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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
ilfully blind can fail to see in the circumstances of the case the fallacy of Mr. Blaine's statements. The published fact of an attempt to suborn Wirz, when under sentence of death, by promising him a pardon if he would criminate me in regard to the Andersonville prisoners, is conclusive as to the wish of the Government to make such charge against me, and the failure to do so shows that nothing could be found to sustain it. May we not say the evidence of my innocence was such that Holt and Conover, with their trained band of suborned witnesses, dared not make against me this charge — the same which Wirz, for his life, would not make, but which Blaine, for the Presidential nomination, has made? Now let us review the leading facts of this case. The report of the Confederate commissioner for exchange of prisoners shows how persistent and liberal were our efforts to secure the relief of captives. Failing in those attempts, I instructed General R. E. Lee to go under flag of truce and
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of Colonel D. T. Chandler, (search)
tter of Hon. B. G. H. Kean, Chief clerk of the Confederate war Department. Lynchburg, Va., March 22, 1876. Rev. J. William Jones, Secretary Southern Historical Society: My Dear Sir-Yours of the 20th is received this A. M., and I snatch the time from the heart of a busy day to reply immediately, because I feel that there is no more imperious call on a Confederate than to do what he may to hurl back the vile official slanders of the Federal Government at Washington in 1865, when Holt, Conover & Co., with a pack of since convicted perjurers, were doing all in their power to blacken the fame of a people whose presence they have since found and acknowledged to be indispensable to any semblance of purity in their administration of affairs. In September, 1865, I was required by the then commandant at Charlottesville to report immediately to him. The summons was brought to me in the field, where in my shirt sleeves I was assisting in the farming operations of my father-in-law, Colo
January 30. The United States gunboat, Isaac Smith, under the command of Acting Lieutenant Conover, while reconnoitring in the Stono River, S. C., was fired into by three masked batteries of rifled guns, and, the vessel getting aground, was captured.--(Doc. 114.) A party of National troops under the command of Colonel Wood, Twenty-second Ohio volunteers, left Trenton, Tenn., and proceeded to Dyersburg, where they broke up a camp of rebel guerrillas, under the leadership of Captain Dawson. Thirty-four of Dawson's men were killed or captured, but he himself escaped. Yesterday one hundred conscript rebel soldiers went into Murfreesboro, Tenn., and voluntarily surrendered themselves, declaring their attachment to the Union, requesting the privilege of taking the oath of allegiance, and to-day two hundred more followed their example. The schooner Hanover of Provincetown, Massachusetts, was captured off the south side of San Domingo by the rebel schooner Retribution.--
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 6: siege of Knoxville.--operations on the coasts of the Carolinas and Georgia. (search)
ied that further efforts to drive out the Confederates would be useless, and the enterprise was abandoned. The earth-works of the fort were very little damaged, and only one of its nine great guns was dismounted. This was effected by one of the 15-inch shells, which weighed 845 pounds. No man was killed on either side, and only one wounded. This engagement is sometimes called the battle of Genesis Point. A little earlier than this the Nationals lost the steamer Isaac Smith, Acting Lieutenant Conover, while reconnoitering near Charleston. She went up the Stono River, some miles beyond Legareville, without molestation, but when she was within a mile of that place, on her return, three masked batteries opened a cross fire upon her at a bend in the stream, when she was captured and sent to Charleston. On the following morning another blow was given to National vessels. The Confederates at Charleston had been informed that the two larger ships of the blockading fleet lying off t
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 13: aggregate of deaths in the Union Armies by States--total enlistment by States--percentages of military population furnished, and percentages of loss — strength of the Army at various dates casualties in the Navy. (search)
