newspaper correspondents-friends and foes-came and went at their pleasure. There was nothing going on that they were not permitted to know all about; hence they could not in conscience write anything disagreeable or indulge in criticism. Colonel Clark E. Carr, of Galesburg, Illinois; General T. O. Osborne, of Chicago; General Thomas Scott; General Berry; Colonel William L. Distin; Colonel Beardsley, of Rock Island; Judge R. S. Tuthill; Colonel E. S. McCook; Colonel R. N. Pearson; Colonel Rowett S. D. Phelps; Cadet Taylor; General Shaffer; Captain Isaac Clements; and a host of others were in and out continually, doing far more effective work in influencing voters than if they had adopted the methods that are said to have been in vogue in later years. It was a new feature in politics, and I can not refrain, egotistical as it may seem, fr
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 6: the battle of Williamsburg. (search)
ority except of the commander-in-chief, he was only cautioned that the break was only of the enemy's front, that he would find reinforcements coming up, and this he began to realize by the clearer ring of their muskets. He speedily encountered them, but in time to get away before meeting serious trouble. About three o'clock Kearny's division arrived, and only a few minutes later D. H. Hill's, of the Confederates. On the approach of Kearny's leading brigades, one regiment was detached from Berry's to reinforce Emory's Cavalry detachment on their left. The other regiments were deployed, the Fifth Michigan on the left of the road, the Thirty-seventh New York on its left, along the road, one company of the New York regiment from left to rear. Six companies of the Michigan regiment were broken off to the rear of its right as reserve, leaving its forward battalion partly across the road, while that in rear had two companies on the right and two on the left of the road. Two regiments
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