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seven, and withdrew without loss.--(Doc. 146.) Lots were drawn by the United State prisoners in Richmond, Va., which should stand as a hostage for Smith, convicted of piracy in Philadelphia. Col. Corcoran was designated. Thirteen others were set apart as hostages for the men taken. on the privateer Savannah.--(Doc. 147.) A band of rebels, armed and mounted, broke open and plundered the store of a loyal citizen, at Clark's Station, seven miles east of Tipton, Mo., to-night. Col. Deitzler, on hearing of it, sent a squad of cavalry, under command of Lieut. Shriver, from the First Iowa regiment, in pursuit. All the gang but one were captured, and the property recovered.--(Doc. 148.) Gen. Benham, with his brigade, crossed the Kanawha River near the mouth of Loup Creek, Western Virginia, and marched forward on the road to Fayetteville Court House, to get in the rear of the rebel army under Floyd, on Cotton Hill, at the junction of the New, Gauley and Kanawha Rivers.--Pa
s over his body, begging for his life; but one of the murderers deliberately thrust his revolver down between the two women, and killed the man. Before ten o'clock the body of the guerrillas left with their plunder, leaving a guard over the prisoners in town, and a few stragglers. The few persons wounded were wounded at this time by the passing fiends. In the earlier part of the day most persons were fired at from very near, and killed instantly. One of the first persons out was Colonel Deitzler. Mr. Williamson and myself helped him carry off the dead. The sight that met us when coming out, I cannot describe. I have read of outrages committed in the so-called dark ages, and horrible as they appeared to me, they sank into insignificance in comparison with what I was then compelled to witness. Well-known citizens were lying in front of the spot where their stores or residences had been, completely roasted. The bodies were crisp and nearly black. We thought, at first, that th
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 2: civil and military operations in Missouri. (search)
d. Missouri, Major Osterhaus; three companies of the Third Missouri, Colonel Sigel; Fifth Missouri, Colonel Salomon; First Iowa, Colonel Bates; First Kansas, Colonel Deitzler; Second Kansas, Colonel Mitchell; two companies First Regular Cavalry, Captains Stanley and Carr; three companies First Regular Cavalry (recruits), Lieutenanmp at two points simultaneously. Lyon's column consisted of three brigades, commanded respectively by Major S. D. Sturgis, Lieutenant-Colonel Andrews, and Colonel Deitzler. Major Sturgis's brigade was composed of a battalion of Regular Infantry, under Captain Plummer, Captain Totten's light battery of six pieces, a battalion ofonel Andrews's brigade consisted of Captain Steele's battalion of Regulars, Lieutenant Du Bois' light battery of four pieces, and tie First Missouri Volunteers. Deitzler's brigade was composed of the First and Second Kansas and First Iowa Volunteers, and two hundred mounted Missouri Home Guards. Sigel's column consisted of the T
t were killed at once. Tile Court-house and many of the best dwellings were fired and burnt. Eighteen unarmed recruits were found at tile rendezvous near tile city, and killed; as were quite a number of private citizens; several of them after they had surrendered and given up their money under a promise that they should be spared; but those taken in the Eldridge House were protected by Quantrell and saved. Few, if any, who were shot, survived. U. S. Senator J. H. Lane escaped; as did Col. Deitzler and some others; Gen. Collamore, who hid ill a well, was suffocated, as were two men who successively went down to help him out. At 10 A. M., the work of devastation and murder was complete--140 men having been butchered and 185 buildings burned, including lost of the stores and one-fourth of the dwellings — and the bandits left, being fired at by some soldiers across the Kansas, as they fled, and three of them killed. A series of fatalities had prevented the receipt of any warning of
nt corps I am not at liberty to give, for obvious military precaution: Five companies First and Second Regiment Regulars, Major Sturgis. Five companies First Regiment Missouri Volunteers, Lieutenant-Col. Andrews. Two companies Second Regiment Missouri Volunteers, Major Osterhous. Three companies Third Regiment Missouri Volunteers, Colonel Siegel. Fifth Regiment Missouri Volunteers, Colonel Salamon. First Regiment Iowa Volunteers, Colonel J. F. Bates. First Regiment Kansas Volunteers, Colonel Deitzler. Second Regiment Kansas Volunteers, Colonel Mitchell. Two companies First Regular Cavalry, Captains Stanley and Carr. Three companies First Regular Cavalry (recruits), Lieut. Lathrop. Captain I. Totten's Battery Regular Artillery, six guns, six and twelve-pounders. Lieut. Dubois's Battery Regular Artillery, four guns, six and twelve-pounders. Captain Shaeffer's Battery Missouri Volunteer Artillery, six guns, six and twelve-pounders. The whole column was under the immediate command
