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Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 4: from civil to military life (search)
right of secession. Up to President Lincoln's call for troops she refused to secede. She changed her position under the distinct threat of invasion. This was the turning point. The Whig party, the anti-secession party of Virginia, became the war party of Virginia upon this issue. As John B. Baldwin, the great Whig and Union leader, said, speaking of the effect of Lincoln's call for troops, We have no Union men in Virginia now. The change of front was instantaneous, it was intuitive. Jubal Early was the type of his party — up to the proclamation, the most extreme antisecessionist and anti-war man in the Virginia Convention; after the proclamation, the most enthusiastic man in the Commonwealth in advocacy of the war and personal service in it. But coming closer down, let us see how the logic of these events wrought itself out among my comrades of the Howitzer Company. We will take as a type in this instance the case of a brilliantly endowed youth of excellent family in Richmo
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 9: Malvern Hill and the effect of the Seven Days battles (search)
the man. It is a singular fact, and one which seems to demand explanation, that the prominent impression which Lee invariably seems to make is that of roundness, balance, perfection; and yet unquestionably his leading characteristic as a general is aggressive audacity. Take for example his leaving but 28,000 of 80,000 men between McClellan and Richmond, and with the other 52,000 crossing a generally impassable stream and attacking McClellan's 105,000 in entrenched positions. Mayhap old Jubal Early, who knew Lee and knew war as well as any other man on either side, has the right of it and suggests the true explanation when he says, speaking of this very operation: Timid minds might regard this as rashness, but it was the very perfection of a profound and daring strategy. And when we attempt to measure the effect of these Seven Days battles-when we note that within less than one month from the day he took command of an army with which he had had no previous personal connection, Le
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 10: Second Manassas-SharpsburgFredericksburg (search)
is official report says that he had actually present for duty on the field that day eighty-seven thousand one hundred and sixty-four (87,164) men of all arms. General Early thinks he had ninety-three thousand one hundred and forty-nine (93,149), while Colonel Taylor says and shows that General Lee had less than thirty-five thousand two hundred and fifty-five (35,255); Early says less than thirty thousand (30,000). Take it even at thirty-five thousand (35,000) and eighty-seven thousand (87,000), and remember that General Lee remained on the field all the day following the battle; that McClellan did not attack him, and states in his testimony before the CommThere is, or perhaps I should say there was, a feeling that we should have ourselves made attack upon him, and that General Jackson favored it. Colonel Taylor, General Early, and other authorities scout any such idea. I do not feel that anything would be gained by reopening the discussion. Tennyson is in error when he says, in
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 11: religious life of Lee's Army (search)
ken hold of me. It was the largest, the most thrilling moment of my life. Never before had I been conscious of such overpowering spiritual joy. We were for the moment two disembodied human souls alone with God. The earth with its trappings had disappeared. It was my last word with him. It must have been the next day that I received my first promotion and left for Richmond, for Beers was killed at Chancellorsville and I buried him at Richmond. When I returned to the army it was to Early's division of the Second Corps. True, we did not begin the advance into Pennsylvania for almost a full month after Chancellorsville, and what became of this month to me I cannot say, except that I went where I was ordered, and do not recall meeting the Howitzers again until after Gettysburg. On his way to his last battle this splendid youth wrote to his family a brief note, in which he said: In the hurry of the march I have little time for thought, but whenever my eternal interes
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 12: between Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville (search)
t of free lance, with one of the artillery battalions of the Second Corps, urged me to get the informal permission of General Early, with whose headquarters I kept up some sort of connection, and go back with him to the First Corps and act as adjutaColonel Taylor's book, premising that it was twelve miles or more from Deep Run, below Fredericksburg, where Sedgwick and Early opposed each other, to Chancellorsville, the position selected by Hooker as the base of his main operations and where he r did he move southward so as to put his army between that of General Hooker and the Confederate capital; but leaving General Early with about nine thousand men to take care of General Sedgwick, he moved with the remainder of his army, numbering for not the part of wisdom to attempt to storm the stronghold; but Sedgwick would certainly soon be at work in the rear, and Early, with his inadequate force, could not do more than delay and hamper him. It was, therefore, imperatively necessary to str
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 13: Chancellorsville (search)
ch had been left behind at Fredericksburg with Early. To my astonishment, he made for a large treeher eight had been left at Fredericksburg with Early) we could fairly blow up Chancellorsville. Whwith his brigade, under the general command of Early, to watch Sedgwick. I was standing in the de had been cut off, and, he feared, captured; Early had been beaten and pushed roughly aside, and d, doubtless, given him information; that General Early certainly would have found means to communed his division on the back track to reinforce Early and help him take care of Sedgwick-and, true tt seriously upon him for failure to do so, and Early and Fitzhugh Lee, on the Confederate side, takseems to have been for the time separated from Early, and it was at this juncture that Mr. Owen proling tale of disaster. A staff officer of General Early had, however, preceded him, as we afterwarts escape. After McLaws joined forces with Early, Sedgwick, though still outnumbering his foes,[3 more...]
