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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 958 6 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 615 3 Browse Search
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary 562 2 Browse Search
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War 454 2 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 380 16 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 343 1 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862., Part II: Correspondence, Orders, and Returns. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 340 20 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 339 3 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 325 1 Browse Search
Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.1, Kentucky (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 308 2 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Braxton Bragg or search for Braxton Bragg in all documents.

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n to reenforce General Banks's worn-out army, by which means Banks could capture or annihilate Taylor and Sibley, and render his authority secure through the whole department. Second. He should advance with the remainder of his army to attack Bragg in his rear, acting in cooperation with Rosecrans. Together they should be able to finish up Bragg, and then, while Grant was left to protect the Tennessee frontier and finish up the States of Mississippi and Alabama, Rosecrans should advance thBragg, and then, while Grant was left to protect the Tennessee frontier and finish up the States of Mississippi and Alabama, Rosecrans should advance through West-Tennessee with all the troops that could be spared into Virginia, and, in cooperation with Dix and Hooker, put an end to the war there. Meanwhile, Grant, advancing through Alabama, could communicate by a cavalry raid with Hunter, and together they could overcome Georgia and South-Carolina, and take Savannah and Charleston. This would be the final stroke. Isn't that a fine plan? I only hope some part of it may be accomplished. Our rebel friends are telling us strange stories abou
ring engaged them at Black River. June 7.--Very warm; we hear the engagement of the upper fleet; supposed to be at Milliken's Bend. The mortar-boats are at work; the artillery kept up a fire the entire night. June 8.--The mortar-boats have been engaged all day; the land firing was unusually moderate; occasionally a shell would make us hunt our holes. Secesh lay very close to the ground. June 9.--The firing heavier than usual. The grapevine brings us the news that two divisions of Bragg's army have arrived at Memphis. The mortar-boats were very quiet during the day, but kept up a heavy fire during the entire night. Appendix.--The report of the orderly sergeant of this company (company A, Sixth Missouri) shows a loss of sixty-eight men killed, wounded, and missing; six commissioned officers killed and wounded. June 10.--Heavy rain fell to-day; it had no effect upon the firing; it continued heavy. A wetter, dirtier, muddier lot of rebels were never seen; but we kept o
ral Rosecrans seemed delighted with the trip, and ordered the brigade here to feed and rest their horses preparatory to more of the same sort. If it had not been for the incessant rains and consequent high water, we would as certainly have had Bragg's whole army as that we have Tullahoma now. As it is, he will escape across the Tennessee River, with the loss of nearly all his Tennessee troops, who are deserting in squads, coming in and taking the oath of allegiance, swearing that they are ti that we have Tullahoma now. As it is, he will escape across the Tennessee River, with the loss of nearly all his Tennessee troops, who are deserting in squads, coming in and taking the oath of allegiance, swearing that they are tired of the war and will die before they go into service again. Bragg has lost more by evacuation than he would have done by defeat. Wilder's command is now here, resting and feeding their horses, preparatory to another trip to the territories of King Jeff. **
Doc. 40.-Governor Brown's Proclamation. An appeal to the Georgians. the late serious disasters to our arms at Vicksburgh and Port Hudson, together with General Bragg's retreat with his army to our very borders, while they are no cause of despair of ultimate success, if we are true to ourselves and place our trust in God, admonish us that, if we would protect our homes from the ravages of the enemy, it is time for every Georgian able to bear arms to unite himself without delay with a military organization, and hold himself in readiness at a moment's warning to strike for his home and the graves of his ancestors, with an unalterable determination to die free rather than live the slave of despotic power. Tens of thousands of our fellow-citizens have volunteered for the war, and those of them who have not been slain or disabled are still risking every thing for our success in distant fields upon the borders of the Confederacy. On account of the near approach of the enemy
