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here it was said some four hundred of the Confederate forces were lodged. On reaching the creek it was found that the Confederates had destroyed the bridge, but the whole Federal column was thrown on the bank of the creek. At that moment a masked battery from the opposite side of the bridge opened its fire with deadly effect on the Federal troops. Two pieces of artillery were then directed against the battery, but without doing it any perceptible damage. In the engagement Lieut. Greble and Major Winthrop, of the Federal forces, were killed, and about fifty or one hundred of the troops were killed and two hundred wounded. The battle began about four o'clock in the morning, and continued for three hours, when the Federal troops were driven back. Great excitement exists at Fortress Monroe, and Gen. Pierce is censured for having exposed his men to the destroying fire of the Confederates for such a length of time. The troops returned to Fortress Monroe, and i
The Daily Dispatch: June 17, 1861., [Electronic resource], [from another correspondent of the Sun.] (search)
g thirty. The Confederate battery was so completely masked that no men could be seen, only the flashes of the guns. There was probably not less than one thousand men behind their sand batteries. A well concentrated movement might have secured the position, but Brigadier General Pierce, who commanded the expedition, appears to have lost his presence of mind, and the Troy Regiment stood an hour exposed to a grating fire. An order to retreat was at last given, but at that moment Lieut. Greble, of the U. S. Army, and in command of the artillery, was struck by a cannon ball, and instantly killed. He had spiked his gun, and was gallantly endeavoring to withdraw his command. Captain George W. Wilson, of the Troy Regiment, after the order to retreat, took possession of the gun, and with Quartermaster McArthur brought it off the field, with the body of Lieut. Gre e. They brought them to the Fortress this evening. There are probably twenty-five killed and one hundred woun
tzers, which was soon under line of march, comprising four 12-pounders, a detachment of United States artillery, with Lieut. Greble and other officers. A party of men belonging to what was known as the Naval Brigade was also quickly mustered fo on all sides, acted with a spirit of determinedness.--The most melancholy feature of the action was the killing of Lieutenant Greble. It was almost impossible to tell the number of killed and wounded on the side of the Federal troops, but I was to leg. Frank A. Baker, of Company A, shot in the calf of the leg; only a flesh wound. Amongst the killed was Lieut. Greble, of the United States Artillery. He was struck upon the right side of the forehead by a rifled cannon ball, which foe. The guns are said to have been served with great rapidity and unerring aim, not one having missed its mark. Lieut. Greble. This officer, who is reported among the killed, belonged to the regular army, and was a relative of Mayor Henry,
The Daily Dispatch: June 17, 1861., [Electronic resource], A Later account, direct from the Fortress — interesting details. (search)
in the front of the column, commanded by Lieutenant Greble, apparently unaware of the position of teir dead and wounded where they fell. Lieut. Greble then planted his battery in a piece of woonto confusion, and silenced the battery of Lieut. Greble. Col. Magruder having moved two or his foufly on our artillery, under the command of Lieut. Greble. Our guns silenced all but one of the time the order to retreat was given. Lieut. Greble spiked one of the guns, and was about to rnt. They rushed forward, placed the body of Lt. Greble on the gun and brought it from the field. The body of Lieut. Greble was brought to the fortress on his gun. He was a gallant young officer. ew York, with two light field pieces under Lieut. Greble, and a squad of regulars, drove into the ent immediately became warm, the guns under Lieut. Greble returning the intensely hot fire from the n our side is about 75 killed and wounded. Lieut. Greble was killed. Major Winthrop, aid to Gen. B[1 more...]
l. Carr, and First New York, Col. Allen, all suffered severely.--About twenty artillerists of the regular army, under Lieut. Greble, acted gallantly, and Lieut. G. was shot dead while working one of his guns. He had three 12-pound howitzers. He isho particularly distinguished themselves for bravery were Col. Duryea, Lieut. Col. Warren, Col. Townsend, Maj. Davis, Lieut. Greble and Capt. Kilpatrick--all of whom, except Townsend and Greble, are attached to the Zouave Regiment, which went througGreble, are attached to the Zouave Regiment, which went through the battle with remarkable bravery Captain Fitzpatrick was among the wounded. The belief here is that the Confederate forces were under the command of Col. Magruder, and their guns did fearful execution. The battery was evidently hastily cons next ball took off his head. The gun barrel was forwarded to your city, to be sent to his relatives in New York. Lieutenant Greble's remains are now en route for Philadelphia, where his friends reside. The guides of the Federal forces were n