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siege of Knoxville. Atlantic, vol. 18, p 21. Butler, Gen. B. F. 1861. April. His nomination as generalJune 10, at Big Bethel, Va. Animus of criticisms on Butler and Peirce. Plan of attack, from private notes of Island, Miss. Account of voyage, landing, etc., of Butler's expedition; special cor. Boston Evening Journal, Lane (lost at Galveston, Jan. 1, 1863; wanted by Gen. Butler to settle the New Orleans controversy with Ad. Porth American Rev., vol. 144, p. 244. — – July. Gen. Butler reinstated. Army and Navy Journal, vol. 1, p. 80 p. 187. — – – Discussion of; editorial entitled Butler in New York. Army and Navy Journal, vol. 2, p. 185.eport of Ad. Porter, with his correspondence with Gen. Butler, and list of men on powder boat. Army and Navy Javy Journal, vol. 2, p. 312. — – – – Review of Gen. Butler's course in these operations, and its effect upon 141, p. 331. — – Gen. Grant vs. Discussion of Gen. Butler, on data from Gen. Grant's report.
the Baltimore American, of Wednesday: Fortress Monroe, Monday Night.June 10, 1861. For several days past General Butler, commanding the military department of Virginia, had been advised of the movements of a considerable body of Confedert was almost impossible to tell the number of killed and wounded on the side of the Federal troops, but I was told by General Butler that his estimate was about thirty killed and one hundred wounded. It was feared that Major Winthrop, aid to GenGen. Butler, had been killed, as he could not be found. When the news of the action reached the Fortress, the utmost sadness prevailed, and there was a mournful aspect visible throughout. The first wounded man that reached the Fortress was private James Garbett; he came in an ambulance, which was very carefully driven. Soon as Gen. Butler heard of the affair, which was about 7 o'clock, he mounted his horse and rode at the top of speed to Newport News Point, for the purpose of ascertaining all
The Daily Dispatch: June 17, 1861., [Electronic resource], A Later account, direct from the Fortress — interesting details. (search)
t surprise and indignation were expressed that Butler should have permitted so large a force to leav "The mistake, " as it is officially termed by Butler, through which Col. Benedix's German Regiment men, is a subject of universal ridicule. Butler condemned Pierce as the cause of their defeat,al fire of the Confederates--while all, except Butler himself, think he should have led the expeditigement took place, to intercept the advance of Butler on Yorktown. About two miles from Great Betheconcede to the whole force this latter claim. Butler himself was so much occupied with his grief thavoid fighting. When the steamer arrived, Butler "confiscated" the negro, and retained him. return, after destroying the position. Gen. Butler was busy keeping open communication with thre of the Rebel Batteries at Great Bethel by Gen Butler--One Thousand Rebel Prisoners Taken! Waress Monroe, bringing the intelligence that Gen. Butler this morning proceeded, with a large reinfo[2 more...]
empt to capture their former masters, Brigadier General Butler wisely determined to ensconce himself monopolize all the glory.--Alas, for Brigadier General Butler! The five thousand troops which wereAssociated Press, "revised and corrected by Gen. Butler in person," there is no mention whatever ofttributed to General Pierce, who is charged by Butler with having "lost his presence of mind," but gt of their brethren in the midnight raid of Gen. Butler and the Americans fled from them in terror.e rounds and only killed one man, according to Butler's statement. But if the Dutchmen were poor shanned and skillfully executed movements by General Butler at that important end of the line of opera York Tribune, 12th] We do not believe Gen. Butler o dered an attack by wearied troops, havingristling with artillery. Nor do we believe Gen. Butler ordered an attack on such a position in ignve cut the retreating force to pieces. Had Gen. Butler had ordinary prudence, or his subordinate, [7 more...]