t the destruction of the railroad bridge. After the expulsion of Bragg's forces from Middle Tennessee, the next objective point of this arage. The weight of evidence, gathered from all sources, was that Bragg was moving on Rome, and that his movement commenced on the sixth ofy been ascertained that the main body of Johnston's army had joined Bragg, and an accumulation of evidence showed that the troops from Virgint. A later despatch from the same source says, it is reported that Bragg's whole army, with Johnston's, is at La Fayette. Generals Brannan t on the eleventh. Miles's and Buckner's corps were both engaged. Bragg's army is concentrated at La Fayette. Headquarters moved by way ofade, General Polk's forces were withdrawn, and the concentration of Bragg's army, and the reenforcements sent him from Virginia and elsewhereadvantage, but it was not to maintain it without a severe contest. Bragg's reserves — the flower of the Potomac army--were sent to dislodge
r to Columbiana County, where they were all captured by General Shackleford. So ends the great Morgan raid. It has proved one of the most remarkable events of the war, and God grant it may never be repeated. * * * The battle of Buffington Island. National fleet on Ohio River below Buffington Island, Monday, July 20. The uniform peace which sat brooding with dove-like wings over the State of the Beautiful River was broken for the first time during the threatened invasion under Bragg; but fate reserved for a rebel of far less military calibre and importance the remarkable event of bringing about and causing the first battle of the war in Ohio, and the first in her history as a State. But the sensation of the State is over, and the great Morgan raid is over forever. The long, tedious, and perplexing pursuit of Morgan has ended at last in a victory such as will not only add lustre to our land and naval forces engaged, but render famous the scene of his defeat, which is
Rosecrans. The two men were in reality, first, Colonel Lawrence A. Williams, formerly Second United States cavalry; (according to the Army Register, he was First Lieutenant of the Tenth infantry, and was appointed by President Lincoln Major of the Sixth United States cavalry on September seventh, 1861. He must have deserted the United States service since September, 1862, as his name appears in the Register of that date. At one time he was on General Winfield Scott's staff, latterly on Bragg's staff;) and, secondly, a Lieutenant Dunlap, whose position in the rebel Army I do not know. They represented themselves, on arriving at Colonel Baird's headquarters, as Colonel Auton, United States army, and his assistant, Major Dunlap. They were dressed in our uniform, and had horses with the equipments complete of a colonel and major. They represented their duty to be the inspection of the outposts of this army, and said they had come from Murfreesboro via Triune, and were in haste to
, nor have the late bare and scanty news from that quarter sustained the high hope which the public justly based on the first intelligence briskly forwarded by General Bragg. His telegram declared that Longstreet's cavalry had pursued the enemy into Knoxville; that the infantry was close up, and it was natural to suppose that the e unofficial story of the telegraph this morning to be trustworthy. Oh! that it may be so! His pressure on Burnside has, undoubtedly, quickened Grant's attack on Bragg; while the absence of his whole corps from the confederate line at the time of Sherman's arrival in the Federal host has given the enemy a great opportunity. It wrom the confederate line at the time of Sherman's arrival in the Federal host has given the enemy a great opportunity. It was during the parallel campaign of Longstreet against Suffolk that Hooker made his coup at Chancellorsville; but he found there Jackson, while Grant had to do with Bragg alone. Honor to whom honor is due!
ion feeling was strong at Martinsburgh; but on our arrival, I was greatly relieved by seeing a half-dozen girls run into the middle of the street, seize our flag and kiss it devoutly. I was near by when this occurred, and could but resolve, as the blood rushed to my face, that, by God's help, when the time came, I would remember this happy baptism of virgin lips. One woman in this town was thorough Union. She faced a crowd of men in the street and talked with much spirit; had a husband in Bragg's army, she said, and argued the question of the war very glibly, but not logically. I was glad to find, on inquiry, that she was from Massachusetts. Her tongue, I fancy, drove her husband so far from her. With some of the poorer classes the Yankees have, during Milroy's reign, become very familiar, and one of my sergeants found a Yankee concealed in one of their houses. The country between Martinsburgh and Winchester is much desolated; little grain raised; the lands not good. On Thurs
Doc. 84.-affair at Shelbyville, Tennessee. Manchester, Tenn., July 1, 1863. Headquarters still remain here, and the efforts of the General for the past three days have been confined to get his troops and trains all concentrated at this point. The corps of General Thomas was yesterday thrown forward, and his advance is within four miles of the enemy. We shall probably advance to-day; and if so, the chances are in favor of a great battle to-morrow. It seems likely that Bragg intends to make a stand at Tullahoma. Tullahoma is a strong position naturally; its artificial defences are respectaable. and the troops are laboring day and night strengthening them. While sitting to-day with General Rosecrans and a number of the members of his staff, under the General's marquee, General Stanley, Chief of Cavalry, with General Mitchell and his division of horse, reached headquarters — being just back from his brilliant expedition to Shelbyville, the headquarters of the rebel army
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