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II., 73; nominated by Grant to command four departments in one, 453. Franklin, battle of, III., 211-213. Fremont, Major-General J. C., in command of Western department, i., 10; appoints Grant to district of Southeast Missouri, 11; empowers Grant to take Paducah, 12; instructs Grant to make demonstrations on both sides of Mississippi, 14; superseded by Halleck 23. Fry, General in command of rebels at Augusta, III., 288. Gabions of cane and grape-vine at Vicksburg, i., 337. Gardner, General, surrenders Port Hudson to Banks, i., 392. Geary General Jno. W., at battle of Wauhatchie, 448-450; Lookout mountain, 497-501. Georgia, situation in, after fall of Atlanta III., 40; Sherman's plan for marching through, 42; Sherman destroys enemy's supplies, 222; rebel consternation at Sherman's progress in, 222; garrison of Wilmington ordered to, 223; alarm of rebel sat Sherman's march, 286; governor of, asking for reinforcements, 287; flight of governor and state officers, 288;
against the rebel forts from every Union gun and mortar, completely silencing the rebel batteries, after which Banks sent by flag of truce a call to the rebel General Gardner to surrender, which Gardner declined to do. On June 14 another assault was made on the enemy's fortifications, very similar in plan and result to that of May Gardner declined to do. On June 14 another assault was made on the enemy's fortifications, very similar in plan and result to that of May 27. It proved a terrible disaster, the Union loss being 1,805 men, among them Brigadier-General Charles J. Paine, seriously wounded. Banks now began to prepare for a regular siege. The lesson of the danger and usual failure of a direct assault against well built and manned fortifications, so often taught to other commanders bon July 4, 1863. There was great cheering and rejoicing, and salvos of shotted artillery; and the news of Grant's victory was thrown inside the rebel lines. General Gardner, the commander, asked to be assured of the truth of the report, and, being convinced of its accuracy, immediately asked for a cessation of hostilities. Short
0. Fort Wadsworth, 6. Fowle's Mill Pond, 87. Fox, Thomas, 89. Foxcroft, Francis, Esq., 89. Franklin Primary, 40. Franklin School, 39. Fredericksburg, 11. Free Street Church, Portland, M,. 31. Fresh Pond, 87. Frizzell, John, 79, 80, 85. Frost, Edmund, 83. Frost, Lucy, 83. Frost, Captain, Samuel, 23. Frost, Samuel Tufts, 42. Frost, William. 83. Frothingham, James K., 28. Fuller, John E., 15. Fullick, Eliza R., 69. Fullick, George K., 69. Fullick, Geraldine, 69. Gardner, General, 60, 61. Gardner Row District, 32, 36. Gardner Row School, 35. Gaw, James, 68. Gay, Eugene, 67. Gay, Francis G., 67. Gay, Hannah T., 67. Genesee, The, 60. Gere, Stephen, 78. Gerrish, Colonel, 64. Gherardi, Donato, 68. Gilcrease, Elijah H., 15. Giles, Joseph J., 15. Glines, Frederick H., 4, 15. Globe Tavern, 2, 6. Goffstown, N. H., 39. Goodridge, Caroline A., 68. Goodridge, Lowell, 68. Goodridge, Otis H., 68. Gordon, George A., 27, Gordon, Lydia (Ames), 27. Gordo
Historic leaves, volume 1, April, 1902 - January, 1903, Military Record of Captain Martin Binney (search)
Prior to this I had been badly injured by falling through a stone culvert. This occurred late at night, when a party of our regiment was out in search of a rebel officer, who we heard was visiting friends seven miles distant. The injury received was a bad cut in the eye-brow. Mrs. George West, wife of Captain West, dressed the wound. She with several officers' wives was with the regiment at Relay House and Harper's Ferry. Again, late in June, 1862, while superintending the placing of Gardner's Indiana Battery on the crest of Bolivar Heights, a six-pound solid shot from the enemy at Halltown struck the wheel of one of the guns, and glancing, entered the flank of my horse, carrying a part of my coat tails with it. The horse, in falling, carried me under him, dislocating my knee. This laid me up for some time. While the Tenth Maine was quartered at Harper's Ferry, Captain West's company (D) was provost guard, and Captain West was provost-marshal of Harper's Ferry and vicinity.
dealer, h. Broadway. Thompson, Edward C., conductor. h. Pearl. Thompson, Samuel, b. flour inspector, h. Milk. Thorp, Ira, yeoman, h. Walnut. Thrasher, Benjamin brickmaker, h. Broadway. Tilson, Apollos, b. furnishing store, h. Granville. Torrey, Mrs. Mary P., widow, h. Broadway. Randall, Benjamin, 2nd, carpenter, Cambridge. Reed, Daniel, b. grocer, h. Milk. Ricker, Edward, b. blacksmith, h. Milk. Ricker, Benjamin F., mason, h. cor. Cambridge and Milk. Ring, Gardner T., brickmaker, h. Broadway. Riley, James, gardener, h. Beacon. Roberts, Nichols P., b. house and ship joiner, h. Lime. Robinson, Enoch, b. machinist, h. Central. Robinson, George W., b. machinist and founder, h. Summer. Robinson, Ezra B., b. machinist, h. Spring Hill st. Rogers, H. R., b. liquor dealer, h. Beech. Rogers, Artemas, b. varnish dealer, h. Beech. Rogers, Samuel F., h. cor. Beech. Robbins, David C., laborer, h. near M. R. R. Robbins, George F., b.
