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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Lane's Corps of sharpshooters. (search)
ps in the works joined in the cheering as those tired and hungry heroes went to the front. On the 18th of May, while General Early, temporarily in command of A. P. Hill's corps, and Generals Wilcox and Lane and a number of staff officers were standing near the brick kiln, the enemy honored the group with a short but rapid artilesires me to express his gratification in transmitting the enclosed letter from Major Starke, A. A. G., Third Army Corps, conveying the congratulations of Lieutenant-General Hill to you upon your handsome capture of the enemy's videttes at the Davis house, and also to acknowledge his own appreciation, not only of this affair, but oajor T. J. Wooten, Commanding Sharpshooters. Major,—The brigadier commanding feels a proud pleasure in transmitting to you the congratulatory notes of Lieutenant-General Hill and Major-General Wilcox. And while he adds to these well earned compliments his own hearty congratulations of the brilliant accomplishment of your well
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Personal reminiscences of the last days of Lee and his Paladins. (search)
Col. P—— came galloping down from the direction of Turnbull's farm, the headquarters of General Lee, and reining up in front of my office, informed me that General A. P. Hill had been killed, and that our lines were broken on the Dinwiddie plank road. He would give me no specific information, however, said he had no orders for mertain direction which he thought would bring us under the aegis of some of Lee's fighting men. We had only gone a few hundred yards, however, when we came upon Major Hill, a brother of General A. P. Hill, and one or two other officers, who seemed to be trying to find what we were looking for. And just as we had saluted each otherGeneral A. P. Hill, and one or two other officers, who seemed to be trying to find what we were looking for. And just as we had saluted each other a full regiment of infantry came out of a piece of woods a few hundred yards to our left, and with a yell and a double-quick made for our position. With the peculiar reflection of the light in the little valley they were crossing, they seemed dressed in blue, and we took them for the enemy and awaited our fate with resignation
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.9 (search)
uld be devised to protect it, there was little to prevent the capture of our beautiful city. That little was General Lee and his three divisions under Longstreet, Hill and Jackson. The latter, it is true, a week before the Seven Days fight began, was in the Valley of Virginia, giving one commander of the three divisions of the Fhe Yankees, and finally reached Mechanicsville. The advance of Branch's Brigade, our battery and the cavalry had uncovered the Meadowbridge road, whereupon General A. P. Hill crossed over and attacked the enemy just beyond Mechanicsville. A short distance before we reached the extreme left of our line the road was cut out from th his mouth closed and standing his ground with all the courage he could command—and never anywhere do I recall a heavier fire than on the left of our line, General A. P. Hill, that magnificent fighter of the Light Infantry Division, showing himself the man he always was. Just about that time a very distinguished and well known la
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The correspondence of Gen. Robt. E. Lee. (search)
set phrase. The gallant officer who made this compilation, Colonel William H. Palmer, formerly Chief of Staff of General A. P. Hill, has richly merited our gratitude.—Editor. Series I. Vol. XXV, part Ii—correspondence. Serial number 40. Chanse and inaction. Bring Beauregard with them and put him in command here. R. E. Lee, May 20th, 1863, page 832, to DavisA. P. Hill, I think upon the whole, is the best soldier of his grade with me. R. E. Lee, May 30, 1863 page 832, to Davis.Requestsh this reduction I am deficient in general transportation for commissary, quartermaster, &c., trains. R. E. Lee to General A. P. Hill, page 859, June 5, 1863.Third Army Corps in front of Fredericksburg; balance of the army moving north. R. E. Lee t Ransom's to Drury's Bluff. Corses' Virginia Brigade, drawn from General Lee's command at Culpeper. R. E. Lee to General A. P. Hill, June 16, 1863.Informs him that Anderson's Division of his Third Army Corps has reached Culpeper C. H. Expects anot
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.21 (search)
