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Adam Badeau, Grant in peace: from Appomattox to Mount McGregor, a personal memoir 391 1 Browse Search
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography 8 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: June 30, 1862., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
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sit gave no umbrage. Still, it may be that Jesse Grant's experience at Windsor was the corollary oe White House during the first three months of Grant's Administration, after which I spent four mon mostly those of the first and second years of Grant's Presidency. I saw the first Cabinet in powehily occupy the positions they enjoyed. But Mrs. Grant was like the General, a good deal of an autother had the sanction of the President or of Mrs. Grant, or it was not introduced at all. I fancy inry much at home at the White House during General Grant's official terms. A few with bitter memoricial people of the past—all gathered around Mrs. Grant, and liked the geniality and simplicity of tAmerica,—made the White House its center while Grant was President and Mrs. Grant its mistress. ThPresident and Mrs. Grant its mistress. The old army people found themselves with a comrade; the soldiers of the war and their families were Mrs. Grant its mistress. The old army people found themselves with a comrade; the soldiers of the war and their families were always welcome, and when the children of the President grew up there were young people and their vis
e proposed to invite General Grant's son, Mr. Jesse Grant, a young man of nineteen or twenty, it wonot sent. A card like that addressed to General Grant was immediately forwarded to Jesse, and onfor Windsor. The party included General and Mrs. Grant, the Minister and Mrs. Pierrepont, Jesse andedecessor, ostensibly to pay her respects to Mrs. Grant, but in reality to explain that she herself an on the other; then the two Princesses. General Grant was next to the Princess Christian, which nts longer. I remember that she talked with Mrs. Grant, who told me afterward of a good thing she omething about her own labors or duties, and Mrs. Grant replied: Yes, I can imagine them: I too havea printed programme. Some of the company, General Grant among them, played at cards, others talkedof Vicksburg. They are both in Hades now. General Grant sat up late, as usual, and it was two o'clles-Bains she sent a telegram by Lady Ely to Mrs. Grant, expressing her sympathy and making friendly[27 more...]
ordered to report to him during his stay. General Grant, however, availed himself of this courtesythat James Russell Lowell once told me about Mrs. Grant. When General Grant was at Madrid Mr. Lowelnext day, and accordingly proposed that the ex-President and Mrs. Grant should come to the palace a Mrs. Grant should come to the palace a few moments before the hour for dinner, when the Queen would be ready to receive the formal visit. ns to await the entrance of their Majesties. General and Mrs. Grant stood next the doors by which t for her jewels, was no better dressed than Mrs. Grant. The royal pair spoke first to General and he actual envoy. The Queen spoke of this to Mrs. Grant. She said she was fond of the young ladies,arty, whom they were not to meet again. General Grant left immediately afterward. He was accompst of republics exchanged salutations, and General Grant withdrew. The visit was returned within hsident gave a dinner to a few gentlemen in General Grant's honor. As he was unmarried, the invitat[32 more...]
e ordinary open Swiss carriages, General and Mrs. Grant, Jesse and myself; and from the moment when d Mt. Blanc so as to perceive its majesty, General Grant was as profoundly impressed as any of the rieg. Then we ascended the Simplon, and again Grant was deeply impressed and interested. He oftenincess, though an American by birth, and Mrs. Grant accompanied the General to the luncheon. The andsome and especially amiable to Jesse, for Mrs. Grant always awed even Princesses if they paid tooshe had kept back her story when she invited Mrs. Grant. Her companion had an engagement at the timd looking over the gate asked if this was General Grant; then made a profound courtesy such as theking she might be some duchess come to ask General Grant to dine with a Queen, and the visitor entemplore him for a pension for her protege. General Grant had no more power than I had to obtain a pr, she learned just how much or how little General Grant could do in the matter, and turned to take[14 more...]
to enter Delmonico's cafe one evening with Jesse Grant and found the candidate for the Vice-Presidns at this juncture were closer than ever, and Grant felt a warmer regard and a higher admiration fassination of Garfield culminated in his death Grant met Arthur at the funeral; the whilom Custom H any step of importance in his new situation. Grant told me repeatedly that Arthur especially aske But Morgan declined the appointment, and then Grant suggested the name of John Jacob Astor. I wasafterward Folger became so hostile as to order Grant's picture taken down from his room in the Treaons very soon became strained. Nevertheless Grant was invited to pay a visit at the Executive Matoed the bill restoring Fitz John Porter. General Grant was incensed at this action on the part off the expiring Congress, and the nomination of Grant was the closing act of Arthur's official existgreat predecessor; and as in so many instances Grant had followed to the tomb those whom he had opp[23 more...]
Chapter 39: Grant and Blaine. Grant's relations with Blaine were always amicable, up to theSpeaker of the House of Representatives when Gen. Grant was first elected President, and as one of tmately, for his election. It was Bristow whom Grant especially opposed, and he and Blaine were unintion was in session, Mr. Blaine and Mr. Fish, Grant's Secretary of State—were seen driving togethealled into play. Many things were said of General Grant that were disagreeable to him, and personaarfield's Administration undoubtedly increased Grant's hostility to Blaine, I never heard him speaked him to make use of crutches for months, General Grant was in Washington, and Mr. Blaine called ocasion when the candidate was in New York, General Grant called on him at his hotel. I was out of During the winter Mr. Elkins ascertained that Grant would not refuse to accept a copy of the firstine, however, had been a faithful supporter of Grant's Presidential policy, and his comments over t[31 more...]
Chapter 40: Grant and Mexico. Grant always took a peculiar interest in the Republic of Mexico. His expGrant always took a peculiar interest in the Republic of Mexico. His experiences during the Mexican War left a lively impression with him, and there was no portion of his Memoirs in wor the conversion of Mexico into an empire seemed to Grant a sequence, or rather an incident, of secession, andch and the re-establishment of the republic. Upon Grant's assumption of the duties of President, Rawlins at ith the entire consent of the neighboring state, for Grant would have been the last man to unfairly appropriates. So the Mexican question, as it was presented to Grant in the early days of his Presidency, was allowed to his career. On his return from his European tour Grant revisited Mexico, and it was at this time that ideason of 1880 was known. Immediately after his defeat, Grant visited Colorado, and from Manitou Springs he wrote means to live in a city. With kindest regards of Mrs. Grant, Fred, and Buck (the latter has just left), I am,