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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
r., Alexandria, Virginia.--1 volume Confederate Battle Reports of 1861 and 1862.--Report of Major-General John Pope, U. S. A., of his campaign in Virginia.--Majority and Minority Report U. S. Senate on John Brown's Harpers Ferry Invasion.--Preliminary Report of the United States Census of 1860.--Message of the President of the United States and Diplomatic Correspondence for 1862.--Message of the President of the United States and accompanying documents December, 1863.--View of slavery by Bishop Hopkins. --My diary, North and South, by William Howard Russell.--McClellan, who he is and what he has done. --Message of Governor F. H. Pierpoint, December 7th, 1863.--The Tribune Almanac for 1862, 1863 and 1865.--General McClellan's Official Report.--Old Franklin Almanac for 1864.--Speeches of Honorable Henry May, of Maryland, in Federal Congress.--Three Months in the Southern States, from April to June, 1863, by Colonel Fremantle, of the British Army.--Lot of newspaper clippings from papers o
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 18 (search)
or during the campaign. Major Sinclair, assistant adjutant-general; Major Fairbanks, Thirty-first Indiana Volunteers, inspector, and who was untiring in his care of the picket-line; Capt. J. D. Moxley, Capt. W. H. Greenwood and Lieut. L. L. Taylor, aides-de-camp; Lieutenant Croxton, Fifty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, ordnance officer, who always kept his ammunition just where it was needed; Surgeon Brumley, U. S. Volunteers, who provided most fully for the comfort of our wounded, and Captain Hopkins, assistant quartermaster, and Captain Kniffin, commissary of subsistence, all deserve well of the Government. I have previously mentioned the death of two of my chiefs of artillery, Captains Simonson and McDowell. The place was well and ably filled by Captain Thomasson, First Kentucky Battery. Capt. J. W. Steele, Forty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, topographical engineer, rendered good and efficient service, and Captain Greenwood, besides his duty as aide-de-camp, found time t
tic expedients, which were foiled by the sound judgment, vigilance, and courage of the commander; and when the final attack was made, the brave little garrison repulsed it with such loss to the assailants that when, in the following October, General Hopkins came to support Fort Harrison, no Indians were to be found thereabout. For the defence of Fort Harrison Captain Taylor received the brevet of major, an honor which had seldom if ever before been conferred for service in Indian war. In the following November Major Taylor, with a battalion of regulars, formed part of the command of General Hopkins in the expedition against the hostile Indians at the head waters of the Wabash. In 1814, with his separate command, being then a major by commission, he made a campaign against the hostile Indians and their British allies on Rock River, which was so successful as to give subsequent security to that immediate frontier. At the time of the treaty made by the Indians with General H
ediately under General Paine. The forces of the latter consisted of the Eighth New-Hampshire, Captain Barrett, and the Fourth Wisconsin, under Captain Moore, who were in advance as skirmishers. Behind these came five companies of the Fourth Massachusetts and the One Hundred and Tenth New-York, under Captain Bartlett, followed by four companies of the Third brigade. Closely upon these came the Third brigade, under Colonel Gooding, and composed of the Thirty-first Massachusetts, Lieutenant-Colonel Hopkins, Thirty-eighth Massachusetts, Major Richardson, Fifty-third Massachusetts, Colonel Kimball, One Hundred and Fifty-sixth New-York, Colonel Sharpe, and One Hundred and Seventy-fifth New-York, Colonel Bryan, who was killed. Then the Second brigade, under Colonel A. Fearing, and composed of the One Hundred and Thirty-third New-York, Colonel Currie<*> and the One Hundred and Seventy-third New-York, Major Galway, the rest of this brigade being detailed as skirmishers. After the Second
ut two thousand bushels of corn, fell into our possession. Our loss was six killed, twenty-three wounded, and nine missing. The artillery placed in position was not used, but credit is due Major Mendenhall for his promptitude in placing his guns. To Brigadier-General Turchin, Brigadier-General Hazen, Colonel Stanley, Eighteenth Ohio volunteers, who had the superintendence of the boats, and was zealous in his duty, and to Captain Fox, First Michigan engineers, all credit is due for their zeal, coolness, and intelligence. Captain Dresser, Fourth artillery, and Captain P. E. F. West, U. S. Coast Survey, rendered every service on my staff. Lieutenants Klokke, Fuller, Hopkins, and Bent of the Signal corps, were zealous in the discharge of their duties, and soon succeeded in establishing a line of communication from the south side of the river. I inclose the reports of the various commanders. Respectfully submitted. W. F. Smith, Brigadier-General O. E., Commanding Expedition.
