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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 3, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for D. C. Constable or search for D. C. Constable in all documents.

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mselves a waiting further orders from the General Government. The U. S. Revenue cutter Harriet Lane. The U. S. revenue cutter Harriet Lane, dispatched to Charleston, is a side wheel steamer. Her present armament consists of four 24-pound Dahlgren howitzers, and one 32-pound swivel gun, capable of throwing solid shot or shell. Her armament may be somewhat increased, to render her more formidable in resisting attack. List of officers of the Harriet Lane — John Faunce. Captain; D. C. Constable, first Lieut. and executive officer; D. D. Tompkins, second Lieut.; A. R. Abercrombie, third Lieut.; J. H. Thatcher, third Lieut.; J. R. Dryburgh, Chief Engineer; Walter Scott, Assistant Engineer; C. G. Dale, Assistant Engineer; F. H. Pulsifer, Assistant Engineer. An important Rumor. There was quite an excitement on Baltimore street yesterday, of a most pleasurable character, in relation to an anticipated harmonious settlement of the difficulties that threaten the peace and per