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 14: from the Rappahannock to the Potomac (search)
o the Potomac The engineer troops Jubal Early his ability and devotion his caustic tongrom his division. I do not remember where General Early was, but somewhere in the northern or centd decidedly expressed — to the effect that General Early had no idea of losing a musket from his dio assume. I therefore went directly to General Early and had a full talk with him. I did most oment seemed to be entirely satisfactory to General Early, as it was also to Colonel Jones, in one oment seemed to be entirely satisfactory to General Early, and yet in connection with it there occurends of the old battery, while he came over to Early's division of the Second to inquire for me. Hire Morton was in the Secession Convention with Early, as extreme a Secessionist as Early was Unioni to mount a horse and fly. It so happened that Early commanded the vanguard of the Confederate forcte, digging his spurs into his horse's flanks, Early playfully threw a line of troops across the ro[10 more...]
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 15: in Pennsylvania (search)
e you about! stopping the head of this column in this cursed town? With unruffled composure the old fellow replied: Having a little fun, General, which is good for all of us, and at the same time teaching these people something that will be good for them and won't do us any harm. Suffice it to say the matter was amicably arranged and the brigade and its unique commander moved on, leaving the honest burghers of York wondering what manner of men we were. I should add that General Early had the greatest regard and admiration for General Smith, which indeed he could not well avoid, in view of his intense patriotic devotion and his other sterling and heroic qualities. I have seldom heard him speak of any other officer or soldier in the service, save of course Lee and Jackson, in such exalted terms as of the old Governor-General. May I be pardoned for relating one more incident of our Pennsylvania trip, and that not strictly a reminiscence; that is, I was not present a
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 16: Gettysburg (search)
s, Ewell's, to which I was attached, or rather two divisions of it, Early's and Rodes', which were already en route for Cashtown, hearing at front and soon became engaged with these. Meanwhile, our division (Early's) was subjected to one of the most straining of the experiences ofith the Federal side, yet they broke almost immediately in front of Early; whereupon our entire line-the two divisions of our corps and the ty boy of sixteen, rode on by further into the town. George was General Early's clerk and a favorite with Old Jube, just because more fond ofest climax of the great battle was happily avoided, a member of General Early's staff — I thought it was Major Daniel, but he says not-gallopces of my life. As I remember, about the time mentioned, two of Early's brigades, Gordon's being one, were sent off to watch the York roa before dark, but it was not vigorously supported, except by two of Early's brigades, and it failed to accomplish any important result. I
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 17: between Gettysburg and the Wilderness (search)
l officers with him, and wished General Ewell, with two or three of his artillery officers, to ride with them along the lines. General Ewell notified Colonel Cabell and myself to be at his headquarters next morning, where we met General Lee, General Early, and Gen. John Pegram, and rode with them along the hills skirting the stream, discussing chiefly positions for artillery, until we came to a hill, over against Raccoon or Somerville Ford, where we had an exceptionally fine view of the Federa This infernal river: how are you going to cross that without giving warning? Ford it, sir; Ford it! What are you going to do with your pneumonia patients? whined Old Jube with a leer. Thereupon Ewell and Pegram sided strongly with Early in deprecating such an undertaking that winter season, though the weather at the time was open and fine. General Lee said no more, and I have never thought he seriously entertained such a purpose; but he was evidently smarting tinder the slap in