king prisoners at every charge. To Captain Rabb, Chief of Artillery, and Lieutenant Whicker, Rabb's battery, and Johnson's section of howitzers, I am under obligations for services which mark them as true soldiers. Lieutenant Baubie, Quartermaster of the Eighth Missouri State militia, acted as Chief Quartermaster of the expedition, and gave unqualified satisfaction. Lieutenant Sell, Commissary of the same regiment, acted as Chief Commissary, acquitting himself with great credit. Captain Hopkins, First Arkansas cavalry, joined me at Clarksville with thirty-four men. I had sent him from Buffalo on the thirteenth toward Duroc, to observe the enemy and report his motions. While on this duty, he ran on to the enemy in force, killing six, and losing but two of his own men. The day after he joined me, he attacked a party belonging to Brooks, of one hundred and fifty strong, and drove them back upon a detachment of the Third Wisconsin cavalry, that had been sent from Van Buren in pur
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 20: events West of the Mississippi and in Middle Tennessee. (search)
here Colonel Wier, with a heavy force, The Tenth and Thirteenth, and a part of the Second and Eleventh Kansas and Twentieth Iowa. charged upon them. Then ensued a musketry fight for three hours, the National artillery doing admirable service at the same time. Lieutenant Tenney, with six 10-pounder Parrotts, unsupported, repelled a heavy infantry attack, during which the Confederate General Stein, of Missouri, fell. At about the same time an attempt to capture the batteries of Rabb and Hopkins was repelled, to the great hurt of the assailants. Night ended the conflict, and the Nationals slept on their arms on the battle-field, expecting to renew the struggle in the morning. But the Confederates had no desire for more fighting, and retreated under cover of the darkness. Before the dawn, Hindman asked for a personal conference with Blunt concerning the burial of the dead. It was granted, but proved to be only a trick to keep back a pursuit of his flying army, which, as Blunt so
marched for Palmetto, on the Atlanta and West Point Railroad, and on the 20th took position on the left of the Army, between the railroad and the Chattahoochee, where we remained undisturbed until the 29th, when we crossed the river at Pumpkin Town, near Cross Anchor. It is due them to express my high appreciation of the conduct and services of the several members of my staff, namely, Lieutenant Colonel F. F. Sevier, assistant inspector general, and his assistants, Lieutenants Cohal and Hopkins, and private Williams, of the New Orleans Light Horse; Major Douglas West and Captain W. D. Gale, of adjutant general's department; Major Foster, Captain Porter, Lieutenant De Saullet and McFall, of the engineers; Lieutenants Ridley and Stewart, aids; Captain Vanderford, ordnance officer; Major Mason, quarter master, and Major Murphy, chief of staff. To Captain Greenleaf and his company, the Orleans Light Horse, I acknowledge my obligations for valuable services. Very respectfully, Colo
ith equal energy by the contending hosts. Meantime, our batteries were advanced at various points and served with rare efficiency; Lieut. Tenney, with six 10-pound Parrotts, repelling with shell and canister, while unsupported, a formidable infantry attack. Here fell the Rebel Gen. Stein, of Missouri. A battery of 10 guns, well supported, opening upon Tenney, he in ten minutes silenced its clamor, dismounting two of the guns, and driving off the residue. An attempt to capture Rabb's and Hopkins's batteries, which were supported by the 11th Kansas, Lt.-Col. Moonlight, was defeated with fearful slaughter. As darkness came on, the firing gradually slackened and ceased; the Rebels recoiling into their woody covert, our soldiers sleeping on their arms in the open field where they had so bravely struggled, expecting to renew the combat at daylight. Meanwhile, our wounded were all cared for, the trains of the whole army sent to Fayetteville; and Gen. Salomon's brigade, relieved from
t that place, from May 8th to May 21st, its casualties amounted to 16 killed, 65 wounded, and so missing. In July the regiment was placed in the Third Brigade, Russell's (1st) Division, Colonel Edwards being placed in command of the brigade. At the battle of the Opequon the regiment lost 12 killed, and 79 wounded out of 296 men present in that action, and captured a stand of colors from Stonewall Jackson's old regiment. At Sailor's Creek the Thirty-seventh was commanded by Captain Arch. Hopkins, and encountered there some of the closest hand-to-hand fighting of the war. The regiment was one of the first to enter Petersburg, the surrender of the city being made to Colonel Edwards by the Mayor and Aldermen, Colonel Edwards being in command of the Sixth Corps skirmish-line. Fifty-Sixth Massachusetts Infantry.--First Veteran. Carruth's Brigade — Stevenson's Division--Ninth Corps. (1) Col. Charles E. Griswold (Killed). (2) Col. Stephen M. Weld, Jr.; Bvt. Brig. Gen. c<
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