icksburg Ram, Arkansas. 1 2 -- 3 July 15 Sciota Lowry Vicksburg Ram, Arkansas. -- 2 -- 2 July 15 Richmond Alden Vicksburg Ram, Arkansas. -- 2 -- 2 Oct. 3 Commodore Perry Flusser Blackwater 2 11 -- 13 Dec. 27 Benton Gwin Drumgold's Bluff 2 8 -- 10 1863.               Jan. 1 Fleet Renshaw Galveston -- -- -- 150 Jan. 10 Louisville Owen Arkansas Post 6 25 -- 31 Jan. 10 De Kalb Walker Arkansas Post Jan. 11 Hatteras Blake Alabama 2 5 -- 7 Jan. 30 Isaac Smith Conover John's Island 8 17 -- 25 Feb. 24 Indianola Brown New Carthage 1 1 7 9 Mch. 14 Hartford Palmer Port Hudson 1 2 1 4 Mch. 14 Richmond Alden Port Hudson 3 12 -- 15 Mch. 14 Genesee Macomb Port Hudson Mch. 14 Monongahela McKinstry Port Hudson 6 21 -- 27 Mch. 14 Mississippi Smith Port Hudson 25 39 -- Includes some missing ones; the vessel was blown up.64 Mch. 19 Hartford Palmer Grand Gulf 2 6 -- 8 Mch. 19 Albatross Hart Grand Gulf Mch. 11 Chillicothe Foster F
there were also vague rumors that two gunboats, holding Stono Inlet, had been engaged, heavy firing having been heard in that direction. At two o'clock A. M. of the first instant, the Commodore McDonough came into Port Royal, and, I regret to say, reported the capture, by three rebel batteries, of the United States steamer Isaac Smith. It appears from Lieutenant Commanding Bacon's reports, herewith inclosed, that on the afternoon of the thirtieth ultimo he sent the Isaac Smith, Acting Lieutenant Conover, up Stono River to make a reconnoissance, as had been frequently done for weeks previous. She passed some miles beyond Legareville without seeing the enemy, and was on her way back; when about a mile above that place, and in a bend of the river, three batteries, heretofore concealed, opened a concentrated fire upon her, firing heavy rifled guns. Lieutenant Commanding Bacon, who, with the Commodore McDonough, was anchored lower down the river, immediately on hearing the firing,
that their Government can have no motive in acting on this case but to do what seems best for the country. Naval officers retired The Washington correspondent of the New York Tribune sends the following list of retired naval officers, under the, recent bill which passed Congress to promote the efficiency of the navy; Commodores Shubrick, Kearney, Smith, Storer, Gregory, McCauley, Lavallette, Aulick, Stringham, Mervine, Armstrong, Paulding, Crabbe, Breeze, Levy, Ramsey, Long, Conover, Luman, McCluney, Montgomery, Striboling, Sands, Bell, Jarvis, Pendergrast, Nicholson, Pull, Chauncey, Kelly, Paragut, Gardner, Wilson, Dornier, Glynn, Angle, Rudd, Ritchie, McKean, Mercer, Golusborongh, Lounds, Marston, Adams, Walker, Pearson, Nicholas, Dapont, Hudson, and Pope. There are also quite a number of surgeons, pay masters, and other officers, who come under the provisions of this bill. The four flag offers — Goldsborough, of the North Atlantic, Dupont, of the South Atl
rom the Libby prison at 4½ o'clock this morning, by flag of truce, to City Point. The prisoners will be in change of flag officer Lieut. La Touche. After this exodue but very few will be left behind. The delivery includes all the officers, amongst whom are two Brig-Genls, 6 Colonels, 7 Lieut Cols, 8 Majors, 60 Captains. 61 First Lieuts, &c. On yesterday, Capt. Thos Damron and Lieut Wilson Damron, of the 4th Va (Abolition) cavalry; 1st Lieut. Isaac Goble, of the 39th Ky; and several Abolitionists heretofore confined in the Va Penitentiary, as hostages, were released yesterday and sent to the Libby and paroled. They start North with their brother Yankees this morning L S Conover, Lieutenant commanding the Isaac Smith, (steamer,) captured on Stono river, S C, Jan'y 31, and 14 others, officers and privates of the boat, arrived at the Libby yesterday from Charleston, and will be sent to City Point also. Several thousand prisoners are expected this week from the Fredericksburg army.
The Daily Dispatch: November 2, 1863., [Electronic resource], The execution of Dr. Wright at Norfolk — further particulars. (search)
onnecticut regiment, stepped from the platform and pulled the rope attached to the bar which supported the drop. All this time a breathless stillness prevailed, and as the doctor descended through the trap a shudder appeared to run through every one present.--He fell without a struggle. His death must have been instantaneous, as not a motion was perceived. It was a few minutes after 10 when the signal to lower the trap was given. The body after hanging a half hour, was examined by Dr. Conover, the Medical Director, Dr. J. H. Lee, of the 21st Connecticut, and several other surgeons, who pronounced life extinct. The body was then cut down and placed in the coffin, to be delivered to his family. Thus has Dr. David M. Wright paid the forfeit of his life for shooting, in cold blood, Lieut. Sanborn, of the United States colored troops, in the early part of July last. Since the commission of the deed he has endeavored to justify himself in it. He was a man of strong Southern f