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, that Sunday in Richmond. Earnest men and women had come to the house of God, to ask His protection and His blessing, yet a little longer, for the dear ones that very moment battling so hotly for the worshipers. In the midst of a prayer at Dr. Hoge's church, a courier entered softly, and advancing to Mr. Davis, handed him a telegram. Noiselessly, and with no show of emotion, Mr. Davis left the church, followed by a member of his staff. A moment after another quietly said a few words to the minister; and then the quick apprehensions of the congregation were aroused. Like an electric shock they felt the truth, even before Dr. Hoge stopped the services and informed them that Richmond would be evacuated that night; and counseled they had best go home and prepare to meet the dreadful to-morrow. The news spread like wildfire. Grant had struck that Sunday morning-had forced the lines, and General Lee was evacuating Petersburg! The day of wrath had come. Hastily the few rema
y passing with horses in the finest possible condition-even finer than ours were in the beginning of the war. It seems to me passing strange that, with all their advantages, we kept them at bay so long, and conquered them so often. Had one port been left open to usonly one, by which we might have received food and clothing-Richmond would not now be in their hands ; our men were starved into submission. Sunday night, April 16, 1865. The Episcopal churches being closed, we went to the Rev. Dr. Hoge's church. The rector was absent ; he went off, to be in Confederate lines ; but the Rev. Dr. Read, whose church is in ruins, occupied the pulpit. Strange rumours are afloat to-night. It is said, and believed, that Lincoln is dead, and Seward much injured. As I passed the house of a friend this evening, she raised the window and told me the report. Of course I treated it as a Sunday rumour; but the story is strengthened by the way which the Yankees treat it. They, of course, kno
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 49 (search)
he 25th. Commenced skirmishing on the 26th, continuing it more or less until the 5th of June. Losses near Dallas were Lieutenant Platt, Company G, killed; Lieutenant Renick, Company F, wounded, and 5 enlisted men wounded. June 6, arrived at Acworth and remained there until the 10th. Kept maneuvering and skirmishing from that date almost continually until the 15th, and drove the enemy in the meantime some three miles to one of his strong positions near Pine Mountain. In this advance Lieutenant Hoge, Company H, was wounded. Here the regiment lay in reserve for two days with the brigade. On the 18th, at 2 a. m., the regiment was ordered to the front on the skirmish line, and during the day in a heavy rain-storm we made a charge on the rebel skirmishers and drove them to their main works, capturing some prisoners. Losses that day were Captain Baldwin, Company G, wounded, and 17 enlisted men wounded, 3 mortally. On the 19th Lieutenant-Colonel Squires went back to the hospital sic
February 17. At Columbus, the Legislature of Ohio held a mass-meeting in the State House to rejoice over the recent victories of Forts Henry, Donelson, etc. Gov. Tod was called to the chair; prayer was made by the venerable Dr. Hoge, amid the booming of cannon. Gov. Tod said: If there is a man in all the country that does not rejoice over the news of to-day, frown on him, brand him as a traitor. Is he in your churches? turn him out. Is he in your Assembly? put him out. Is he in your family? shut the door in his face. [Cheers.] We want it understood as the voice of this meeting, that the Government is to hang all guilty traitors; and that if England continues to threaten, we will next pay our respects to her. Speeches were also made by Mr. Thomas Ewing, Lieut.-Governor Stanton, Mr. Delano, Col. B. McCook, Messrs. Groesbeck, Fink, Monroe, Flagg and Galloway. Senators, Representatives, State officers and the people, had a refreshing season, and adjourned after t
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 25: the battle of Bull's Run, (search)
Sixty-ninth New York, were moved up to the left of the batteries. The Artillery and the Zouaves went boldly forward in the face of a severe cannonade, until an ambushed Alabama regiment suddenly came oat from a clump of pines partly on their flank, and poured upon them a terrible shower of bullets. This hot and unexpected attack made the Zouaves, who had never been under fire, recoil, when two companies of the fine corps of Stuart's horsemen, known as the Black Horse Cavalry (Carter's and Hoge's), dashed furiously upon their rear from the woods on the Sudley's Spring Road. A portion of the Zouaves' line now broke in some confusion, and the cavalry went entirely Virginia Artillery.--Rockingham Battery. through their shattered column. Farnham and his officers displayed great coolness. They rallied most of the regiment, under the immediate eye of McDowell, and, with a part of Colburn's United States Cavalry, and led by Colonel J. H. Ward, of Wilcox's brigade, they attacked the C