demy, Pa., II.—29. Franklin, General, IV.—30. Franklin Street, III.—14, 15, 17, 20. Franklin-street Church, III.—17. Fredericksburg, IV.—25, 26. Free Academy, N. Y., I.—8. French and Indian War, I.—23. Frost Family, The, II.—26. Frost, Samuel Tufts, I.—24. Frost, Samuel Tufts, house of, I.—24. Frost. Samuel Tufts, relics of, I.—24. Gage, General, Expedition of, IV.—12. Galletly, Frederick A., IV.—28. Galletly, James. IV.—28. Games' Mills, IV.—29. Gardner's Battery, Ind., I.—35. Garrison, William Lloyd, I.—18. Gettysburg, IV.—25. Giesboro Point, II.—37, 38. Giles. J. Frank, IV.—28. Giles, Joseph J., IV.—25, 28. Gilman, Charles E., IV.—30. Gilman, Edward L., IV.—30. Glen Street. Somerville, III.—18. Gooding, Edmund Il, II.—37, 39. Goodnow, John, II.—13. Gowell, Mary, I.—8. Great Pasture, boundaries of, I.—24 Greene, General, headquarters of, I.—24. Gr
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book V:—the first winter. (search)
attle and in the midst of his success. The total losses of the Confederate army amounted to ten thousand six hundred and ninety-nine men—that is to say, more than one-fourth of its entire force The following is the official account of the total force of the Confederate army before and after the battle of Shiloh: Before the battle.After the battle. First corps, Polk,9,1366,779 Second corps, Bragg,13,5899,961 Third corps, Hardee,6,7894,669 Reserve, Breckinridge,6,4394,206 Cavalry, Gardner,4,3824,084 ———— 40,33529,636 Killed,1,728 Wounded,8,012 Prisoners,959 —— 10,699 —but on the evening of the battle its strength was much more reduced by the scattering of individuals and the disorganization of cadres than by the number of men disabled. According to the reports of the Confederate generals themselves, they had no more than twenty thousand men answering the rolls, all of them exhausted by fatigue and hunger, discouraged by so many failures, and around whom was
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—--the Mississippi. (search)
cupying Port Hudson, under the command of General Gardner, of indispensable resources. Consequentl left at Port Hudson, whilst the remainder of Gardner's division was on the march toward Jackson. mission to Tennessee had been countermanded. Gardner followed Gregg at some distance with two brignd McPherson at Hankinson's Ferry, he ordered Gardner to return two thousand men to Port Hudson aft place since the beginning of May, instructed Gardner, who was already on the march with most of hiut thirty-five hundred men from Baton Rouge. Gardner sent a detachment, under Colonel Miles, to st invested by a force of fifteen thousand men. Gardner had about seven thousand able-bodied soldiersa to join Johnston. Finally, the latter sent Gardner a message ordering him to abandon Port Hudsonceless and exposed to the combined attacks of Gardner and Taylor. Notwithstanding their numericat Banks' Headquarters, asking, on the part of Gardner, for an official confirmation of this event. [4 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), chapter 6 (search)
t General Pemberton. Division, Bowen. Division, Bowen. Division, M. L. Smith. Brigade, Green. Brigade, Cockerell. Brigade, Gates. Brigade, Vaughn. Brigade, Shoupe. Brigade, Baldwin. Division, Stevenson. Division, Forney, Division, Forney, Division, Forney, Division, Loring. Division, Loring. Brigade, Reynolds. Brigade, Moore. Brigade, Lee. Brigade, Hebert. Brigade, Tilghman. Brigade, Buford. Brigade, Featherston. Division, Gardner, at Port Hudson, Brigade, Gregg. Division, Maxey. Division, Beall. Cavalry brigade, Wirt Adams. Reinforcements arrived at Jackson: Brigade, W. H. Walker. Reinforcements arrived at Jackson: Brigade, Gist. This list having been prepared, not from official sources, but simply from information collected here and there from various reports, is very incomplete, and contains perhaps some inaccuracies. We have found it impossible to correct it and supply the documents that are wa
es at Water-Town, we mounted again, and from thence we rambled throa severall Tall Woods between the Mountains, over many rich and pregnant Vallies as ever eye beheld, beset on each side with variety of goodly Trees: So that had the most Skilful Gardner design'd a shady Walk in a fine Valley, it would have fallen short of that which Nature here had done without him. This description is understood to apply to the road through Waltham to Weston, and is nearly as applicable to-day as when writtegro belonging to Joseph and Margaret Priest. In 1790, there were 10 colored persons in the town; 6 in 1800, 5 in 1810. In 1753 one Prince Jonah, a slave of Abraham Bigelow of Weston, found a leather pocket case with tickets of land lying in Gardner, Canada, east of Northfield, belonging to Joe Williams, also one dollar, one pistareen, and two coppers, and an empty money bag. This was so extraordinary an occurrence that it was entered upon the town records, and there stands a witness to the
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