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Grant in peace. Chapter 1: Introductory-relations of the writer with General Grant. GeneraGeneral Grant. General Grant did his country quite as indispensable and efficient service during the years immediately aGeneral Grant did his country quite as indispensable and efficient service during the years immediately after the Civil War as in the field; a service often unknown to the world, or to more than a very feortance to history, or to the understanding of Grant's character and influence. I propose also to which have not hitherto been disclosed. General Grant always knew that I contemplated writing hi during his lifetime. My relations with General Grant began in May, 1863. On the 5th of that mod in that assault, and unable to report to General Grant in person until the following February. Impeachment of Johnson; the attempt to send General Grant out of the country; in the Presidential ca conduct which produced in me this idea of General Grant. The following letter refers to my plan of writing General Grant's political history: General Grant to General Badeau. Naples, D[2 more...]
e Administration had positively prohibited General Grant from attempting to settle or even discuss nts of the war, he had many conversations with Grant, but said nothing to indicate definitely what came up and conferred for an hour or two with Grant in the captured town, there was no definite lierence. They were the legitimate outgrowth of Grant's judgment and feeling; the consequence of ally for the embodiment had arrived. In this way Grant always did his greatest things. It may be strours, in sight of their soldiers. Lee assured Grant of the profound impression the stipulations ofs of the captured officers had already visited Grant, many of them his comrades at West Point, in tld hardly be the subject of official letters. Grant was accustomed to employ his staff officers onrning to Washington Lee requested me to ask of Grant whether the soldiers captured at Sailor's Cree child. I learned the fact and reported it to Grant, who at once directed me to enclose a formal e[5 more...]
gal adviser of Lee; he came to see me to learn Grant's feeling. I ascertained that Grant was firm l letter opposing Grant's contention. Finally Grant declared that he would resign his commission iay, 1869, soon after the first inauguration of Grant. Lee was in Washington about some business con recently appointed Minister to England. General Grant and Motley both described the interview tohern general. The former enemies shook hands; Grant asked Lee to be seated, and presented Motley. to Mexico. But in a month or two he wrote to Grant, applying to be placed on the same footing witt of the Southern Confederacy, appealed to General Grant in the following letter from Fort Warren i the same year Mrs. Jefferson Davis applied to Grant by letter, and in May, 1866, she went in persoictions which Grant wished to retain. For General Grant believed that the feeling of the South afteven days after the assassination of Lincoln. Grant disapproved of Sherman's terms as absolutely a[24 more...]
essarily be the head. The great popularity of Grant at this period made it important to win him ovt the source, and I conveyed these messages to Grant. He sent no reply, nor did he indicate either to lose what had been won at so much cost. Grant tried for a while to hold the balance between ent. General U. S. Grant—Present. Will General Grant be kind enough to call as he passes on hisnded evening parties. He stood by the side of Grant and received the guests, and the circumstance eir arrival Johnson sent the following note to Grant: Executive Mansion, Washington, D. C., the General-in-Chief to join him there. Again Grant thought that without positive rudeness he coulYork and Buffalo and other cities, and invited Grant to accompany him. A subordinate can hardly dec the plans and proceedings of Andrew Johnson. Grant indeed had at this time a peculiar aversion tobly sought, and something of this he secured. Grant was conscious of the unfair success, and this [20 more...]
was returned by overwhelming majorities. Now Grant was in some respects as absolute a democrat ase President's policy in the end must prevail. Grant, on the other hand, now took a decided stand int to Washington without presenting himself at Grant's headquarters, while many visited his house, interview for the party at his own house with Grant. The General-in-Chief spoke very plainly; he conduct was thenceforth steadily maintained by Grant. Without knowledge that he held this view hismand the army in a way that awoke suspicion in Grant, and although at this time he committed no ill had conquered would have considered treason. Grant frequently expressed this belief to those in his confidence. Believing thus Grant acted not only with moderation and firmness, but with a tacthe very time when many at the North suspected Grant of favoring the President's views, he was in r revived, the grade of General in the Army for Grant. His nomination was announced to him by the S[8 more...]
