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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 3: political affairs.--Riots in New York.--Morgan's raid North of the Ohio. (search)
locking every route, however circuitous, for a retrograde movement; so he determined to strike the Ohio at some point where he might cross over into Western Virginia, or Northeastern Kentucky, and make his way back to Tennessee with his plunder. A commission appointed by the State of Indiana to consider the claims of citizens to payment for losses incurred by Morgan's raid, closed their labors in December, 1867, when they had audited claims to the amount of $415,000. When Morgan left Harrison, Hobson, who was pressing on in his track at the rate of forty miles a day (notwithstanding his inability to get fresh horses, because Morgan had seized them), had so gained upon the invader, that there was not more than half a day's march between them. Morgan quickened his pace, exchanged his jaded horses for fresh ones from the pastures of Ohio farmers, and plundered somewhat less for want of time. He swept around a few miles north of Cincinnati (where Burnside, like Wallace the year be
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 4: campaign of the Army of the Cumberland from Murfreesboro'to Chattanooga. (search)
s were crossed, and the Army of the Cumberland, stretching along the line of the Tennessee River for more than a hundred miles of its course, was preparing to cross that stream at different points, for the purpose of closing around Chattanooga, to crush or starve the Confederate army there. Pontoon-boat, raft, and trestle bridges were constructed at Shellmound, the mouth of Battle Creek, Bridgeport, Caperton's Ferry, and Bellefonte. So early as the 20th, August, 1863. Hazen reconnoitered Harrison's, above Chattanooga, and then took post at Poe's cross-roads, fifteen miles from the latter place; and on the following day, Wilder's cannon thundering from the eminences opposite Chattanooga, and the voice of his shells screaming over the Confederate camp, startled Bragg with a sense of imminent danger. At the same time Hazen was making show marches, displaying camp-fires at different points, and causing the fifteen regiments of his command to appear like the advance of an immense army.
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 6: siege of Knoxville.--operations on the coasts of the Carolinas and Georgia. (search)
ment, for Walker had telegraphed to both Charleston and Savannah for help, and it was nigh. Colonel Barton, of Brannan's command, had, meanwhile, gone up the Coosawhatchie in gun-boats, with about four hundred men, toward a village of the same name. The boats grounded. Barton landed his men, and was pushing on, when he encountered a train of cars filled with troops from Savannah, hastening to the relief of Walker. He fired upon it while in motion, killing the Confederate commander, Major Harrison. A greater portion of the Confederates escaped to the woods and joined a detachment stationed at the railroad bridge at Coosawhatchie, toward which Barton pushed. He found superior numbers strongly posted on his front, with three guns, when he, too, retreated to his boats, feebly pursued. The expedition returned to Hilton Head, with a loss of about three hundred men. The Confederate loss was about the same. Very little was done in the Department of the South (over which Hunter resu
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 7: the siege of Charleston to the close of 1863.--operations in Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas. (search)
f the boat, and one after another was shot through the head. In the spring of 1863, Fayetteville was occupied by some Union cavalry and infantry, under Colonel M. L. Harrison, and, on the 18th of April, they were attacked by nearly two thousand mounted Confederates and two guns, led by General W. L. Cabell. He had marched rapidly over the Boston mountains from Ozark, with the intention of surprising Harrison at dawn, but he did not arrive until after sunrise. About five hundred of the Unionists kept up a spirited fight with the assailants until about noon, when the latter were repulsed, and returned over the mountains as swiftly as they came. HarrisoHarrison, for lack of horses, could not pursue. His foe had inflicted on him a loss of seventy-one men (four killed), and he had received in exchange fifty-five prisoners, fifty horses, and a hundred shot-guns. Meanwhile Marmaduke had gone to Little Rock, and there, with the chief Conspirators and military leaders in Arkansas, he pla
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 9: the Red River expedition. (search)
in this service were exposed to murderous musket-firing, and the flotilla did not move over thirty miles a day. The first regular attack upon the vessels, in force, was at Coushattee, by nearly two thousand cavalry, with four guns, under Colonel Harrison, who, after that, continually annoyed the Nationals, the slow progress of the boats, which were tied up at night, enabling him to keep up with them. General Smith fitted the transports under his command for defense as well as his means woulst recklessly, receiving the fire of Smith's soldiers and of the gun-boats, especially of the Lexington, Lieutenant Bache, which gave them a raking fire of canister-shot, that strewed the bank with their dead bodies for a mile. At the same time Harrison appeared on the opposite side of the river, and received such rough treatment, that he kept at a distance, and the whole flotilla passed down toward Grand Ecore without much further trouble. So terrible was the lesson given to the Confederates
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 10: the last invasion of Missouri.--events in East Tennessee.--preparations for the advance of the Army of the Potomac. (search)
ridge, who was in that region with a strong force, contemplating an advance into Southwestern Virginia in co-operation with Crook and Averill, who were to march up the Kanawha, in the direction of the Blue Ridge. Morgan always managed to live off the country he was in; so now he sent men ahead to seize fresh horses from friends or foes, and by that means his followers were soon so well mounted that they were enabled to sweep rapidly through the eastern counties of Kentucky, from Johnson to Harrison, by way of Paintville on the west fork of the Big Sandy, through Hazel Green, Owensville, and Mount Sterling, to Paris and Cynthiana, in the richest part of the commonwealth, and to give to that region a new claim to the title of the dark and bloody ground. He captured Mount Sterling, Paris, Cynthiana, and Williamstown, almost without resistance; and burnt railway trains, stations, and bridges, tore up tracks, and plundered without fear, for the troops in the path of his desolation were to
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 14: Sherman's campaign in Georgia. (search)
r. He accordingly ordered Stoneman to take his own and Garrard's cavalry, about five thousand in all, and move by the left around Atlanta to Macdonough, while McCook, with his own, and the fresh cavalry brought by Rousseau (now commanded by Colonel Harrison, of the Eighth Indiana), was to move by the right to Fayetteville, and, sweeping round, join Stoneman on the railway south of Atlanta leading to Macon, at Lovejoy's Station, on the night of the 28th. These bodies of mounted men moved simuta. At the same time his rear was closely pressed by Confederate cavalry, and he was compelled to fight great odds. He did so gallantly, and fought his way out, but with the loss of his prisoners, and five hundred of his own men, including Colonel Harrison, who was made a captive. Stoneman, in the mean time, attempting to do too much, failed in nearly all things. At the last moment before leaving, he obtained General Sherman's consent to go farther after striking the railway at Lovejoy's,
lmouth, Hooker's Headquarters near, 3.24. Farragut, Admiral David G., his passage of the forts below New Orleans, 2.331-2.336; panic at New Orleans on the approach of his fleet, 2.342; his reply to Mayor Monroe, 2.343; his bombardment of the batteries at Vicksburg, 2.526; operations of against the Mobile forts, 3.439-3.444. Fast-Day, proclaimed by Buchanan, 1.77. Faulkner, Charles J., mischievous influence of in Europe, 1.565. Fayetteville, Ark., repulse of Confederates at by Col. Harrison, 3.213; relieved by Gen. Curtis, 3.280. Fayetteville, N. C., arsenal at seized by State troops, 1.386; Sherman at, 3.497. Felton, S. M., his account of the first assassination plot (note), 3.565. Fernandina, occupation of by Nationals, 2.321. Ferrero, Gen., services of at Knoxville, 3.173. Finances, Confederate, schemes in relation to, 1.544; bad condition of in 1863 and 1864, 3.227, 228. Finances, national, condition of at the close of 1860, 1.115; toward the close of