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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 604 2 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 3: The Decisive Battles. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 570 8 Browse Search
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade) 498 4 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 456 2 Browse Search
William A. Crafts, Life of Ulysses S. Grant: His Boyhood, Campaigns, and Services, Military and Civil. 439 3 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 2: Two Years of Grim War. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 397 3 Browse Search
Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders. 368 6 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 368 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 334 0 Browse Search
Owen Wister, Ulysses S. Grant 330 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders.. You can also browse the collection for Ulysses S. Grant or search for Ulysses S. Grant in all documents.

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sts in Kentucky. despotic and brutal legislation. distinguished refugees. Breckinridge's address. Early military movements in Kentucky. Zollicoffer's operations. Buckner's occupation of Bowling Green. the battle of Belmont. movement of U. S. Grant. Gen. Pillow's command engaged at disadvantage. the Confederates driven back. timely reinforcements. sudden conversion of a defeat into a victory. retreat of Grant. his official misrepresentation of the day. prospect of the war in the Wome time been strengthening his position at Columbus, and had also occupied Belmont, a small village on the Missouri shore, so as to command both banks of the stream. With a view of surprising the small Confederate force on the west bank, Gen. U. S. Grant collected a fleet of large river steamboats, and embarking at night, steamed down the river unobserved. Within a few miles of Columbus and Belmont the river makes a sudden bend, and behind this bend Grant disembarked his forces, and began t
and praise was exhausted upon a man who found himself famous by nothing more than the caprice of the multitude. There has been a curious Yankee affectation in the war. It is to discover in the infancy or early childhood of all their heroes something indicative of their future greatness, or of the designs of Providence towards them. Thus their famous cavalry commanders rode wild horses as soon as they could sit astraddle; and their greatest commander in the latter periods of the war-Ulysses S. Grant-when an infant in arms desired a pistol to be fired by his ear, and exclaimed, rick again I-thus giving a very early indication of his warlike disposition. The following, told of McClellan in a Washington newspaper, during the days of his popularity, is characteristic:-- The infant Napoleon. An incident which occurred in the city of Philadelphia in the winter of 1826-7, is particularly worthy of record in our present crisis, inasmuch as it relates to the early history of one who
igable for steamers for two or three hundred miles. There was nothing to resist the enemy's advance up the stream but a weak and imperfectly constructed fort. The Cumberland was a still more important river, and the avenue to Nashville; but nothing stood in the way of the enemy save Fort Donelson, and from that point the Federal gunboats could reach Nashville in six or eight hours, and strike a vital blow at the whole system of Confederate defences north of the capital of Tennessee. Gen. U. S. Grant commenced his ascent of the Tennessee River early in February, 1862, with a mixed force of gunboats and infantry columns, the latter making parallel movements along the banks. On the 4th of February the expedition arrived at Fort Henry, on the east bank of the river, and near the lines of Kentucky and Tennessee. The fort was obviously untenable, being so absurdly located, that it was enfiladed from three or four points on the opposite shore, while other points on the eastern bank of t
h. concentration of Confederate forces at Corinth. Grant's lines at Pittsburg. Buell advancing from Nashville Confederates press on in their career of victory. Grant in the last extremity of defeat. he retreats to theike a sudden blow at the enemy, in position under Gen. Grant, on the west bank of the Tennessee River, at Pittpon them. It is true that the broken fragments of Grant's army were covered by a battery of heavy guns well uld not reach the field of battle in time to save Gen. Grant's shattered fugitive forces from capture or destrancing to the opposite banks of the river to restore Grant's fortune, and to make him, next day, master of the . The shattered regiments and brigades collected by Grant gave ground before our men, and for a moment it was ding all arms; also Gen. L. Wallace's division of Gen. Grant's army, making at least 33,000 fresh troops, which, added to the remnant of Gen. Grant's forces, amounting to 20,000, made an aggregate force of at least 53,00