r pieces, one of which was a 12-pounder gun, and the First Missouri Volunteers. The Third brigade was made up of the First and Second Kansas Volunteers, under Deitzler, Col. Mitchell commanding the latter regiment. The First regiment Iowa Volunteers, with some 200 Home Guards, (mounted,) completed the column under Gen. Lyon. d him, not only took charge of the wounded as they were brought to him, but found time to use a musket with good effect from time to time against the enemy. Col. Deitzler, First Kansas.--He led his regiment into a galling fire as coolly and as handsomely as if on drill. He was wounded twice. Major Haldeman, First Kansas.--Earom which the Missouri, Iowa, and Kansas Volunteers had partially expelled them, when Lieut.-Col. Andrews had been wounded and his horse killed under him, when Col. Deitzler and Col. Mitchell of the two Kansas regiments had both been disabled from wounds, when the General had lost his own horse and received two wounds himself, he e
while Gen. Sweeney took a similar position to lead on a portion of the Kansas troops, when the enemy came only near enough to discharge their pieces, and retired before the destructive fire of our men. Before the galling fire from the enemy fell the brave Gen. Lyon. An hour earlier, when the enemy had nearly regained the heights from which the Missouri, Iowa, and Kansas Volunteers had partially expelled them, when Lieut.-Col. Andrews had been wounded and his horse killed under him, when Col. Deitzler and Col. Mitchell of the two Kansas regiments had both been disabled from wounds, when the General had lost his own horse and received two wounds himself, he exclaimed wildly to his Adjutant, Major Schofield, that the day was lost, but the Major said No, let us try once again. So the General gave orders to rally the men into line without reference to regiments, for the latter were so thoroughly cut to pieces as to make it an impossibility to get half of any one regiment together. Man
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 148. affair at Clark's Station, Mo. (search)
Doc. 148. affair at Clark's Station, Mo. camp of the First Kansas, Tipton, Mo., November 11. Last night a band of rebels, armed and mounted, broke open and plundered the store of a loyal citizen, at Clark's Station, seven miles east of this post. They fled toward the South, taking with them a large amount of valuable goods. On receiving information of the robbery, Col. Deitzler sent a squad of cavalry in pursuit, under charge of Lieut. Shriver. Toward night, ten of the party returned, bringing three prisoners, four horses, one mule, six guns, a portion of the stolen goods, and some money. On emerging from a piece of timber they came upon the robber gang, some ten miles out, at a house where they had halted. Four of the rebels were caught trying to beat a retreat, leaving the plunder scattered about the place. The rest of the herd, numbering twelve or fifteen, scampered off with forty of our party in hot pursuit. One of the prisoners, persuaded by the sight of a rope a
en the army, the press, and the people, can allow himself to state so palpable a falsehood, (he that should be the most correct of the correctly informed,) is beyond our comprehension. The facts are these: On the morning of the thirtieth, Colonel Deitzler, Colonel First Kansas infantry, commanding the First brigade of McArthur's division, was ordered to take four regiments of infantry, the First Kansas, Eleventh Illinois, Thirty-ninth and Twenty-seventh Ohio, and, assisted by Col. Lee with thdered to take three days rations, General Hamilton supposing it would take at least two days to accomplish the object of the movement. The battery consisted of four ten-pounder Parrott guns, and was worked under the immediate supervision of Colonel Deitzler. About half-way between our camp and the enemy, something over four miles from each, we encountered the enemy's cavalry and a battery of artillery, when our line was formed with the battery in the road, the Eleventh Illinois supporting on t
Doc. 120.-the fight at old River, La. Report of Lieutenant Thompson. Providence, La., February 17, 1863. Capt. S. Smith, A. A.A. G., Col. Deitzler's Brigade: sir: I have the honor to submit to you the following report of a skirmish which took place between the command of Captain F. Tucker, company F, First Kansas volunteers, consisting of a detachment of infantry, numbering seventy men, detailed from the First Kansas infantry, Ninety-fifth Illinois, Seventeenth Illinois, and Sixteenth Wisconsin, together with company F, First Kansas volunteers, mounted, and numbering between twenty and thirty men, and the First battalion, Third regiment Louisiana cavalry, at Old River, on the tenth of February, 1863. We met the enemy, numbering, according to the statement of prisoners, (and intelligent and reliable contrabands,) between three and four hundred, and whipped them badly. The boys behaved as Western troops always do, which, I hope, they will all think praise enough for