tary of State. It was doubtless supposed that Grant with his profound anxiety for Mexican independbait. But the device was too transparent; and Grant, if ordinarily unadroit, was yet far-seeing. ections and refusal had not been offered. But Grant was now aroused; and before the whole Cabinet Attorney-General, is there any reason why General Grant should not obey my orders? Is he in any way ineligible to this position? Grant started to his feet at once, and exclaimed: I can answer tha visit to the President. He was informed that Grant was to be sent to Mexico, and that he was to c that Johnson could not afford to quarrel with Grant at that time. He declared he could himself be easier spared than Grant. The country was full of rumors of the object of Sherman's visit; if tan's own suggestion afforded. In a day or two Grant was directed to turn over his instructions to ment was got up for the purpose of getting General Grant away from Washington. Grant always attrib[14 more...]
rejected it. When this result became known Grant's predictions were speedily verified. Congreslarge majorities over the President's veto. Grant was at this time completely in accord with thecourse had aroused a temper at the South which Grant believed dangerous to the safety of the countr to you freely as I feel upon all matters. Grant's apprehensions in regard to the President werhis he was supported by his Attorney-General. Grant telegraphed to Sheridan, approving his course,tter marks what to me was a new development in Grant's character. He was becoming accustomed to thf an experienced politician. The fact is that Grant was a close observer and an apt scholar; his ed showing his hand. I have heard men say that Grant was the profoundest dissembler of his time. Ioccurred that illustrates one of the traits of Grant little known to the world at large—his regard o his own. The controversy became excited, and Grant himself took part. At last he exclaimed: Why,
re Sheridan was in command. He so reported to Grant, who laid the matter before the President and at no such power existed in those commanders. Grant knew personally and positively that Congress hould still do serious mischief. Nevertheless, Grant remained averse to taking or advising any step 21st, the day when he wrote thus to Sheridan, Grant sent the following dispatch to Pope, another oher than patriotic and commendable. General Grant to General Pope. my dear General,—Havinathized fully with the original magnanimity of Grant. But not only was his influence with the art at the course of his subordinate. Wherever Grant went he was attended by enthusiastic crowds; ato the President, who came, as I have said, to Grant's parties with all the rest of the world. At one of Grant's receptions at which Mr. Johnson was present, I recollect also Alexander H. Stephens, down-fallen Confederacy, recently released at Grant's interposition from his prison; the Minister [7 more...]
Chapter 9: Continued conflict between Grant and Johnson. during the summer of 1867 the conflict of opinion and effort between Johnson and Grant became positive, though it was still in a grea Attorney-General delivered the opinions which Grant had foreseen, and did his best to neutralize tst with the President entirely in the hands of Grant, uncertain even then how far he concurred withble, far less desirable. Rawlins told me that Grant refused to discuss the subject with him, and MMrs. Grant assured me that the idea was most distasteful to the General. Those who knew the influencd no such desire of which she was ignorant. Grant's constitutional reticence must be constantly unprecedented. The time was out of joint, and Grant felt that it was his unwelcome task to set it ught by every means to defeat and destroy; and Grant determined to perform the duty. Nevertheless,conquered, and hugged its hardships. For with Grant enforcing the law, the South knew there was no[6 more...]
f Chicamauga, when at Stanton's earnest desire Grant was placed in command of the Western armies. He never indeed expressed great admiration for Grant nor pretended to any especial affection for hiadvice, made dispositions or appointments that Grant did not approve, but if subsequently Grant wispital. Several movements were ordered without Grant's knowledge, all of which proved abortive. In was undisturbed. This is the statement General Grant always made to me. Until the last year of or. There can be no doubt that the urgency of Grant on this occasion strengthened Stanton's hold on the President. In March, 1865, Grant felt a little sore at a sharp message he received throughe who were with him closely could detect, that Grant was a thinskinned man. Therefore these asperieneral-in-Chief to remain for days unapproved, Grant was touched, as any other human being would haps withheld some of the consideration to which Grant was entitled, he doubtless believed that he wa[38 more...]
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