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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 46 6 Browse Search
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson 44 6 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 34 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 24 2 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 22 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 22 2 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 20 4 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 20 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 18 14 Browse Search
John Bell Hood., Advance and Retreat: Personal Experiences in the United States and Confederate Armies 13 3 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Letter from General J. E. Johnston. (search)
erve artillery 1,000, June 1st. G. W. Smith's division of five brigades amounted to near 13,000 June 1st; only two of these brigades, guessed by the author to number 5,300, are mentioned, under Whiting, as belonging to Jackson's command. Jackson's and Ewell's divisions are set down at 9,000. General Ewell, with whom I had repeated conversations on the subject, told me that he had in his 8,000 men. General Jackson had a brigade more, and at the first of the year amounted to 10,200. General Lawton had about 3,500 men at Cold Harbor, but (he still says) brought 6,000 into the army, many being left behind in Jackson's march — as rapid as usual — and they unaccustomed to marching, having served only in garrison. General Ripley's troops are also omitted. He reported to the Adjutant-General of the army, the afternoon of May 31st, his arrival in Richmond with 5,000 men to join it. The author gives our loss at Seven Pines, on the Williamsburg road, at above 4,800. General Longstre
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Seacoast defences of South Carolina and Georgia. (search)
ng rapidly constructed. When the new year of 1862 opened, there was a greater feeling of security among the people of South Carolina and Georgia than had been felt for several months. The information received from every quarter led to the belief that the Federal Government was making preparations for a powerful attack upon either Charleston or Savannah. In anticipation of this attack, every effort was made to strengthen these places. General Ripley, who commanded at Charleston, and General Lawton, the commander at Savannah, ably seconded General Lee in the execution of his plans, while Generals Evans, Drayton and Mercer assisted him at other points. The Ordnance Department, under the direction of its energetic chief, Colonel Gorgas, filled with wonderful promptitude the various demands made upon it. This greatly facilitated the completion of the defences. The Federal troops on Beaufort island were inactive during the months of December, January and February, and the fleet was
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Strength of General Lee's army in the Seven days battles around Richmond. (search)
ught the first brigade, five thousand men. General Lawton told me that his was six thousand; Generalrps. The Narrative puts the force under General Lawton at six thousand men, but before the histor the first volume, where he will find that General Lawton gives the force which he carried into the Among those troops was Lawton's brigade. Now Lawton did not come directly to Richmond from the Souhe offensive in the Valley. For this purpose, Lawton was sent from Burkeville, by way of Lynchburg,returns, that the troops of Holmes, Ripley and Lawton, amounted to but 11,866 men. This is not evideell's of 3 brigades, Whiting's 2 brigades, and Lawton's brigade — the twelve brigades added after Se Holmes (9,296), Ripley's brigade (2,366), and Lawton's (3,500)--in all 15,162, instead of the 37,00for A. P. Hill's strength 12,628--say 13,000. Lawton's brigade was 3,500. Whiting's strength is noeturns, that the troops of Holmes, Ripley, and Lawton, amounted to but 11,866 men. This is not evide[14 more...]
sed to our accurate fire. From the best sources of information, I learn that our killed and wounded amounted to eight thousand, exclusive of a few prisoners; one thousand of our wounded were left behind, and a convention entered into for the burial of the dead. It has been stated by Northern journals that we lost thirty thousand in all, but this is pure fiction. Among our losses in this engagement were General Stark and Brigadier-General Branch killed; Brigadier-Generals Anderson, Wright, Lawton, Armsted, Ripley, Ransom, and Jones, wounded. I learn that during the thirty hours, or more, which intervened between the engagement and our retreat, little was left upon the battle-field in cannon or arms, but every thing worth attention was carried off. Although the enemy claim to have captured thousands of arms and dozens of cannon, I need not add that this, for the most part, was all imagination. McClellan's loss has been placed at twelve thousand killed, wounded, and missing; and I
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 14: the Richmond campaign. (search)
nsisting of the brigades of Whiting, Hood, and Lawton, which made an aggregate of seven thousand men. There is General Whiting, General Hood, General Lawton, and General I-don't-know-who. I never saching Gordonsville, whither the brigade of General Lawton had gone by railroad, he was arrested for t him. and sent orders to Generals Whiting and Lawton, and to the Brigadiers of his own original divs exhausted, welcome succors arrived under General Lawton. One cause of delay in the arrival of of Jackson, had marched the Georgia brigade of Lawton, nearly four thousand strong. The time had noth enthusiasm and shouted; Huzza for Georgia! Lawton, receiving directions from him, pressed forwarttle, they filled the space between Ewell and Lawton, thus being the third division, counting from of the division of Ewell, and the brigades of Lawton, Winder and Cunningham. These dispositions worced him, by sending the brigades of Trimble, Lawton, Winder and Cunningham; but the difficulties