k of the river. It was soon ascertained that the immense forces of Grant and Buell, combined under command of Halleck, were slowly advancingrtifyingly disastrous. If the attack at Shiloh was a surprise to Gen. Grant, the evacuation of Corinth was no less a surprise to Gen. Halleck. If the one ruined Grant, the other hes. laid out in pallid death the military name and fame of Major-Gen. Halleck. The druggist says hevance as far south as Holly Springs and his right at Memphis, was Gen. Grant, with Gens. Sherman, Rosecrans, and McClernand under his command.om Corinth of one division, which had been sent there to strengthen Grant's army. Gen. Price, in obedience to his orders, marched in the drans had not crossed that stream. This officer, in connection with Grant, attacked him on the 19th day of September, and compelled him to fan; Hurlburt, afterwards Ord, at Bolivar, with about eight thousand; Grant (headquarters at Jack son), with about three thousand; Rosecrans a
operations on the Western theatre of the war, left Gen. Bragg in front of Nashville. The bulk of his army had gone into camp at Murfreesboro, while the brigades of Forrest and Wagner, about five thousand effective cavalry, were absent, annoying Grant's rear in West Tennessee, and breaking the enemy's railroad communications in Northern Kentucky. The main Federal army now in Tennessee, under command of Gen. Rosecrans, maintained itself with some difficulty at Nashville and on the line of the Cumberland. It was only a portion of the enemy's forces which threatened the Confederacy from the West; for Grant was moving from West Tennessee into Mississippi, while a strong detached force under Sherman was organizing for a separate expedition down the Mississippi River against Vicksburg. The Confederate positions were the lines of the Tallahatchie River, the approaches by rail into Mississippi and the fortifications at Vicksburg. Such was the situation in the West at the close of the y
s surrender, but escape under white flags. renewed attempts against Vicksburg. shameful failure of Sherman's expedition. third attempt upon Vicksburg made by Gen. Grant. its failure. attempt of Farragut's fleet to run past Fort Hudson. destruction of the Mississippi. capture of Arkansas post by the Federals. its importancered incompetent, at this period of the war, and yet destined to win the reputation of a hero from the fickle multitude of the North. After Sherman's failure, Gen. Grant made the third attempt upon Vicksburg, endeavouring, by combined naval and military operations, to turn the rear of the line of defence. Several expeditions werable for devastations of the country, which, indeed, was the usual resource of the enemy whenever disappointed in the accomplishment of military results. While Grant was thus operating against Vicksburg, an attempt was made by the lower Federal fleet, under Farragut, to pass the batteries at Port Hudson, so as to co-operate wit
war had travelled steadily southward to Tennessee, Mississippi, and Arkansas. In Mississippi we held the line of the Tallahatchie and the town of Vicksburg, while Grant threatened the northern portion of the State, and McClernand menaced Vicksburg. West of the Mississippi the war had been pushed to the banks of the Arkansas Riversual preliminary of the resumption of Federal campaigns, was not omitted. Mr. Headley, a Northern authour, in his interesting work, The campaigns of Sherman and Grant, makes the following very just commentary on the Northern mania for a change of commanders. Referring to the achievements of these two popular heroes of the war, y true that without it, a man of great natural military capacity will not be equal to vast responsibilities and combinations. Our experience proved this; for both Grant and Sherman came very near sharing the fate of many that preceded them. Nothing but the President's friendship and tenacity saved the former after the battle of P
on. extraordinary valour of Bowen's command. Grant turns grand Gulf and moves upon Jackson. Gen.e a land force, consisting of two corps, under Grant in person, should march from Milliken's Bend tlet of almost any fire. By the last of April, Grant, having marched down the west bank of the rive field-works, might at all events have delayed Grant until Vicksburg was provisioned, and Johnston lace was regarded as lost. Every one expected Grant's army to march into Vicksburg that night, whiwithout field-guns and proper equipment; while Grant had been reinforced to eighty thousand men, bee 22d a more concerted attack was ordered by Gen. Grant, and the whole line was bombarded by cannon.ton, suggesting that the latter should make to Grant propositions to pass this army out, with all iand have continued to meet the assaults of all Grant's army, rather than have surrendered the city ds came out, and had a personal interview with Grant, in front of the Federal line, the two sitting[24 more...]
nization of the Federal armies in the west. Gen. Grant's new and large command. his first task to tism and vanity of the Confederate President. Grant determines to take the offensive. the battle s succeeding him; and a few days afterwards, Gen. Grant arrived, having been placed in command of a omas, and Sherman. It was the first task of Grant to relieve Thomas in Chattanooga. Reinforced three hours fighting with considerable loss. Grant's lodgment on the south side of the Tennessee oga had now no fears of starvation or retreat, Grant hesitated to assume the offensive against the i with four divisions; but before his arrival, Grant obtained the astounding news that Longstreet, oon, when, with an audacity wholly unexpected, Grant ordered a general advance of his lines to the n the road to Ringgold, and thence to Dalton. Grant claimed as the fruits of his victory seven thoRidge, and Longstreet, well understanding that Grant would now detach a column to relieve Knoxville[1 more...]
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