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chment of forty-seven men, to hold the upper part of it. This evening he was reinforced with one hundred men, and the whole were placed under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Jackson, of the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth New-York volunteers. A sunken battery was made to-day on the bank of the river, near Jones's position, and was oc I had now two regiments of Jones's brigade, the Seventy-third Pennsylvania and One Hundred and Thirty-fourth New-York volunteers, both under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Jackson, encamped on Hutchinson's Island, and so intrenched as to hold the upper part of it against any force the enemy might bring. At high-tide, daily, the e to a train sent into the country from corps headquarters. They returned same night. December 15.--Received orders to relieve Colonel Carman's brigade, of General Jackson's division. December 16.--Colonel Dustin, commanding Second brigade, relieved Colonel Carman, on left of Louisville road, at daybreak. The line very long
routing the enemy and securing the trophies of the chase. After a short halt, we moved forward, passing Bear Creek Station. We left the railroad to our right, and for several days traversed the country in the neighborhood of Griffin, Forsythe, Jackson, Planters' Factory, and Clinton. On the twentieth, we moved toward Macon, (from Clinton.) Late in the evening we participated in a demonstration on Macon, which resulted in driving the enemy and destroying a portion of the Savannah Railroad. Ah I am willing that a misconstruction of orders should be their shield. However, I feel constrained to bear testimony to the good conduct and gallantry of Adjutant Mitchell, and Lieutenants Jones, Baker, and Bryan; also to the gallantry of Sergeants Jackson, of company B, and Holland, of company H, and private Pierce, of company A, who, when surrounded by rebels, refused to surrender, but fought his way out like a man. To my battalion commanders, Major C. T. Cheek and Captain John A. P. Glo
ninety men, Major Fisher commanding; seven companies Eighteenth Wisconsin infantry, one hundred and fifty men, Lieutenant-Colonel Jackson commanding; Twelfth Wisconsin battery, six guns, Lieutenant Amsdon commanding — furnishing a force of eight hununs, Major Fisher commanding; seven companies of the Eighteenth Wisconsin infantry, one hundred and fifty guns, Lieutenant-Colonel Jackson commanding; the Fourth Minnesota infantry, four hundred and fifty guns, Major J. C. Edson commanding; the Twelfh, the rebels charged upon my picket-lines, and drove the out-posts back upon the reserves. I immediately sent Lieutenant-Colonel Jackson, Eighteenth Wisconsin infantry, to deploy his command and hold the rebels, approaching on the Acworth and Dallawest side of railroad against rebels charging on them from the north and north-west. About half-past 10 A. M., Lieutenant-Colonel Jackson brought four companies of his regiment, Eighteenth Wisconsin, to the assistance of the Fourth Minnesota infantr
s doctrine. It was impossible not to see the purpose of this, Governor Jackson being of known secession tendencies, and the whole militia of was started from St. Louis with the avowed purpose of seizing Governor Jackson at Jefferson City. I omitted to mention at the proper time,interview with me, until he had first obtained the sanction of Governor Jackson; and further, that he had obtained from Governor Jackson his pGovernor Jackson his personal pledge that he, Governor Jackson, would give no order to the militia, and would make no attempt at a movement in the State, without hiGovernor Jackson, would give no order to the militia, and would make no attempt at a movement in the State, without his approbation. General Price even stated that he had obtained this pledge in writing, giving as a reason — not particularly respectful to GovGovernor Jackson--that he had held his character for fidelity in suspicion; and as this was generally known at the time, Governor Jackson's acquiGovernor Jackson's acquiescence in General Price's demands was attributed to his having come under a wholesome apprehension for his own personal safety, in view of th
rly as possible, as prescribed in the order. Jackson, with whom D. H. Hill had united, bore to the the Williamsburgh road, to attack its rear. Jackson was directed to cross at Grapevine Bridge and the engagement; but Huger not coming up, and Jackson having been unable to force the passage of Whrtermaster's stores fell into our hands. General Jackson left Ewell's division, with the Fifth Virllery upon a commanding position, between General Jackson and Longstreet, by order of the latter, antaing their position in line, acted with General Jackson's command. The obscurity of night and e it as far as possible from its base. General Jackson marched very rapidly, and, crossing the Passes of the mountains as he progressed. General Jackson's corps was ordered to take position on t large force moving in line of battle against Jackson. Dense masses appeared in front of A. P. Hilfront and left. General Stuart will keep General Jackson informed of the movements of the enemy on[82 more...]
very respectfully, your obedient servant, T. J. Jackson, Lieutenant-General. General Ewell's red by General Taylor, had been sent by Major-General Jackson, under cover of the wood, to attack th the point indicated at that hour. I met General Jackson shortly thereafter, who ordered me to movy in front reported the enemy's pickets. General Jackson being near, I referred the officer to him of the line, at the same time sending to General Jackson for reenforcements, being greatly outnumbthe whole distance through it. I found Major-General Jackson on the hill, in person, directing the rigade. The casualties have been sent to General Jackson, from whom you can obtain them. I do notend to them.) Having received orders from General Jackson to move back within my regiment to Port Rghth regiment was ordered to report to Major-General Jackson at Port Republic. On reaching this po mile distant. Under the direction of Major-General Jackson, in person, this gun was placed in pos[22 more...]
pursuit was resumed and the command of Major-General Jackson moved forward, but by a different roadt halts, until near three, when an aid of General Jackson directed me to form in line of battle to To the four divisions of Generals Longstreet, Jackson, A. P. Hill, and myself, was intrusted the taliamsburg road, on my right flank, and Major-General Jackson's division, which, he stated, had crosajor Taylor, came up and informed me that General Jackson had orders to cooperate with me, and thatenemy, I desired, after the junction with General Jackson's forces, to continue my direct movement roneous report with regard to a change in General Jackson's movements just alluded to. 6. Genera a good lookout on my left. I had hoped that Jackson would have cooperated with me on my left, butNot having received any intelligence from General Jackson, and General Lee's written orders to me bon arrived at a church, where we met with General Jackson's command, or a portion of it. We remaine[109 more...]
ining ours at this point. I sent word to General Jackson that the trains were delaying the march oossed the river, I received an order from General Jackson to go back to Orange Court-House and encaupon the enemy in force. By direction of General Jackson, Pegram occupied a little knoll upon the s battery, of my brigade, was directed by General Jackson to open with shell and canister, whilst Iefield. On arriving near the point where General Jackson's division was already engaged, I proceedin doubt what direction I should take, Major-General Jackson came up, and, by his order, I changed than an hour, Captain A. S. Pendleton, of General Jackson's staff, came to me and informed me that General Jackson had ordered an advance; that General Trimble would advance on the right, over the ser of the hill very near to me, I sent to General Jackson for a brigade to support my right, which -General Hill, who came where I was, that General Jackson's order was to advance in pursuit of the [16 more...]
ute our farther passage. By direction of General Jackson, I sent forward the brigades of Branch ang been mortally wounded. By direction of General Jackson, I granted General White the most liberalcable. All this was promptly reported to General Jackson, who supplied me with two pieces of artilafternoon of this day, to the vicinity of General Jackson, at Sudley. The night of Friday, Augusigade came on the ground, by direction of General Jackson, to give support to General Stuart. His time thereafter, I received an order from General Jackson to move, with my own and Hays's brigade, General Lawton had been wounded, and that General Jackson had sent for me to carry my brigade back o wait for the reenforcements promised by General Jackson, hoping that they would arrive in time toto the extreme left, to the support of Major-General Jackson. Hastening forward as rapidly as poss 4 P. M., I think, I received orders from General Jackson to move up the whole artillery force, whi[145 more...]