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ut seven o'clock we met the little steamer Picket, with Gen. Burnside on board, steaming bravely on towards the light. We ha, this afternoon. A consultation was held to-day by Gens. Burnside, Foster, Reno, Parke, and Williams, the result of whicrgeon of the regiment, to report at the headquarters of Gen. Burnside, on board the Picket. The boat was manned by sailors felve sailors and soldiers, in a surf-boat, to report to Gen. Burnside. They were returning to the ship, and when in the brearospect for soon getting over the bar into deep water. Gen. Burnside has been disappointed in the arrival of four or five tueamers are the Phenix, the Patuxent, and the Pilot Boy. Gen. Burnside has kept them constantly employed in conducting vesselsold by the passengers. Confidence in the sagacity of General Burnside leads me to believe, however, that he will not be gov and may have bilged. The naval squadron attached to Gen. Burnside's Coast division, is under the command of Flag-Officer
or to be, General, your obedient servant, A. E. Burnside, Brig.-General Commanding Department of Nm of a general order, is characteristic of Gen. Burnside. It breathes the broad-hearted humanity tinterruption. The S. R. Spaulding, with Gen. Burnside on board, next passed through, but the remover the woods in the rear of the work. Gen. Burnside, on board the Spaulding, has approached su but little resistance. The impatience of Gen. Burnside increases, and he orders the anchor of the by a house, the residence of Capt. Ashby. Gen. Burnside instructed Lieut. Andrews to take a boat's New-York, and is topographical officer on Gen. Burnside's staff. He is a lieutenant in Colonel HaM. Daniel, of Roanoke Island, was sent by General Burnside with Lieut. Andrews to point out Ashby's bruary, Corn. Lynch received intimation that Burnside's fleet was slowly feeling its way up Pamlicoer cooler, firmer, or more stubborn. General Burnside said to Surgeon Coles that in all his experie[11 more...]
dged in the midst of their encampment, compelling them to disperse and desist from throwing up intrenchments. At a quarter past five P. M. reported to flag-ship, and requested permission to land troops from the transports, which was granted, and we landed the Fifty-first Pennsylvania regiment, accomplishing it by eight o'clock P. M., when we hauled off and anchored, distant some hundred yards from the shore, where we remained during the night. The following morning, at the request of Gen. Burnside, sent Acting Master Chase, with the command of ten soldiers of the Ninth New-Jersey regiment and two boats' crews, on shore for the purpose of reconnoitring. They returned at eleven o'clock A. M. Previous to this, Paymaster's Clerk Charles T. Hallowell, landed for the purpose of ascertaining if he could procure compressers' screws for our rifled howitzer, which was disabled during the action. He was unsuccessful in procuring them, owing to the engagement at the time. Capt. Quackenbush
or justice will be disregarded. We shall inflict no injury, unless forced to do so by your own acts, and upon this you may confidently rely. Those men are your worst enemies. They, in truth, have drawn you into your present condition, and are the real disturbers of your peace and the happiness of your firesides. We invite you in the name of the Constitution, and in that of virtuous loyalty and civilisation, to separate yourselves at once from their malign influence, to return to your allegiance, and not compel us to resort further to the force under our control. The Government asks only that its authority may be recognised, and, we repeat, in no manner or way does it desire to interfere with your laws constitutionally established, your institutions of any kind whatever, your property of any sort, your usages in any respect. L. M. Goldsborough, Flag-Officer Commanding North-Atlantic Blockading Squad'n. A. E. Burnside, Brig.-Gen. Commanding Department of North-Carolina.
form any definite idea of the nature of the field. The scene of the action changed from one part of the ground to another, varying and shifting, advancing and receding, according as the tide of battle went with us and against us. I fancied I could trace, from the open field near the ford, where the feigned attack was made early in the day, the course of our army, as it slowly pressed the enemy back. On the right, where it is said the regulars, the New-York Sixty-ninth, and the regiment of Burnside were engaged, the trees are broken and shattered. One heavy cannon-ball passed through the trunks of two large trees, and shivered them into splinters. The limbs still remain brown and decayed. I was curious to see if any trace of the far-famed masked batteries existed, but nothing was covered. The position of the enemy was naturally a strong one. They had the devious, intricate, and heavily-wooded banks of Bull Run as a natural defence; they commanded every ford and every bridge. For
General, to be Your obedient servant, A. E. Burnside, Brigadier-General Commanding Department ccompanied by Lieuts. Pell and Fearing, of Gen. Burnside's staff, and by Lieuts. Strong, Pendleton,n, (Gen. Parke was ordered to the left by General Burnside,) and made the following dispositions: thrigade, which had just come up by order of Gen. Burnside, to their support, and sent one of my aidsn the east bank of the Trent. By order of Gen. Burnside, who had continued up with me, I shortly abefore our forward march is to be resumed. Burnside fights like no sluggard, and now that he has , Levy with thirteen, and the Alice Price, Gen. Burnside's flag-boat. The Price, steaming past thefortifications, and a halt was ordered. Generals Burnside and Foster and their staffs were riding will serve to show the quality of man that Gen. Burnside is: headquarters Department of Nortal. . . . . . . . . By command of Brig.-Gen. A. E. Burnside. Lewis Richmond, Assistant Adjutant[16 more...]
he South-Mills. fought April 19, 1862. General Burnside's report. headquarters Department Nohe honor to be, Your obedient servant, A. E. Burnside, Major-General Commanding Department of Nport that, in obedience to the order of Major-Gen. Burnside, I proceeded from Newbern, with the Twexpedition, conveying the idea that the entire Burnside expedition was marching upon Norfolk. Owing mpshire. Capt. Fearing, the aid-de-camp of Gen. Burnside, accompanied me as a volunteer aid, and reng enemy was so great. By command of Major-Gen. A. E. Burnside. Lewis Richmond, A. A.G. Care och points he was to reach by a given time, Gen. Burnside having given positive orders in regard to as spilled in the streets of Baltimore. Gen. Burnside is much elated over this important victoryps, but she must not forget the Yankees under Burnside, who have so satisfactorily demonstrated thei places we reached by the time required by Gen. Burnside. The enemy's wounded we were obliged to[2 more...]
s on her beam-ends in the private cabin of Gen. Burnside. The decision of Col. White being ascert. Pell asked and obtained permission from Gen. Burnside to serve in the ten-inch mortar-battery, uLieut. Flagler by Capt. Duncan A. Pell, of Gen. Burnside's staff, and Capt. Ammon, of the Third New The Price's first cutter was lowered, and Gen. Burnside and Capt. Biggs were rowed ashore. From tintimacy. The opportunity was embraced by Gen. Burnside to converse with the rebel colonel in pers been remarked in this correspondence that Gen. Burnside never willingly undertakes an important en flag of the confederates was presented by Gen. Burnside to the Fifth battalion, to be transmitted ks ago. The capture of Fort Macon gives Gen. Burnside what he has so long needed, a port of entr Captain Morris, to whom it was offered by Gen. Burnside, he preferring active service to the monotwood, senior officer of the squadron. General Burnside's congratulatory address. General [10 more...]