Bethel, a name suggestive of other thoughts than of slaughter, initiates the campaign in Virginia. Who can tell the long list of engagements that are to follow, unless an unlooked for and providential interposition shall arrest the terrible drama of fratricidal hate and mutual destruction? Have our rulers no arbiter but the a word, and no terms but submission to propose to those who are their brethren? Where is the conciliatory and effecting spirit which pervades the last words of counsel that Washington and Jackson left as legacies to their countrymen? We have many other extracts from Northern papers, but the foregoing are sufficient to show how the news was received. The New York Herald says the "rebels" had constructed an entrenched camp, comprising six batteries of rifled cannon and sixty-eight twelve pound howitzers; and in another place the same paper alludes to the "capture of 12,000 rebels," and shouts joyously--"Butler is evidently the right man in the right place"
The Daily Dispatch: July 6, 1861., [Electronic resource], Artillery experiments upon an iceberg (search)
see thine own undone! To think that God's fair earth has been. The birth-place of a thing so mean." The cross-eyed son of Mars, the redoubtable Brigadier General Butler, still lies safely ensconced in Old Point; or, sending out some thousand or so of the representatives of Lynn, Roxbury and Lowell, on a tour of observati this day meet a lion in his pathway than that same Brigadier General Magruder. And, mark my words, if an engagement between the two forces in that region occur, Butler will not be seen in the fray. A constitutional coward cannot fight. His legs always prove rascally on the battle field, and be sure, as Butler is cross-eyed, heButler is cross-eyed, he will look both ways for number one. I am told that the old church, in Hampton, has been most foully desecrated by the Yankee soldiers. These wretches, descendants of the Puritans, as some of them claim to be, have torn up the pews, broken the organ, and defiled some of the tombs by cooking upon them. On the day of their fl
t to the jail in this city. John C. Garrett, arrested with Robinson, is still in prison. From old Point. The steamer Adelaide, Capt. Cannon, arrived yesterday morning from Old Point Comfort, but brought no news of special interest. General Butler was withdrawing his troops from Newport News Point and posting them near Hampton. An early attack on the first named point was anticipated. The following letter will give the details of the news received: [Correspondence of the Associaes the Federal troops as "laborers," who are to be "speedily driven from the sacred soil of Virginia." A detachment of Vermonters from Newport News coming suddenly upon our picket beyond Hampton, yesterday, caused a temporary alarm. General Butler and family are this afternoon at Newport News. Col. Allen's regiment will go up to-morrow. War movements in Western Virginia. The war correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette furnishes the following summary of the position of the oppo
A pleasant fishing Excursion — an interview with Gen. Butler On Friday last a party of gentlemen left this city on the rrested, taken ashore, and conveyed into the presence of Gen. Butler, at his quarters inside of the Fort. Gen. Butler receivGen. Butler received them, surrounded by his staff, and with his trousers rolled up, displaying, as the two gentlemen observed, an extremely ditimes in the course of every year, for ten years" General Butler--"You're a liar — why did you sign the book to come asithout judge or jury,"-- "to be his own executioner," as Gen Butler facetiously remarked. The same oath was afterwards admito Mr. Israel, who had substantially the same scene with Gen Butler, the two prisoners being separately examined. After all was over, Gen. Butler told them that they "might put all that he had said in the Sun paper if they liked," and told the serg of which, as well as to the mocking salutation with which Butler bid them adieu--"Good evening, gentlemen; good evening to
of Gen. Mutler, whom it in a most word way. The ladies be has to politeness. "By issuing an order as ingenious as it has proved effectual," says the Della, "Gen. Butler has transformed the gentler sex from scowling, acidulous-faced wo- men, into a charming, well-conducted, and modest community of ladies." The same paper publishes a long anonymous letter addressed to Gen Butler, by a woman, under the signature of "A Mississippian," threatening him with assassination for the brutal order which the same paper says, as stated above, has made "modest ladies" of our own fair and scowling women. The writer gives it a scurrilous preface. In reply to the protest of Mayor Monroe, Butler, after a little characteristic Yankee quibbling, reiterates his infamous order, subjecting the wives, mothers, and daughters of New Orleans to the insults and outrages of his brutal soldiery. He says: "Whenever a woman, lady or mistress, gentle or simple who, by gesture, look or insults
e Government in the field. We thought it a little inconsistent, also, that he should be leading such an army against the South while he was declaring in private that he would much rather lead an army against New England. But we were willing to overlook all this, in consideration of the liberality to which we have alluded. We are now satisfied that we gave him a credit to which he is not entitled. His lying dispatches to his master at Washington prove him to be no better than Wool and Butler. From the field at Williamsburg, where thirty thousand of his men were routed by one-third of their number, losing eleven guns and 800 prisoners, he wrote that he had gained a great victory! From Seven Pines, where our men, with only half his force, routed his troops, captured their batteries, seized their camps, and drove them pell mell into the swamp, where the intervention of night alone saved them from utter destruction, he again wrote that he was victorious! These are the tricks of a
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