eneral Weisiger, and not General Mahone, was entitled to the credit of recapturing the Confederates' works as claimed by The Times, it is manifest that both General A. P. Hill, to whose corps the division commanded by General Mahone belonged, and General R. E. Lee were laboring under a mistake, when, on the day of the battle, in t818 of serial 82 of the War Records, being as follows: headquarters near Petersburg, July 30, 1864, 6:30 P. M. Hon. James A. Seddon, Secretary of War: General A. P. Hill reports that General Mahone, in retaking the salient possessed by the enemy this morning, recovered the four guns with which it was armed, captured 12 standd only safe guide in determining what occured; from which records there is but one inference to be drawn, and that is, that, whatever the actual facts were, General A. P. Hill, General Robert E. Lee, and President Davis, who may properly be assumed to have voiced the current sentiment of the army and people of the Confederacy on t
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.31 (search)
a portion of General Ord's Corps. The original garrison of the fort numbered about seventy-five or eighty men, who had been detached from the artillery of General A. P. Hill's Third Army Corps some time after the battle of the Crater, July 30, 1864. On October 13, following, four men from the Donaldsonville Artillery, namely, C. J. Savoy, G. Charlet, O. Delmer and John S. Mioton, were ordered to report to General Walker, an artillery officer of Hill's Corps, the writer being one of the four. We were then sent to Fort Gregg, under the command of Captain Chew, of Maryland, with Frank McElroy, of the 3rd Company, Washington Artillery, as our lieutenant. ery in the fort at that time, but in constructing it provisions had been made for four guns. Early on that memorable Sunday morning, April 2, 1864, Generals A. P. Hill and Heth called and examined the fort and its garrison, and gave some instructions to our officers. About eight or nine o'clock A. M. General Walker called and
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Thomas R. R. Cobb. (search)
y 16.—Stephens and Ben Hill have made friends and are as thick as brothers. When in Milledgeville a proposition for peace was made to Stephens, his reply was If Mr. Hill will acknowledge that he told a lie as he did, then I will speak to him. I have received a long letter from Mitchell urging me to put in the claim of Athens forour Constitution. There will be a hard fight on this question when we reach it. Stephens and Toombs are both for leaving the door open. Wright goes with them and Hill also we fear. Kenan is with us and thus gives Howell, Nisbet, Bartow and me a majority in our delegation. Confidentially and to be kept a secret from the public,ion. I do not look for it myself. Captain Berrien brought me a cap from Richmond, for which he had to pay the nice little sum of eighteen dollars. I hear that A. P. Hill whipped the Yankees at Snickersville yesterday. November 15.—We are speculating on the consequence of Mc-Clellan's removal. It will demoralize to a great ex
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Crenshaw Battery, Pegram's Battalion, Confederate States Artillery. (search)
double charges of canister, that the gallant A. P. Hill rode into our battery and said to our captaid heard from their lips the confirmation of General Hill's statement. I believe this was one of themy mind. The troops of Jackson consisted of A. P. Hill's, Colston's and Rodes' Divisions. None betvening—Rodes in front, followed by Colston, and Hill with the artillery in reserve. But there was twater); General Ewell, the second corps, and A. P. Hill the third, with a full complement of artilleGeneral Pettigrew, a gallant brigade general of Hill's corps, was killed before we succeeded in driv advance, would meet our troops with gallant A. P. Hill in the lead, General Lee having anticipated Corps was met and repulsed by the troops of A. P. Hill. The Crenshaw Battery reached Spotsylvania ht which he ever seemed to possess, selected A. P. Hill, the commander of the Third Corps, who had aecond day's march, we learn of the death of A. P. Hill, at one time the commander of the famous Li[1 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A confederation of Southern Memorial Associations. (search)
Garnett, Ion. Thomas S 106. Garside, Miss Julia A 378. Gettysburg, Battle of, 10, 145, 356. Giddings, Colonel C. H., 255. Goolsby J. C., 6. Grady, B. F, 156. Greeley, Horace, on the Union, 177. Gregg, Fort, Battle at, 20 265, 366. Gwynn, Major-General, Walter, 85. Hagood, General, Johnson, 318. Hale, Jr., Captain E. E., 4. Harper's Ferry and First Manassas, 1864-5, Incidents at, 58. Hartford Convention, The 174. Hatcher's Run, Battle of, 368. Hill, General A. P., killed, 20. Hill General D. H., 294 Hinton, Judge Drury A., 213. History Committe Grand Camp C. V, Report of, 169; Members of, 198. History, Southern, cannot be falsified, 193, 194, 376 Holland, Horace, killed, 352. Homespun garb in 1861, 288. Hope, James Barron, 193. Hotchkiss, Major, Jed., 279. Howitzers, Richmond, Guns of, at Appoinattox, 41. Jackson, General T. J., Death of, 271, 352. Jackson, Henry, 297. Jenkin's Brigade General A. G, 73. Johnson