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 16: second Manassa's. (search)
ier White-Sulphur; while to his right, a mile below, stretched a forest which clothed the ridge overlooking the river on that side. He sent the 13th Georgia from Lawton's brigade across, to occupy the Springs; while Early's brigade, supported by two batteries, was passed over on a ruinous mill-dam a mile below, and occupied the wth to mingle its waters with the Rappahannock. He urged forward, meantime, the construction of a temporary bridge; and, in the afternoon, passed the remainder of Lawton's brigade to the support of Early. But the freshet which had protected his right was now receding. into its banks, and the whole army of Pope was manifestly at masses that they were hurled back before this murderous fire, and the lines re-established. The brigade of Hays from the division of Ewell, now commanded by General Lawton, was first brought to the support of Gregg. The struggle raged until the cartridges of the infantry were in many places exhausted. When Hill sent to the ga
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 17: the campaign in Maryland. (search)
otomac. The division of Ewell, under Brigadier-General Lawton, marched upon the Charlestown turnpikr scourged their right with a resistless fire; Lawton advanced to the attack with artillery and infaer the command of Brigadier-Generals Jones and Lawton, and, after granting his men a few hours' repo, from the division of Ewell (now commanded by Lawton), that they might have a much needed respite dready been described in part. The brigades of Lawton and Trimble were between the Hagerstown road a recalled from this movement to the support of Lawton's brigade, leaving Early to guard the batteriealled from the second line into the first. General Lawton, commanding the division, was severely woueturn to the front and relieve the division of Lawton, and recalled Early with his brigade, to assume river, supported by the shattered remnant of Lawton's brigade, to guard it against the passage of , that of Early, (who was now the successor of Lawton,) and that of D. H. Hill, (which had the day b[1 more...]
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 18: Fredericksburg. (search)
raged in a confused manner within the woods, and the fragments of the line of Hill and of his enemies were mixed in inextricable confusion. It was at this critical moment that General Jackson ordered up his second line. But the Generals commanding it, anticipating his wishes with intelligent zeal, were about to rush into the wavering conflict, when they received his instructions. General Early, whose division covered all the right of A. P. Hill's broken line, threw the Georgia brigade of Lawton, commanded by Colonel Atkinson, directly forward; and then moved the brigade of Walker by its left flank, at a double-quick, until it covered the yawning chasm upon Atkinson's left. The two now dashed for ward upon the confused masses of the enemy, with such a yell as only the Confederate soldiers know how to give. Walker connected his left with the right of Thomas, of Hill's division, who was still showing an unbroken front; and the three brigades swept the intruders in a moment from the
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 7: Atlantic coast defenses.-assigned to duty in Richmond as commander in chief under the direction of the Southern President. (search)
that his enemy could surmount the difficulties they presented. These cities were the cherished objective points of the administration at Washington, and large numbers of soldiers and sailors were at various times during the war employed to secure their capture. Their safety for so long a period from impending dangers upon every side was due to the military skill of Lee, as well as to the efforts of the accomplished officers who were in immediate command-General Ripley at Charleston and General Lawton at Savannah. Well might a prophetic tongue utter at this period that the time would come when Lee's superior abilities would be vindicated, both to his own renown and the glory of his country. On February 8, 1862, he writes his wife from Savannah: I wrote you the day I left Coosawhatchie. I have been here ever since endeavoring to push forward the works for the defense of the city. Guns are scarce as well as ammunition. I shall have to bring up batteries from the coast, I fear, to
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 8: commands the army defending Richmond, and seven days battles. (search)
practicability of reenforcing you has been the subject of earnest consideration. It has been determined to do so at the expense of weakening this army. Brigadier-General Lawton, with six regiments from Georgia, is on the way to you, and Brigadier-General Whiting, with eight veteran regiments, leaves here to-day. The object is tve your unavailable troops to watch the country and guard the passes covered by your cavalry and artillery and with your main body, including Ewell's division and Lawton's and Whiting's command, move rapidly to Ashland by rail or otherwise, as you may find most advantageous, and sweep down between the Chickahominy and Pamunkey, cuim with a picket line while he reported at Richmond with the greater part of his effective forces. Lee wished the first information of the arrival of Whiting and Lawton to Jackson to be given to his enemy by a victory in the Valley. On this day, too, he published Special Orders No. 130, Headquarters, Northern Virginia, June 11,
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