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dent for not earlier sending the nomination of Mr. Holt as Secretary of War. The motion was objected to, and the resolution will come up at a future day. Mr. Yulee announced the reception of official intelligence that his State had seceded, and, consequently, that he and his colleague were no longer Senators. He read a valedictory giving the reasons which had induced Florida to secede. Mr. Mallory also delivered a valedictory. Mr. Clay, of Ala., on behalf of himself and Mr. Fitzpatrick, also withdrew in consequence of official intelligence of the secession of Alabama. Mr. Davis announced the secession of Mississippi, and made a speech, after which the seceding Senators rose and left the Hall, first taking leave of their old associates. The Kansas bill was amended and passed by a vote of 36 to 13. Mr. Crittenden's resolutions came up. Mr. Bigler advocated their passage. He denied the right of secession, and also of the right of coercion. Mr. Camero
The National crisis. withdrawal of the Senators of the seceding States--letter from Hon. George W. Summers--from Charleston — the Florida Forts — the Key West fortifications — troops in Washington, &c. Senators Davis. Yulee, Mallory, Clay and Fitzpatrick, who formally withdrew from the Senate chamber, left ten vacant seats in the Senate. Four others will be speedily added.--The Washington Constitution, speaking of the rest, says. To those who scan events more closely, the withdrawals of yesterday, succeeding others for short distance cannot but suggest painful spottage. It were had enough, if in the ordinary mutations of politics the Senate were being stripped of its most illustrious members: Statesmen who have earned distinction by the ability, the patriotism, and the purity of their ,and whose voices have been ever polite opposition to the current demagogism of the day. But the spectacle witnessed yesterday and to be witnessed again are many days more ove<
Wave, from Pittsburg, upon which it was said that United States ordnance was to be transported to the South; and probably to prevent the passage of Federal troops. The same informant says that three of the military companies of Mississippi were in charge of the battery, and they withdrew it from the shore on Tuesday last and seized the United States Hospital, which they are now occupying. Washington dispatches. An affecting parting took place to-day between the President and Senator Fitzpatrick. The former said: "Governor, the current of events warns me that we shall never meet again on this side the grave. I have tried to do my duty to both sections, and have displeased both. I feel isolated in the world." Mr. Buchanan had an interview with some old personal friends from Pennsylvania, yesterday, and, in the course of the conversation, assured them that nothing should be done during his term of office towards breaking up or interrupting the Federal Government, which
e force of the Confederates in the conflict is variously estimated at from eight hundred to twenty-five hundred, and was said to be an advance body from the forces at Yorktown. The Federal officers who particularly distinguished themselves for bravery were Col. Duryea, Lieut. Col. Warren, Col. Townsend, Maj. Davis, Lieut. Greble and Capt. Kilpatrick--all of whom, except Townsend and Greble, are attached to the Zouave Regiment, which went through the battle with remarkable bravery Captain Fitzpatrick was among the wounded. The belief here is that the Confederate forces were under the command of Col. Magruder, and their guns did fearful execution. The battery was evidently hastily constructed, and two of its guns were removed to more favorable positions while the battle was going on, so that the woods in which the Federal troops were protected were raked in two directions. On one side of the road is a dense wood, and on the opposite were clear grounds, while a narrow, marshy
can citizens, you may counsel together to avert the danger which threatens our country, and that, relying upon threatens our country, and that, relying upon the favor of Almighty God, you may seek to perpetuate for yourselves and your children the blessings of constitutional liberty. The Pulpit and the country. Bishop Clarke, of Rhode island, preached a sermon on Sunday evening, at Providence, in behalf of the Union. The Boston Traveller of Monday has the following: Bishop Fitzpatrick (Catholic,) yesterday requested his congregation to offer up prayers to Almighty God to preserve the American Union, and in the course of his discourse he characterized our nation as the freest on earth. Rev. Mr. Johnson, of Bowdoin Street Church, also prayed for the Union. Other clergymen touched upon the condition of the country. The Rev. Dr. Dewey and the Rev. Chandler Robbins delivered discourses in favor of the nation. Bishop Brounell, of Conn., and Bishop Meade, of Va
