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Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 1: explanation of the title-scheme of the work. (search)
ate service, Lee was not at first assigned to particular command, but remained at Richmond as Military Adviser to the President. In that position, as also in his assignment, somewhat later, to the conduct, under the advice of the President, of the operations of all the armies of the Confederate States, he of course had more or less supervision and control of the armies in Virginia. Such continued to be Lee's position and duties, and his relations to the troops in Virginia, until General Joseph E. Johnston, commanding the army defending Richmond, was struck down at Seven Pines, or Fair Oaks, June 1st, 1862, when President Davis appointed Lee to succeed him in command of that army. From this brief review it appears clearly that the men who, after June 1st, 1862, followed Lee's banner and were under his immediate command were, even before that time and from the very outset, in a large and true sense his soldiers and under his control; so that, while strictly speaking no soldier fol
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 8: Seven Pines and the Seven Days battles (search)
Chapter 8: Seven Pines and the Seven Days battles Joseph E. Johnston the change of commanders Lee's plan of the Seven Days battles Rainsford the pursuit playing at lost Ball little Mac's lost the Thrigger Early dawn on a battle-field Lee and Jackson. I turn back a moment to the mud and the march up the Perally I have no doubt that, after the Seven Days battles, Seven Pines seemed to measure up to its chief significance as the fight which resulted in removing Joseph E. Johnston from the command of the main army of the Confederacy and putting Robert E. Lee in his place; and I think likely it did so present itself to me at the time-iebruary, 1865-Lee was made practical dictator and commander-in-chief of all the armies of the Confederacy, his very first act as such was the restoration of Joseph E. Johnston to the command of the army from which he had been removed when Hood was put in his place. As to the actual fighting at Seven Pines, we took part in it,
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 21: Cold Harbor of 1864. (search)
ms and laid him gently down. The home letters tumbled out of the full haversack and were dabbled with the blood of the postman; his brothers knelt about him, in a silent grief awful to look upon, and heavy-hearted comrades gathered up each his blood-stained package and gazed vacantly at it. During the great gathering of Confederate soldiers at the dedication of the Lee Monument, in Richmond, I told this story of his Cold Harbor lines and his old brigade to General Kershaw, when Gen. Joseph E. Johnston happened to be sitting near. It was too much for General Johnston. Tears started to his eyes and he reproved me sharply for telling a story that had in it only dead, unrelieved pain. He added that he must take the taste of that thing out of our mouths as quickly as possible; and, as sharpshooting seemed to be the theme, he would repeat to us a practical lecture on that subject which he once heard delivered by an expert to a novice. He said it was during the Atlanta campaign t
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 22: from Cold Harbor to evacuation of Richmond and Petersburg (search)
of Savannah, of Charleston, of Wilmington-all these and other defeats, losses, and calamities had left to the Confederacy little save its Capital and the narrow strips of country bordering on the three railroads that fed it. Of course I was-we all were-thoroughly aware of this, and yet, though it may be difficult now to realize it, we did not even approximate the failure of heart or of hope. One of our dreams was that Lee, having the inner line, might draw away from Grant, concentrate with Johnston, and crush Sherman, and then, turning, the two might crush Grant. Yet we relied not so much on any special plans or hopes, but rather upon the inherently imperishable cause, the inherently unconquerable man. Fresh disaster each day did not affect our confidence. We were quite ready to admit, indeed we had already contemplated and discounted anything and everything this side of the ultimate disaster; but that-never! This was emphatically my position. I well remember that after the ev
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Index. (search)
Irishmen, 160, 212-14, 229-30. Iuka, Miss., 117 Jackson, Mary Anna Morrison (Mrs. Thomas J.), 160-61. Jackson, Thomas Jonathan: description of and anecdotes concerning, 97-101, 105-106, 121-24, 159-62, 190, 351, 362; mentioned, 18, 21-22, 65-66, 72, 74, 89, 92-93, 110, 132, 164-65, 168-70, 181-82, 188-89, 191, 201, 205, 208, 245-46, 304, 367; at Second Manassas, 122-24. Johnson, Edward: described, 218; mentioned, 215-16. Johnson's Island, Ohio, 120, 147, 220, 352-54. Johnston, Joseph Eggleston, 18, 88-91, 300-301, 317 Jones, Hilary Pollard, 185, 193, 196, 213, 219 Kathleen Mavourneen, 49 Kean, William C., Jr., 45-46, 145-51, 229, 241-42, 258, 305, 316, 351 Keitt, Lawrence Massillon, 26-27, 273-74. Kershaw, Joseph Brevard, 270, 273-78, 280-83, 286-87, 294, 299-300, 339 Killing of prisoners, 80-81. Kilpatrick, Hugh Judson, 237 King William Artillery (Va.), 91 Kingsley, Charles, 92 Lane, James Henry, 134 Latimer's Artillery Battalion, 217-18. La