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 43: operations of the Mississippi squadron, under Admiral Porter, after the Red River expedition. (search)
naval commander of a district, from a feeling of over-security, sent an insufficient force of gun-boats, when trouble would ensue and the undertaking be a failure. One of these cases was an expedition from Clifton to Eastport under command of Colonel Hoge, consisting of the 113th and 120th Illinois infantry, 660 strong; 61st U. S. colored infantry, 600 strong, and Battery G, 2d Missouri light artillery (four rifled 12-pounders). These troops embarked on the 9th of October, at Clifton, on the trng the landing, Lieutenant King signalled to the transports to land their troops, and took a position with the gunboats in the middle of the river, so as to cover the movement with their guns. The troops commenced disembarking immediately. Colonel Hoge then went on board the Key West, and informed Lieutenant King that he should move immediately for Iuka. As the Colonel was returning to the City of Pekin, a masked battery of six rifled guns from the hill at Eastport and three rifled guns fro
n the trains and a hurrying cavalryman. The capture of General Lee's headquarters train was attended with much inconvenience to the General and his staff, as well as to the correspondents who moved with him. Major Cowan's mess lost an elegant rosewood mess-chest, and other less valuable mess-chests were in the wagons. Not a solitary article of clothing was left except what the officers had on, and clean shirts and paper collars were in greater demand than the supply could furnish. Quartermaster Hoge lost all his funds and vouchers, and officers who had deposited their greenbacks in his safe for security, had the satisfaction of aiding in the contribution of six or seven thousand dollars to helping along the illy paid rebel soldiers. All the Adjutant-General's official papers fell into the hands of the enemy, who must possess pretty accurate knowledge respecting the cavalry division. Rebel soldiers who have been taken prisoners, report that one of their number got two thousand
f Rogers's batteries, under Lieutenant Heaton; and on the left by Gartrell's reduced ranks and Colonel Smith's battalion, subsequently reinforced by Faulkner's 2d Mississippi, and by another regiment of the Army of the Shenandoah, just arrived upon the field, the 6th (Fisher's) North Carolina. Confronting the enemy at this time my forces numbered, at most, not more than six thousand five hundred infantry and artillerists, with but thirteen pieces of artillery, and two companies (Carter's and Hoge's) of Stuart's cavalry. The enemy's force, now bearing hotly and confidently down on our position, regiment after regiment of the best-equipped men that ever took the field —according to their own history of the day—was formed of Colonels Hunter's and Heintzelman's divisions, Colonels Sherman's and Keyes's brigades of Tyler's division, and the formidable batteries of Ricketts, Griffin, and Arnold's Regulars, and 2d Rhode Island and two Dahlgren howitzers—a force of over twenty thousand inf<
Report, Confederate Official Reports of Battles, p. 343. attached to them another battalion formed of stragglers, and sent them in the same direction, to support two batteries (Hodgson's and another) which he had just ordered ahead. Here a vigorous artillery fire was now combined with the efforts of the infantry, under Generals Polk and Ruggles, and the stubborn enemy began to relax his hold. See, in Confederate Reports of Battles, Ruggles's Report, p. 282, Anderson's Report, p. 304, and Hoge's Report, p. 291. But, farther down on the right, Generals Prentiss and Hurlbut were still contending so strongly that Generals Breckinridge and Crittenden called earnestly on Jackson and Chalmers for assistance. Report of General Jackson, Confederate Reports of Battles, p. 265. The flanking march of these two latter brigades was met by Lanman's brigade, supported by powerful artillery, and there a fierce, exhausting contest ensued. As General Beauregard, in advance of the Shiloh me
he field, the 6th, Fisher's, North Carolina. Confronting the enemy at this time, my forces numbered, at most, not more than six thousand five hundred infantry and artillerists, with but thirteen pieces of artillery and two companies (Carter's and Hoge's) of Stuart's cavalry. The enemy's force, now bearing hotly and confidently down on our position, regiment after regiment of the best-equipped men that ever took the field, according to their own official history of the day, was formed of Colod. And we are told in their official reports how regiment after regiment, thrown forward to dislodge us, was broken, never to recover its entire organization on that field. In the meantime, also, two companies of Stuart's cavalry (Carter's and Hoge's) made a dashing charge down the Brentsville and Sudley road upon the Fire Zouaves, then the enemy's right on the plateau, which added to their disorder wrought by our musketry on that flank. But still the press of the enemy was heavy in that qu
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