of the State at Charleston, this twenty-fourth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty, and in the eighty-fifth year of the Sovereignty and Independence of South Carolina. F. W. Pickens. Southern families going home. Quite a bevy of Southern ladies appeared at Brady's gallery, in Washington, Saturday, for the purpose of exchanging daguerreotypes before going to their respective homes. The beautiful Mrs. R. W. Johnson, of Arkansas, and Mrs. Fitzpatrick, of Alabama, were there, among others. Nothing is so painful in the present emergency as the breaking up of society here. Senator Trumbull is having his residence put in order for the reception of his expected guest, the President elect, who is expected here in February. Mrs. Lincoln will be accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Edwards, from whose roof, by the way, she eloped with "Old Abe," then a briefless attorney.--Cor. Philadelphia Press. Spending Christmas. The Savannah
The Daily Dispatch: July 1, 1861., [Electronic resource], A Palmetto flag at St. John's, N. B. (search)
r Wytheville: From Wythe.--The Minute Men, Captain Gleaves; Mt Airy Roughs and Readies, Capt. Buchanan. Carroll.--Rough and Readies, Capt. Lundy; Reed Island Rifles, Captain Bolt. Grayson.--Grayson Rifles, Capt. Davis; Wilson Rifles, Capt. Perkins. Tazewell. Tazewell Rangers, Capt. Harman; Floyd Guard, Capt. Harrison; Tazewell Boys, Capt. Whitley; West, Augusta Rifles, Capt. Brown. Smyth.--Dragoons, Capt. Thompson; Grays, Capt. McDonald. Bland.--Sharp Shooters, Capt. Grayson. Nelson.--Rangers, Captain Fitzpatrick. Wise.--Yankee Catchers, Capt. Selyear. General Floyd has selected for the commanders of the two Regiments now organized, Col. Reynolds and Col. Harry Heth. They are both officers of the best military education. Gen. Floyd will bring into the field one of the very finest military bodies--one of the most hardy and efficient — that is in the service. Should the war last any time there will be a great deal of honor and glory won by it, alike for officers and men.
The Daily Dispatch: November 28, 1861., [Electronic resource], Proceedings of the Methodist Annual Conference. (search)
v. Nelson Head. It reported a decided improvement in the financial condition of the paper and in the general management of its affairs. The liabilities of the paper have been much lessened. Dr. Doggett addressed the Conference in further explanation of the condition of the paper and of the action of the Publishing Committee. In concert with the other members of the Committee, the speaker hoped that the Advocate would continue. Further remarks were submitted by Messrs. Joyner, Fitzpatrick, Davis, Head, Burton, Langhorne, Moss, Whitehead, Bennett, Cowles, Edwards, and Stanley, chiefly directed to details of management to be adopted for the future. The report met with general favor, and the purpose to continue the paper was universal among the members of the Conference. The report was adopted. Bishop Andrew decided that when an Annual Conference holds the title to a paper it may elect an editor either through a Publishing Committee or by its own action. The General C
endence, having received no reply to the proclamation calling upon the secessionists to take the oath of allegiance, sent detachments of troops in every direction, and the houses of one hundred rebels were burnt. In one skirmish a rebel named Fitzpatrick was captured, tried and shot. The reasons given for this by Col. Jennison were, that Fitzpatrick had killed a Federal officer, whose arms were found upon him and that he had shot a Methodist preacher while standing guard over him. The rebel ddetachments of troops in every direction, and the houses of one hundred rebels were burnt. In one skirmish a rebel named Fitzpatrick was captured, tried and shot. The reasons given for this by Col. Jennison were, that Fitzpatrick had killed a Federal officer, whose arms were found upon him and that he had shot a Methodist preacher while standing guard over him. The rebel died game, shouting for Jeff, Davis and the South as he felt pierced with the bullets of the soldiers.--Boston Traveller.
Nest" is the title given to an asylum just opened in Dublin, Finland, for Catholic orphans. Three thousand applications have been received from young women wishing to be engaged as waiters at the London exhibition. The report that a brother of the wife of the President was among the slain at the battle of Pittsburg Landing, is contradicted by the Northern papers. A portrait of Aaron Burr, by Vanderlyn, was sold at auction, in New York, the other day, for $210. Thomas C Fitzpatrick who has been incarcerated in Fort Lafayette for some months past, charged with politician offences, was brought to Baltimore on the 8d instant for trial. Hon. Thomas P. Porter, late Speaker of the Kentucky State Senate, and Marshall Carter, son of Dr. J. C. Carter, after several months in the seceding States, returned to their homes in Versailles, Kentucky, on Saturday last--. They were at once by arrested by the Provost Marshal of Lexington, and sent North for safe keeping. Mr.
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